Chapter 7

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(f/f)= favorite food.

The two of you finally got back to the house with your things. Bruno opened the door for you, and you mumbled a "Thanks" before walking inside with your suitcase. Oh how you wished you could forget today, you were pretty sure that Bruno would also like to forget about everything that happened today. "Guys! Bruno and (Y/n) are back!" Mista yelled. You heard some shuffling come from the kitchen, before you saw everyone else come into the room. "Bruno! (Y/n)!" Narancia said, running over to the two of you. "Where were you guys?" Giorno asked. "Yeah.. Where were you two?" Fugo asked. You could tell that Abbacchio wanted to know too, because he was raising an eyebrow. 

"We were getting (Y/n)'s things," Bruno said. Everyone looked at your suitcase, along with some other bags that Bruno was carrying for you. "She's going to live here?!" they all asked in unison. Bruno nodded. "She'll be staying in the extra room that we have," Bruno said. Narancia was smiling brightly, and he went up and hugged you tightly. "Yay! I knew you were keeping something from me! That's why you've been so shy!" he exclaimed, letting you out of the hug. You were going to tell him that that was just who you are, but you decided to play along with it. "Y-yeah.. I guess so," you said. 

"Okay now, (Y/n) and I will go put her things away, and get her settled in," Bruno said, making his way towards the stairs. "Ooh, I wanna help!" Narancia exclaimed, still smiling brightly. "Me too!" Mista said. "I suppose and extra set of hands could be useful," Giorno said. "I guess i'll tag along too then," Fugo said. "I'll come.. Just in case Bruno needs any help," Abbacchio said. Bruno looked shocked to see that everyone wanted to help you get your things situated. You'd be lying if you said that you weren't surprised yourself. "Uuuuuuuuum," Bruno hummed, looking at you. His expression was saying, "Is it okay?" You shrugged, "Sure, you guys can help," you said.

Everyone immediately went up the stairs, except for Abbacchio, who took his time going to his destination. As soon as everyone got to your room, people started to put things in different places. Bruno and Abbacchio were putting your clothes away, and you trusted that they wouldn't do anything suspicious. Narancia and Mista were putting away all of your toiletries, like shampoo, tooth brush and toothpaste, deodorant, and stuff like that. Giorno and Fugo were making room for things in your closet, by taking out stuff that had been there before you moved in, and putting it somewhere else. You soon realized that you hadn't done anything yet.

You walked over to Bruno and Abbacchio, who were still putting away your clothes. "H-hey, uh, do guys need any help?" you asked. "Yeah. Do me a favor. Don't buy so many damn clothes," Abbacchio said, grunting. "Abbacchio, don't be rude. Thank you (Y/n), but we're okay," Bruno said reassuringly. You nodded and walked over to Mista and Narancia. "Do you guys want me to help you?" you asked. "Yes! We need to know what this is!" Narancia said, holding up a bottle that didn't have any sort of label on it. "Oh, uh, that's my, conditioner," you said. Narancia nodded, and handed the bottle to Mista. "Put it in the shower," he said, and Mista did just that.

In the end, the guys ended up doing most of the work, and you felt bad that you weren't able to help. After all, it was your room that they were helping out with. "Aw, it's okay (Y/n)! Don't worry about it!" Mista said, putting an arm around your shoulder. "A-are you sure...?" you asked. Everyone else nodded, even Abbacchio. "Bruno, do you have the time?" Giorno asked. Bruno nodded, and pointed to a clock that was nearby, smirking as he did so. "Oh, I forgot that clock even existed," Giorno said, looking at the clock. His eyes widened. "Oh my god it's six in the afternoon!" he exclaimed.

"What?! Already?!" Fugo asked, clearly confused. "We need to make dinner!" Mista exclaimed. Bruno sighed. "Everyone calm down. I'll make us something to eat," he said. "Great! What are we gonna have?" Fugo asked. "Hm... I don't know. (Y/n), what do you think we should have for dinner?" Bruno asked, turning to you. "O-oh! Um... Well," you started. "Do you know how to make (f/f)?" you asked shyly. Bruno nodded. "I do, actually," he said. "Ooh! I love that! Good choice (Y/n)!" Narancia said. You chuckled. "Well then, I guess i'll make dinner now," Bruno said, walking into the kitchen. You watched him as he did so. "(Y/n)! Wanna play with our Nintendo S w i t c h?" Mista asked. You turned around to face him.

"Y-you guys have one of those?" you asked. Narancia nodded. "We got it for Christmas!" he exclaimed. 'Well the more you know, I guess,' you thought to yourself. "Well, I guess I could play," you said. "Okay let's go!" Narancia said, running into the living room. You all followed him, and you started to let your eyes try to find the Switch, but nothing was found. "Fugo, get it out!" Narancia said. Fugo sighed, and walked over to a cabinet. He opened it up, and pulled out the Nintendo Switch. He plugged it into the TV, and turned it on.

"Okay, what game do you wanna play (Y/n)?" Fugo asked. You thought for a minute before responding. "D-do you guys have Mario Kart?" you asked. Fugo nodded. "Giorno, can you put the game in?" Fugo asked. Giorno nodded, and picked up a case with the Mario Kart 8 logo on it. He took the game out of its case, and put it in the Switch. Fugo turned on the game, and turned to you. "Do you want to do single player or multiplayer?" he asked. "Multiplayer, I guess," you responded. He nodded. "Well, we have two sets of controllers..," he mumbled to himself. "Who else wants to play?" he asked out loud. Narancia and Mista both raised their hands high up in the air. And so did...... Abbacchio? 

You raised an eyebrow seeing that Abbacchio, the edgy Mr.No Fun of the group, wanted to play Mario Kart. Fugo nodded, walked over to them, and handed them each a controller. He then walked over to you and gave you your own. You mumbled a "Thank you," before he walked away. You, Mista, Narancia, and Abbacchio all sat on the couch, and got ready to play. You all chose your characters, cars, tires, etc, and the start screen came on. Three... Two... One... Go! You all got your game faces on, and started racing. You were all in the front, because the rest of the characters were AI. Abbacchio was somehow in first place, you were in second, Narancia was in third, and Mista was in fourth.

You had gotten a red turtle shell, so you decided to throw it, and it hit Abbacchio, making him stop. You heard him grunt, and because you had started to get more comfortable around everyone, you were smirking, taking his place in first. "Dammit," Abbacchio muttered, trying to catch up to you. You got another power up, and, what do you know? It was a missile. You immediately used it, and had gotten far away from everyone else. "Now she's definitely gonna win!" Narancia said, pouting. You chuckled, and just kept playing. It was the final lap, so you knew that there was no way of anyone beating you. 

You crossed the finish line, and threw your arms up into the air. "Woo-hoo!" you yelled. Everyone else soon finished after you, Abbacchio in second, Narancia in third, and Mista in fourth. "Dang (Y/n)! You beat Abbacchio! He's always in first!" Narancia exclaimed. You looked over at Abbacchio who had an angry expression on his face, his arms crossed. "Hey, I only one because of that missile," you said. He just grunted. You all went back to focusing as the second race was about to start. Before the race started though, Bruno called you all from the kitchen. "Guys! Come eat!" he exclaimed. Abbacchio paused the game, and you all got up to go eat dinner. 

The night ended with you all going back to playing Mario Kart, both you and Abbacchio having a tied score for first place. You had two, and he had two.

Complications: A Bruno Bucciarati x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now