Chapter 3

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As soon as the two of you walked into the building, you were both bombarded by the sounds of people yelling and whining. "Narancia! Six times twenty five is not- Ugh, I give up," someone said. "Why are there four pieces of cake?! There can't be four pieces! Someone get rid of one of them!" another person said. "Uh, guys, when's Bruno coming back," someone said, making both you and Bruno aware of the fact that no one else had acknowledged your presences. "Everyone.. Please, shut the hell up for once," another guy said, sounding very annoyed. 

Bruno cleared his throat loudly, and everyone else had immediately stopped what they were doing and looked at both you and Bruno. You could clearly tell that everyone had most of their attention on you though, since you were someone they've never seen before. Your face had turned red, and you looked down at the ground as you gave them a shy wave. The people had gone back to what they were doing, as if you weren't even there. "Sorry for yelling at you Narancia," an orange haired male had said. "It's okay Fugo," the person who you assumed was Narancia said. 

"There's still four pieces of cake! I will not take one of theses pieces until someone takes one before me!" the person with a weird looking hat said. You heard someone sigh before walking up to Mr.Weird Hat. "I'll take the first piece if it makes things better, Mista," a blonde haired male said to Mista. "Thanks Giorno, I knew I could always count on you," Mista said, his fit ceasing. "Finally! You're home Bruno! These people were driving me fucking crazy!" a guy with purple hair said. You looked at Bruno as he sighed. "First with Giorno and now you," he said, looking at you.

He cleared his throat again, and everyone stopped and looked at him. "Guys, please show some respect to our new guest," he said, motioning towards you. Everyone looked at you once again before smiling.. well everyone except the purple hair guy. Once again, everyone except Mr.Thanos, walked up to you. "Hi! I'm Narancia!" Narancia said, sticking out his hand for you to shake. You weakly shook his hand, but he still smiled at you. "Uh, i'm Mista," he said, also shaking your hand. "Hello! I'm Fugo," the orange haired male said, shaking your hand like everyone else had.  "And i'm Giorno," the blonde guy said, bringing your hand up to his mouth, an kissing it. You blushed even harder when he did this. 

"Oh, (Y/n), that's Abbacchio over there," Bruno said, pointing to the purple haired guy. "He's not very into people," he said. You nodded. "W-well, it's n-nice to meet a-all of you.. Uhm... I'm (Y-Y/n)," you said, giving everyone another shy wave. "Ooh! I like that name!" Narancia said, still smiling at you. "I'm sure everyone does," Giorno said. "T-thank you," you said, rubbing the back of your neck. "No problem!" Narancia said, putting his hands on his hips. "She was talking to all of us, nitwit," Fugo said, sighing. Narancia pouted, and you almost snickered, but held it back. 

"Well, now that you've become acquainted with each other, I guess i'll tell you why I've brought her here today," Bruno said, putting a hand on your shoulder. "Yeah, i'd kinda like to know why she's here..," Mista said, looking at you. "I brought her here because.. I't's kind of a funny story actually!" Bruno said, chuckling. You looked at the ground in embarrassment at the fact that he thought of the story as being funny. "Well? Get on with it!" Narancia said. Fugo hit him lightly in the back of the head. "Be patient, will you?" he asked. Narancia sighed, not saying another word. 

"I saw her at the store, and she was having trouble getting something that was on the to shelf.. I went to go get it for her, and I lost my balance. I used Sticky Fingers to help me, and.. She was able to see him," Bruno said, motioning towards you, who was still looking at the ground. "She can see Stands?!" Fugo and Giorno asked. "Ah yeah, I hate it when i'm not able to reach things on the top shelf," Mista said, showing that he knew how you felt. "Wait.. Bruno, why didn't you use your Stand to get the thingy in the first place? You could've at least pretended that you were grabbing it," Narancia said, putting a finger on his lips to show that he was confused.

