Chapter 19

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You woke up, feeling a bit dazed. You instantly recalled the events from last night. 'Was it all a dream?' you thought to yourself, sitting up in your bed. You decided to simply shrug it off as just a dream as you got out of the bed. "Wait a second... What time is it?" you asked out loud, seeing that it was still dark outside... and, everyone was still asleep. "Wha-" You cut yourself as you started to look for a clock to check the time. After searching for a few minutes, you finally found one, and checked the time. "One twenty eight...," you said to yourself, stunned that you allowed yourself to wake up at time like this. "(Y/n)...?" You turned around slowly to see Bruno sitting up in his own bed, rubbing his eyes tiredly as he looked at you. "O-oh. Hey Bruno," you stated, smiling nervously at him.

"What are you doing awake at a time like this?" he questioned with a concerned look. "That's what I'm wondering," you replied, rubbing the back of your neck. Bruno raised an eyebrow, getting out of his bed. You watched as he lazily walked over to you, and stopped in front of you. "Did you have a nightmare?" You could tell he was worried about you by the tone of his voice. "Oh! No no! I-I didn't have a nightmare... I'm just confused.. That's all," you replied. "Confused about what?" he questioned, raising his eyebrow once more. "What's confusing you, (Y/n)?" You froze. 'Shit, what am I going to say?! I can't just say that I'm confused about the fact if we kissed or not!' You mentally yelled at yourself until you finally got the courage to say something. "Bruno.... Did we.. Did we kiss last night?" You looked up at him with an embarrassed expression.

Bruno's eyes went wide, before his expression softened, and he smiled. He put a hand up to your cheek, and stroked it with his thumb. "We did. I enjoyed it very much.. But, I don't know about you. You practically passed out after I did that," he finally replied, his smile fading, but his expression still the same. "B-Bruno... I-I did like the kiss.. Maybe I was just so overjoyed that I passed out," you stated, reassuring Bruno that he didn't do anything wrong. He smiled brightly, and sighed in relief. "I'm glad to hear that. But, is that what's been keeping you up?" he queried, once again looking at you with worry. You nodded, smiling nervously. Bruno chuckled, taking his hand off of your face. "Well, you don't need to be concerned about that anymore. Now, try to go back to sleep." He gave you a kiss on the top of your head, before gently taking your hand in his, and leading you back to your bed.

"C'mon, get in the bed," he stated, still holding your hand. You raised an eyebrow as you got in the bed, eyeing him the entire time. He smiled softly before climbing into the bed with you, which was much to your surprise. "B-Bruno? What you doing?" you questioned, blushing profusely. Bruno chuckled once again before laying down in the bed. "Sleeping, of course," he replied. You stared at him for a minute before laying down in the bed with him. He took this opportunity to pull you close to him, as if something bad would happen if he didn't. Your eyes went wide, and you stayed still, not knowing how to react. Finally, you relaxed in his embrace, finding it to be quite comfortable. You could almost feel him smiling as he nuzzled into your neck, letting out a relaxed sigh. 

All you could do was lay there as Bruno slowly drifted off to sleep, but you didn't mind. In fact, you loved the fact that this was happening right now, it never has happened before. You got yourself comfortable as you yourself slowly drifted into dream land, happy that you were with the person you loved right now.


"WHAT THE FUCK?!" You eyes jolted open as you were startled by someone yelling. You remembered where you were right now, and who was there with you, so you didn't dare make any sort of movement. "Who just said that...?" Bruno's groggy voice demanded as he sat up in the bed, looking around. Your eyes were closed as you pretended to still be asleep, worried that everyone might realize that you weren't. "Mista," four other voices stated. 'Man, that number really does suck, huh?' you thought to yourself as you 'slept.' "Mista, we do not use that kind of language," Bruno stated angrily. You couldn't really tell what was going on because your eyes were closed, but you knew that Bruno was mad at Mista for swearing. After they were done arguing, you heard a question that made you feel anxious inside. "What time is it?" That was the question you had heard Narancia ask, and you started to get worried, but you couldn't let it show.

"It's six-fifteen in the morning," you heard Giorno reply, and you almost sighed in relief. "Oh, well then we need to start getting dressed!" And with that, you felt someone shake you very lightly. "(Y/n), it's time to wake up." It was Bruno's voice. You groaned and slowly opened, trying to make everyone think that you definitely weren't listening to the conversation they were just having. "What is it...?" you asked, looking around. "We need to get ready for today! Duh!" Narancia yelled, being the one to practically rip off your arm while pulling you out of bed. "Okay! Okay! I'm up!" you groaned, getting up from the floor. "(Y/nnnnnnnnn), why was Bruno sleeping with you?" Mista queried, smirking. Your face went red, and you looked away from Mista. "I don't know... Why were you watching me sleep, huh?" Your question earned an "Oooooooh!" from Narancia, and Mista said nothing as he face palmed.

"Okay- shut up zoomers. Your stupid talk is giving me a headache," Abbacchio interrupted your conversation with your friends, and you sighed. "Fine... Let's just get ready, we have a long today," you stated, crossing your arms. "Thank you... geezum," he replied, walking away to go drink his morning coffee. You smiled as you shook your head. You really would be having a long day today.

(Heyyy Bucci Gang! Uhm.... Yeah, sorry about how sucky this chapter is.. Sorry, I feel like ever since I came back from my break, my writing sucks :(. Just remind me to not go on break again, cuz I'll forget. Anyways, I hope you found s o m e way to enjoy this chapter! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

Oh yeah, here's a song for ya'll... It's pretty wacky.

Complications: A Bruno Bucciarati x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now