Chapter 9

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(Holy shiitake.. I- Gosh, I'm an idiot, like, I forgot to say that this story mostly doesn't follow the plot of part 5. Don't hate me, I'm forgetful.)

"Okay, so the plan is, Bruno is gonna put all the stuff in his bag, and then we'll be able to sneak everything in without getting caught!" you explained to everyone. You were all still sitting in the car, thinking of something to do to make sure you could successfully bring in everyone's candy. "You sure seem experienced in this arena," Giorno commented, his chin resting on his hand. You nodded. My friend and I do this every time we come to the movies," you said. "Well, I think that's a great idea (Y/n)," Bruno stated. He was already stuffing each bag of candy into a big purse like bag he had brought. "I hope this works!" Narancia exclaimed.

Everyone got out of the car, and walked towards the entrance of the movie theater. You all decided that you would go see the new Star Wars movie, since you all seemed to have some sort of interest in that thing, plus, it was the only movie that had enough seats next to each other. You all chipped in when paying for the tickets, and headed into the theater. "Okay guys, we're looking for booth number three," Fugo said, pointing at his own ticket. The seven of you proceeded to look for the right booth, until Abbacchio found it, and you all followed him inside. Everyone took their seats, you were basically in the middle of all of them, and Bruno had decided that he would sit next to you.

On your right were Bruno, Abbacchio, and Fugo. On your left were Narancia, Mista, and Giorno. You sat in boredom as you waited for all of the previews to end. While they were playing, Bruno handed everyone their bags of candy, and as soon as Narancia got his, he started to eat some of it. "Narancia, save some for when the movie starts, or else you won't have any left," Mista whispered to him, making Narancia stop eating and close his bag of candy. Soon enough, the movie had started, and everyone in the theater had stopped talking (Ahem, yes, I am going to include only one or two spoilers from the movie.. So, sorry if you haven't seen the movie).


About some time into the movie, another droid had joined the show, following BB8 everywhere. "Another droid?" someone asked. The droid was able to speak English, so he told the person his name. "Sorry, D-O," the person replied before turning their attention back to their work (if you say the name out loud, it sounds like DIO- you get it). You continued to watch the movie, laughing if something funny had happened, gasping if anything surprising had happened. You were starting to doze off, until you felt a sudden warmth fall upon your hand.

You looked to see what it was, and found someone's hand on yours. When you went to steal a glance to find who is was, you saw that it was none other than Bruno who had rested his hand on yours. You thought that he might have done this by mistake, so you decided to see if it was. You shuffled your hand a little bit, and slightly squeezed his hand to see any sort of reaction. His eyes widened slightly, but went back to a calm demeanor as he smiled. He squeezed your hand, holding it as if it were something that he valued more than other things. You obviously blushed at his gesture, and a certain someone took notice of this.

Narancia looked over enough to where he wouldn't be noticed, and looked at your hand. He snickered a bit before turning his attention back to the screen. Bruno stroked his thumb over your hand, and it made you feel strangely relaxed. You let him do this though, you wanted it to stay like this for some reason. And it did stay like this, but sadly, the movie had ended, and he was forced to take his hand off of yours, leaving an unpleasant coldness in your hand. "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I liked that movie!" Mista said, stretching his arms out. Everyone agreed, it was a good movie. (The following quote something that I actually thought, because once again, I am an idiot.)

"I thought Rey and Kylo Ren were related... But then they kissed, so for a minute, I thought they were going Alabama mode..," Narancia stated, scratching the top of his head. Fugo sighed. "They were not related.. They were both just related to bad guys," he said. Narania nodded to show that he understood. "Well, is everyone ready to go now?" Bruno asked, his hands on hips. Everyone nodded, their bags, which now had empty wrappers in them, in their hands, ready to leave. Bruno smiled. "Alright then, let's go," he told everyone, looking at you. The others stayed silent for a minute, moving out of the isle as soon as Bruno stopped looking at you.

You all went out of the theater, and got into the car. Abbacchio was in the passenger's seat next to Bruno, and everyone else was in the back. As in, everyone else except for you was in the back, the last row to be exact. They were all talking about something that you couldn't hear, and one of them would glance at you every now and then. 'What's going on back there? Did I do something wrong?' you thought to yourself. Soon Bruno pulled into the driveway, and everyone had stopped talking. Everyone got out of the car, obviously looking like they were ready for bed. You went up to your room after wishing everyone a good night, and flopped onto your bed.

A few minutes later, a knock came at your door. "Come in," you said, lifting your head up. Your door opened, and Bruno slipped into your room, closing the door behind him. "Oh, hi Bruno!" you stated happily. "Hello (Y/n)..," he responded almost sadly. You raised an eyebrow, worry soon taking over your emotions. "Are you okay..?" you asked, sitting up on your bed. He nodded, and walked over to your bed, sitting down on it. "(Y/n), I wanted to ask you something," he stated, fumbling with his hands a bit. "Sure, what is it?" you questioned. He sighed slowly before speaking again. "Did I make you uncomfortable?" he asked, pure worry in his eyes. 

You blinked a few times, wondering why he would ask you that question. "No, not at all! Why did you ask?" you said. He turned his head to face the ground, a sad look on his face. "It's just, after well.. After I grasped your hand, when we left... you seemed to be less, well.. talkative," he stated, putting his hands in his lap. Your eyes widened a bit, still wondering why he would think that his gesture made you uncomfortable. You then subconsciously pulled Bruno into a hug, which he quickly returned. "I wasn't uncomfortable, Bruno. In fact, I kind of wish we would have stayed like th-" you covered your mouth quickly before anymore words came out of it.

He pulled away from the hug, and looked at you in surprise. You looked at the ground, embarrassed, a blush covering your face. He then smiled softly, before placing his hand in yours, grasping it like he did in the theater. You looked down at his hand before turning your face to look at his. He still had a smile on his face, which somehow made you feel less embarrassed. "Don't be embarrassed, (Y/n). To be honest, I was kind of wishing the same thing," he told you, a small blush coming across his own face. The two of you stayed silent for a moment, before he moved to the empty spot on your bed. His face was now almost as red as yours as you looked at him, still silent.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but, may I stay in here for a while?" he asked.

(Bruuuuuuuuuh. I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, first of all, even though it was *ahem* weird. Second, i ' m s o r r y for not telling you about this story, y'know, if you read the top note then you'll know what I mean. But, anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

Complications: A Bruno Bucciarati x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now