Chapter 13

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Finally. The day of the trip. You weren't able to sleep well the night before, and it seemed as if everyone had had the same problem, because when you walked down the stairs after waking up, you saw everyone drinking coffee, even Narancia, who you thought would never need coffee in his entire life. "G'morning everyone," you yawned out, going into the kitchen to make yourself some much needed coffee. You heard mostly grunts in response as you started to brew your coffee, waiting impatiently for to finish. Once it was done, you put in some creamer and sugar, and took a sip. You instantly felt a bit more awake. You walked into the living room where everyone was sipping their coffee and watching TV. "Guys, what time is it...?" you asked, running your eyes.

"It's... Seven-O-one," Fugo answered you, immediately going back to drinking his coffee. You nodded, and took a seat on the couch, next to Bruno. "Bruno, what time do we have to be at the airport?" you questioned him, turning to face him. "We need to be there at twelve p-m," he responded groggily. "M'kay," you stated blandly. It ended up taking longer than you thought for everyone to become fully awake and functioning. One they were though, everyone was talking about what they wanted to do while they were on the trip. You heard them talk about eating everything they had to offer, going on different rides at Disney World, getting souvenirs, and many other things.

You didn't exactly know what you wanted to do, all you know is that you want to have a lot,of fun. Suddenly, a thought came into your mind that Mads you go wide eyed. "Shit..," you subconsciously said out loud. Everyone shut their mouths and looked at you, confused. You blushed and covered your mouth after realizing what you had just said. You quickly got up, and headed towards the front door. "Where're you going, (Y/n)?" Narancia queried, watching as you opened the front door. "I just remembered, before we leave, I should go tell my boss that I'm going somewhere, and I might not be back in in a few days," you stated, walking out of the front door. "Okay! Bye!" Narancia exclaimed, waving you off. You shut the front door, and sped walked in the direction of your old house. As you were heading there, you decided that you should call your boss.


You finally reached your parents' house, and went up to the front porch. After hesitating for a bit, you decided to knock on the door, afraid of what might happen if they see you. The door opened, and you were greeted by your mother, her eyes going wide as she saw. "(Y/n)?" she asked, in obvious shock. You nodded. Just then, you heard a noise come from inside the house, and then some footsteps. It was your dad, and his eyebrows furrowed a bit as he saw you. "Hello (Y/n).. What are you doing here?" he questioned, looking you up and down. You felt anxiety well up in you for some reason, and you started to fidget with your hands. "Hey guys, I just came here to tell you something," you started. "Alright, what is it?" your father asked impatiently, talking bis foot on the floor. 

"Well, I made some new friends, a-" "Is that all you came here to tell us?" your father cut you off, making you more anxious somehow. Your mother nudged him a bit. "Let her finish! Go on (Y/n)," your mother sighed. You cleared your throat. "Yeah, so I made some new friends, and, well, we're.... going on a trip," you finished. Your father had a somewhat amused look on his face, and your mother smiled. "That's great! I'm glad that they thought to bring you!" your mother exclaimed. "Y'know (Y/n)... We.. Your father and I.. We're sorry, about what we did. We found out just yesterday what had actually happened, and.. Oh I'm sorry I didn't believe you!" she yelled, pulling you into a hug. Your eyes widened a bit, and your father smiled. Once your mother pulled away from the hug, she looked you in the eyes.

"If you ever want to come back and live with us, you don't even need to ask," she stated sincerely. You stood there and thought for a minute. You wondered if you should move out of Bruno's house, so you could go back to living like you were before the incident. But then, you thought about how much fun you've had with them over the amount of time you've been with them all. You looked at your mother as you spoke. "Thank you. But, I already have a nice place that I live in," you replied, smiling nervously. Your mother stayed silent for a moment before nodding.

"Well, that's all I came here to tell you guys," you stated, turning to leave. "Alright! Have fun on your trip!" "Have a good time kiddo!" your parents called after you. You waved to them before heading back to Bruno's house. You reached the house, and went inside. "Guys, (Y/n)'s back!" you heard Giorno yell as you shut the front door behind you. Everyone came rushing into the living room, and Narancia grabbed your arm. "What's going on?" you questioned everyone. "We have to leave early!" Mista yelled, seeming as if he was panicking. "Wait, what?! Like, now?!" you exclaimed. Everyone nodded. You then ran at full speed up the stairs, and grabbed your suitcase, hurrying back down the stairs. "Okay! Okay! I'm ready!" you yelled. 

"Alright! Everyone in the car!" Bruno exclaimed. Everyone did as they were told, and carried out their suitcases to the car, putting them in the back (because somehow the car can also fit seven suitcases). Everyone then got in the car, same arrangements as always, Bruno driving, Abbacchio in the passengers seat, you, Mista and Narancia in one row, Fugo and Giorno in the back. "Bruuuuuuuuuuno! How much time do we have left?" Narancia asked as Bruno started leading the car to the airport. "We have plenty of time before the flight leaves, Narancia," Bruno answered, keeping his eyes on the road. Narancia nodded, and then started some strange conversation with you and Mista.

Soon enough, you all got to the airport, and hurried out of the car, rolling your suitcases inside. Once Bruno showed then the tickets, and you all got to the waiting area for your flight, you all relaxed on the chairs, doing whatever. "Flight thirty nine is now boarding!" a voice said over the intercom. That was your flight. You all got up and headed towards the line of people waiting to get in the plane. "Wait, what about seating arrangements?" Mista asked, catching everyone off guard. You all figured it out soon, though. You, Bruno, and Abbacchio would be sharing a row, and you would get the window seat. Mista, Narancia, and Giorno would share a row, and Fugo, well, he has to sit by himself. 

You all got on the plane, and sat in your seats. Luckily, Bruno had brought a backpack that he could keep out, and it had food and other stuff in it, just in case you guys wanted any. You looked out the window excitedly as the plane took off. This was the start of your trip to Florida.

(Heyyyyyyy Bucci Gang. I had a lot of fun writing this chapter! Sorry if it seems rushed, I was just eager 🙃. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

Complications: A Bruno Bucciarati x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now