Chapter 6

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The two of you arrived, and you instantly regretted going. 'Why didn't I just come by myself?!' you thought. Bruno could tell that you didn't want him to see where you lived, so he put a hand on your shoulder. "(Y/n), it's okay. I'm not going to judge I promise," Bruno said. You nodded shyly, and the two of you walked into the building. You saw that the old lady from before was still at her usual desk, and she raised an eyebrow as she saw you. "New girl? What are you doing back here?" she asked. It was your turn to raise an eyebrow. "U-uh, I'm going to g-go get my things...," you said. "Oh, well, I wasn't expecting you to come back, so I gave your apartment away," the lady said. 

Your eyes went wide. "YOU WHAT?!" you exclaimed, putting your hands on your head. Bruno was also surprised by this, because you heard him gasp quietly. "Yeah, I gave your place away. You were gone for about three days. You left your stuff, so I thought you probably died or whatever," the lady said. "You didn't stop to think that maybe I was spending time with my.. f-family?!" you asked, pausing before you said the last part. Bruno looked at you quizzically as you stuttered on your last words, as if he should ever be surprised that you stutter at all, considering the time he's spent with you. The old lady sighed.

"Don't worry. I didn't leave your stuff in there," she said. "I just took it out of the room, that's all." You were close to glaring at her. "W-where is my stuff?" you asked her. She sighed. "Here, come around to the back, and i'll get you your stuff," she said, walking into the back area behind her desk. You and Bruno quickly followed her. "W-where is it?" you asked. "Chill out. It's over here," she said, leading you over to a corner of the room. In that corner were your bags, and you sighed a sigh of relief as you saw that they were okay. "T-thank you for holding onto my bags.. I g-guess," you said. 

"No problem, I guess," she said, basically imitating you on the last part. "Alright then, I guess we'll be going," Bruno said, putting a hand on your back, leading you out of the room. As you were about to walk out of the back room, some things fell out of your suitcase. "O-oh no!" you said, bending down to pick everything up. Bruno helped you, and soon you had gotten everything back in your bag. You were about to start leaving, but then you noticed that something was off. Something in your bag was missing. "H-hold on," you said, laying your suitcase on the ground, and unzipping it. "Is something wrong, (Y/n)?" Bruno asked, looking at you. 

"Y-yeah.. I just, need to check s-something," you said. You rummaged around in your bag to make sure that everything was in your bag, and you weren't just being paranoid. You kept looking for a few minutes, until you finally found what was missing (get ready to be weirded out. You're ready? Okay good). Every pair of underwear you had packed in there was gone, and you had literally packed every pair you own. Your eyes went wide, and a blush spread across your face. Bruno noticed this, and got down on the ground with you. "(Y/n)? What's wrong? Are you okay?" he asked, putting a hand on your shoulder. A look of what was the closest thing to digust washed over your face, and once again, Bruno noticed this. "(Y/n)....?" he asked.

"H-hey Bruno.. W-would you mind leaving for a minute..?" you asked. He raised an eyebrow. "Uh.. Sure, just call me if you need help," he said, getting up and walking out of the room, closing the door behind him. You got up from the ground, and looked at the lady, the same look from before still on your face. "W-where's...," you started. "Where's what?" she asked. You gulped. 'This is going to embarrassing,' you thought to yourself. "Where's my um... Where's all my u-underw-wear..?" you asked shyly. The woman raised an eyebrow. "Your underwear?" she said, repeating your question. "Oh, I took it," she said flatly. 

Your eyes went wide again. "W-WHAT?!" you exclaimed, probably loud enough for Bruno to hear through the door. "Yeah, I took it. But don't worry, it's for a good reason," she said. You were starting to lose it with this woman. You had started to get more angry than you usually ever have. "What kind of good fucking reason do you have to take my things?! Especially that?!" you asked, getting closer to her. She seemed un-phased though. "I have a couple of guys that I've been wanting to impress lately, so I took them to wear, y'know, just in case," she said, smirking almost proudly. This time, your expression had turned into one of just straight up disgust.

