Chapter 10

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You yawned, scrunching up your nose. You didn't want to get out of bed, it was the weekend. You couldn't help but open your eyes just a bit though, since you heard chuckling and snickering around you. You opened your eyes even more, and your expression turned into one of confusion as you saw five people all bunched together on the side of your bed. It was Narancia, Mista, Abbacchio, Fugo, and Giorno, and they were all smiling, even Abbacchio. "What.. What time is it?" you asked groggily, rubbing your eye with your hand. "It's time for you to stop sleeping with our Capo," Abbacchio said, returning to his normal demeanor. 

Mista nudged him a bit when he mentioned the word 'Capo,' but you were just confused on his question alone. "What do you mean?" you questioned, now sitting up in your bed. "Look over there," Narancia stated, seemingly trying to hold in a laugh as he pointed to the other side of your bed. With a confused expression, you turned to see a sleeping Bruno, still in his day clothes, on your bed. Your face went bright red as you quickly turned back to everyone else, who was smirking smugly, except for Abbacchio (from now on, just expect Abbacchio to be his... normal self during everything). You waved your hands in front of you. "I-it's not what it looks like! I-I swear!" you exclaimed, trying your best to get them to believe you.

Mista scoffed, still smirking. Suddenly, you heard a creak in the bed, and a yawn come from behind you. "Oh dear, I must have fallen asleep on accident," you heard Bruno say from behind. You slowly turned to face him, and he smiled as he saw you, probably nor acknowledging anyone else yet. It was until Giorno fake coughed that he noticed everyone else's presences. "Oh, hello everyone. What are you doing in here?" he said quizzically. "Narancia came to wake up (Y/n), but then he called us all into here, and we saw the two of you... how should I say this," Fugo started, scratching his chin, "Sleeping together." Bruno's face remained stoic as he realized why you were blushing so much. "Oh no, we weren't sleeping together, in that way at least. I just fell asleep on accident, that's all," Bruno said.

"How could you fall asleep in here on accident?" Narancia questioned. "Well, she fell asleep, then I started to get tired, next thing I know, i'm asleep," Bruno explained, holding up one finger as he did so. Everyone nodded to show that they understood, and you sighed in relief. "Are you sure?" Abbacchio asked, eyeing you. You looked away, still embarrassed. "I'm sure," Bruno responded. "Okay then, I guess we'll be going now," Abbacchio stated, leaving the room, the others following behind, leaving you and Bruno alone. "Sorry about them (Y/n). They can be like that sometimes," Bruno said, sighing. "I-it's okay! Really!" you exclaimed, reassuring him that you were fine.

There was an awkward silence between the two of you. You didn't know what to say, or do, so you just sat there. "(Y/n)... Can I, ask you something?" Bruno questioned, looking you in the eyes. You nodded. "If you don't mind me asking, why were you kicked out of your house? I heard that Ava person talking about it the other day, and, I've just been wondering ever since..," he stated, keeping eye contact with you. Sadness and anger suddenly washed over you, and you sighed as you looked at the ground. "Let's just say that it was her fault," you responded, really not wanting to go into detail. He nodded, and moved a bit closer to you, causing you to look up so you could see what he was doing. 

He intertwined his fingers with yours, and looked you in the eyes once again. "(Y/n), I don't understand..," Bruno said, placing his free hand on your cheek. You didn't blush, instead, you gave him a look of confusion. "What don't you understand?" you asked. "I don't understand why anyone, especially your parents, wouldn't want someone like you in their life." Now you were blushing, in fact, you couldn't calm down. Your heart was beating very fast, and and you were also starting to breathe heavily. "W-w-what do you m-mean?" you asked, wide eyed. "What i'm trying to say, (Y/n)..," he started, moving closer to you, until your faces were inches apart, "Is that I think I like you, if you know what I mean by that."

You did know what he meant, and you were surprised. That feeling from before, the one you were feeling yesterday, was coming back. 'Is this what it feels like to be in love?' you thought to yourself. He released his hand from yours and placed it on your face along with his other hand. "Can I... Can I kiss you..?" he asked, almost desperately. You did nothing for a moment before nodding your head slowly and hesitantly. Bruno brought his face closer to yours, and he- *BAM* (WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK ). Someone had burst open the door to your bedroom, causing you and Bruno to return to a normal position as quickly as possible. "Oh, uh, did I.. interrupt something?" the person asked. It was Mista, and he had his hand on the doorknob, ready to leave.

Bruno looked at you before turning his attention back to Mista. He sighed, "No, you didn't, it's okay," he stated almost blandly, a tone you haven't ever heard coming from Bruno, and one that you never thought you would ever hear. Mista chuckled nervously before speaking again. "Well, everyone wants to know what we're having for lunch..," Mista said, realizing that he should've come in later. Bruno sighed again almost angrily before saying anything. "I haven't prepared anything, but I can make sandwiches," he responded. Mista nodded, and shut the door before heading back down the stairs. Bruno turned to face you, placing both of your hands in his. 

"I'm sorry abut that, (Y/n). Maybe, we can talk about this later," he told you, getting up from your bed. You said nothing as he gave you a soft smile before leaving your room, shutting the door behind him.

(Hi! Sorry for that pretty boring start to the chapter. And yes, I know that now I am basically stalling, giving you your own Stand wise.. I just don't know what to do about that yet. I wanna try to make something that everyone'll like, which is difficult 😩. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

Complications: A Bruno Bucciarati x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now