Chapter 23

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Plot twist, the plan did not go... well, it didn't go as planned. The ones who were in on the plan forgot what they were supposed to do, so Narancia just decided to be a big nuisance in order to keep you and Bruno there for a few extra minutes. Turns out that wasn't the best idea, because it just made you guys get out there quicker in order to save yourselves from embarrassment. Basically, in the end, Narancia had given up on his plan. He even started to see it as a stupid idea, to try to get proof that you and Bruno were in fact, 'dating.' Not all hope was lost though, for he had come up with a new plan. Narancia sighed, "It feels like we haven't done enough stuff today." No one else even knew about his plan, and some of you had already agreed with his statement. "Is there anything else we can do before we have to go back to the Boardwalk?" Narancia questioned eagerly.

"Well, I think there's something we haven't ridden today..," you told no one in particular. "Ooh, what is it?" Narancia hoped that it was going to be the answer he was expecting you to say. "Splash Mountain," you replied. The OrangeBoi smiled, partly because he was excited for the ride, and partly because his new plan was working. "Can we go? Can we go?" he pleaded. "I don't see why not, we have some time left anyway," Bruno nudged in. There were a few cheers of happiness, and one groan from Abbacchio, because he just wanted to sleep. "Well, I guess that means we're going! Off we go then!" Fugo announced, leading the way to Splash Mountain. Now, some people might be wondering: How does Narancia know that his plan will work? Well, Nara knows his Capo well enough to know what he'll be doing. "We're here!" Giorno exclaimed, interrupting everyone's conversations.

You gulped a bit as you saw people coming down the big drop, screaming as they came down. "That's pretty high up," you told yourself. "Hey, don't worry (Y/n), you can sit next to me if you want," Bruno reassured you, smiling softly. You sighed in somewhat relief, and nodded as you all started to walk up to the line. "Guys... Do we have a Fastpass?" Mista pointed to the very long line that almost went to where you were all standing right now. "I hope so," was all you said before everyone walked to the fast pass line. Giorno was the first one to scan his Fastpass, and for some reason, it worked. You narrowed your eyes a bit, and saw that he was actually using his stand to get himself through. He was nice enough to do that for the rest of you, and you all thanked him after. Mista decided to flex on everyone who was waiting in the normal line by saying, "Normies." You just rolled your eyes and chuckled at his dumb comment, which some people unfortunately heard. 

You all walked on the long pathway that led to the front of the lines, and finally got to the point where you actually had to wait. "Ah, I'm so excited!" Narancia yelled. "Me too!" Both you and Mista agreed with your other friend. You were all waiting in different rows, or sections. You and Bruno were in the row with a number one, meaning you'd both be in the first row. Mista and Narancia were in row two, Abbacchio (I fixed it) and Fugo were in row three, and Giorno was in row four with a random person. The raft that you'd all be going on had finally arrived, and you all got on, still eager for the ride to start. Whenever it did, the ride operator waved to you all, and of course, you waved back.

~Time for another one of my fun ride descriptions~

The ride started out as dimly lit as the raft traveled through, but it got better pretty quickly. Or well, you could see some light at the top of a slope. "Wha- Already?!" You could tell it was Narancia yelling in confusion. You put your hands in the handle bar, but didn't hold on too tightly, just in case it was a phony drop. Your raft stopped as the rafts ahead of you went by, until your finally began to move again. It turns out it was a phony drop, so you let go of the handle bars with relief. You smiled as you looked to your left to see all of your surroundings. It was honestly pretty cool. "Wait a second... aren't we gonna get soaked since we're in front?" You turned to Bruno as you asked this question. His eyes went wide with realization. "Well... I guess we'll have to find out," he replied. You nodded, and kept looking ahead.

You could hear screams coming from a certain direction, and you gulped. You could feel the usual warmth of Bruno's hand that you had learned to get used to, and your muscles eased. You were able to look to your right and see other people coming down the huge slope, and you started to regret that you even came on this ride in the first place. You felt a sudden tap on your shoulder. "How high up do you think it is?" Mista questioned, looking at the slope. You simply shrugged, you honestly had no idea. All you knew was that it was very high up. "Well, I think- Wait... Are you and Bruno hOlDiNg HaNdS?" Mista asked loudly. Your face turned red as you told him to shut up. You turned back around as to your raft was going up another slope. Your gripped Bruno's hand a bit tighter, not even realizing that Mista was lecturing you about how pre-marital hand holding is a sin.

"AH!" you screamed as water came pouring down on you and everyone else as another raft went down the huge slope. "We should've brought ponchos..," Bruno muttered, earning a laugh from you. Your raft went up the slope. 'Maybe this is just another fake,' you thought to yourself. You watched as the raft in front of you went down, and you started to think differently. 'Okay (Y/n), calm down km it's kind of like Everest... with water.' "Dammit, fooled again," you said to yourself. "How many of these things are there?" You all started to go down this sort of pathway that just had clothing, dirt, and trees. Nothing too special. You could see Bruno focused on the rafts coming down from the big slope, and you raised an eyebrow at this. You gasped as you saw the raft in front of you go down the first actual slope, so you unconsciously let go of Bruno's hand, and held onto the handle bars. 

'Wait... I don't need these,' you thought to yourself, letting go of the handle bars. You just raised your arms in the air, and screamed, "Wooh!" Finally, the raft went down the slope, and everyone was yelling, because they were probably getting the same 'tummy-tickling' feeling as you. The ride slowed down a bit, and both you and Bruno had even more water on yourselves (poor Bruno wearing white.... His abs are showing through his clothes). 

The ride kept continuing like normal. There were a few slopes here and there, and there was even a little story type thing being told through animatronics. Everything was fine and dandy.... Until the big slope was coming up.

Heads up! Long A/N ahead!

(Heyy Bucci Gang! Now, I have a few things to say. First, I didn't update yesterday because the first thing I did when I came home was sleep, and I woke up at 2:00 a.m. for some reason. Next, I forbid any of you to get Coronavirus. If I find out that one of you have it, I'm taking your toes. Okay, okay, final thing. I have some bad news. So... Please don't hate me.... But... I m i g h t have drawn yaoi hentai of Rohan and Shrek.. But, hey, I at least didn't draw a pp. But, besides that... Some of my friends m i g h t have stumbled upon it while looking through my sketch book. And now they m i g h t think that I'm a hentai artist, which I'm not. And now they m i g h t want me to draw them some hentai. One of them m i g h t just want a Minecraft yiff..... And the other dude m i g h t just want a uhm... A milf. And I kind of agreed to it because I'd feel bad if I said no for some reason. So now I might have to have it done by tomorrow.... Once again... Don't hate me. I trust that I'll only get one hate comment from this, but that's okay... On a better note, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. 


Complications: A Bruno Bucciarati x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now