"That's disgusting! Who in god's name take's other's things without asking, to do.. those kinds of things?!" you exclaimed, throwing your arms up in the air. "Well, it's too late. I've already made plans with these guys, and there coming over today!" she said, "In fact, i'm pretty sure that they're all waiting for me in your old room!" she exclaimed. Your eyes went wide. "What?! Why the hell would you put them in my old room?!" you asked. "Why else do you think I gave away your room? Every other room is taken!" she said. "Plus, all your undies are up there. I wouldn't go in there if I were you, who knows what you might walk in on?!" she said (ngl, i'm starting to feel like Araki, y'know, writing such bizarre things...). 

"I can't go to the store.. I don't have enough money! I spent it all trying to get that apartment!" you exclaimed. The lady laughed. "You really are poor, huh? I bet you wouldn't even be able to buy five robux with your kind of money!" she said, laughing. "Don't you dare compare me to those stupid kids who like that game!" you said (no offense to my roblox players out there). "I'm going to go get my stuff! I don't care what I walk in on anymore!" you said, rushing to get out of the room. "Uwah- Hey! STOP!" the lady yelled chasing after you. You quickly ran out of the room, shutting the door behind you and blocking it. 

Bruno looked at you with his eyes wide. "What happened?!" he asked. "No time to explain. Bruno, we have to get to my room!" you said. He nodded and the two of you ran out of the room, and into the elevator. The old lady bust out of the door, and fell to the ground, buying you some more time. As soon as you got out of the elevator, the two of you made a run for your room. You quickly used your old key to unlock the door, but before you opened it, you looked at Bruno.

A blush came across your face. "B-Bruno.. We might have to cover our eyes," you said. He looked at you with confusion on his face. "What do you mean?" he asked. "Well, that lady stole something of mine for... 'reasons', and she said that there are some guys in there.. y'know...," you trailed off. "Hmm. Oh.. OH..," he said in realization. "I see.. W-well, I guess we should be careful then," he said, slightly embarrassed. You slowly turned the knob, and opened the door slightly. "Edna? Is that you? We aren't prepared yet," a male voice said from inside.

You sighed in relief, knowing that you wouldn't be needing to cover your eyes after all. You opened the door almost all the way, and you went inside the room. You were met with the eyes of four confused men looking at you. "You'r not Edna... You're, you're younger than her..," someone said. "Ooh, did she invite another person? I love younger people so this'll be fun," another person said. You started to get worried, but then Bruno came up behind you. "Another person? This is a guy... And he also looks to be younger!" someone exclaimed. 

"I'm here to get my stuff... Nothing else," you said, more sternly than you expected to. "Are you sure? I mean, you could stay with us for a-" "No. We're getting her things, and leaving. Nothing else," Bruno said, cutting off the previous speaker. "Okay okay.. But what are you here to get?" someone asked. 'Shit.. Now I have to answer t h a t question,' you thought to yourself. Everyone looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to answer. You had no other choice, unless... "I don't have to tell you," you said. "Why not? We could get it for you, y'know~," someone said, slurring the last word. "M... My.. My underwear.. That's what I need to get," you said, your face turning red.

Bruno was also blushing as he looked at a wall. "Oh, those are yours? I didn't know," someone said. Another person walked over to a table, grabbing about seven to ten pairs of underwear and bringing them over to you. "Here, it's a good thing you came in here before Edna did, or else you wouldn't even want these back," the person said, handing you your underwear. "T-thank you," you said. "C-c'mon Bruno," you said, walking away from the room. "Right," he said, following you.

The two of you left the building, well, you left the building after you got all of your things, and getting past Edna. The rest of the walk home was both silent and awkward.

(Pucci, forgive me for writing this. I'm s o r r y. Well, uh, I hope you found at least s o m e enjoyment in this chapter! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

Complications: A Bruno Bucciarati x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now