Bruno's eyes widened slightly. "I.. uh.. I don't know. But hey, if I did that, then you wouldn;t have been able to meet fabulous little (Y/n)!" Bruno said, putting his arm around you. You got nervous at this contact. At this point, you were a complete mess. "(Y/n), are you alright?" Bruno asked looking at you. Everyone else was also looking at you with some sort of worry, except for Abbacchio, who was sitting at a table with some headphones on. "Y-yeah.. I think so at least," you said. "But your face is all red! You could be sick!" Fugo said, pointing at you. 

Mista nodded. "Maybe she should lay down," Giorno said to Bruno. Bruno nodded. "Here, come with me," Bruno said. "N-no! I'm fine! R-really!" you said, waving your hands in front of you, trying to tell everyone that you were okay, even though you didn't exactly fell mentally okay at the time. "You definitely don't look fine," Narancia said, eyeing you with worry. "Y-you guys don't h-have to do this! I can just go to bed at h-home!" you said, almost cringing at what you called your "home". "Stop being so nice about this and just go with Bruno dammit!" Mista said, putting his hand on his head. 

You stopped talking, and figured that the only way to get out of this, was to tell them everything that wasn't right about this. "Uhh, I don't.. have any clothes! I can't sleep in this!" you exclaimed, causing everyone to stop and think. "Darn, I never thought of that..," Narancia said, thinking about what to do. "You can just borrow some of my clothes (Y/n)," Bruno said, looking down at you. His soft smile made your muscles ease, and you finally gave in. "I guess I have no choice..," you said. "Good, now come with me," Bruno said, leading you to a staircase. You followed him up the stairs and into a room that you assumed was his.

He walked over to a drawer, pulled out some clothes, and gently handed them to you. "Here, they might be big on you, but they'll have to do," he said, giving you a tiny pat on the head. "Don't be afraid to call me if you need anything," he said, giving you another soft smile as he walked out of the room. He shut the door behind, and you saw that he had locked the door beforehand. You shakily took off your current clothes, and slipped into the ones that he had given you. You were currently wearing a black, short sleeved shirt and some grey sweatpants. Of course, they were both big on you. The shirt almost went down to your knees, and the pants were very baggy. You knew that you had to deal with it anyways.

You walked out of the room, and went down the stairs, where everyone was sitting on some couches. You could've sworn that you saw a tiny blush on Bruno's face as he saw you, but you just brushed it off. You continued to walk down the stairs in what you thought was an awkward silence, and when you got to the bottom, you just stood there. Luckily, Bruno saved you from any further embarrassment. "We were about to watch a movie. Do you want to watch with us?" he asked, patting a spot next to him, just in case you decided to watch with them. You nodded silently, walked over to the couch that Bruno was on, and sat down in the spot he had made for you.

Unluckily for you, Abbacchio was sitting on the opposite side of Bruno, and he glared at you when you sat down. You avoided eye contact with him, and heard him scoff, before looking back at the TV. "So (Y/n), do you like Star Wars?" Bruno asked. You nodded sheepishly. "Okay good, we were going to watch The Mandalorian," he said, pressing a button which turned the show on. Everyone except Abbacchio cheered when the show came on. "Yay! Baby Yoda time!" Narancia said, pumping a fist into the air. Soon, everyone had quieted down, and you all watched the show in silence. You would always smile every time you saw Baby Yoda, which wasn't surprising, because everyone else did too. You even thought you might have seen Abbacchio smirk at one scene in the show that had Baby Yoda trying to fly the Mandalorian's ship. 

And that was how your night had gone. You didn't expect it to end up like this, but you liked it. You slowly started to drift off into a nice sleep as the episodes went by. You fell asleep on what you thought was a pillow, but actually turned out to be Bruno's shoulder.

(Wry, ahhhha. Baby Yoda, the best of the best. I just h a d to include him. Aorry about the wait for this chapter though. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

Complications: A Bruno Bucciarati x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now