Chapter 2

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You awoke from your sleep, and winced in pain as you rubbed your back. "God, I need to get a new mattress for this bed or something... I'm gonna get major back problems if I don't," you said to yourself, getting out of your uncomfortable bed. You walked out of your bedroom, and walked to your suitcase. "Welp, time to get dressed," you said, unzipping your suitcase and looking at everything inside of it. You decided to wear some black leggings and some jean shorts with a long-sleeved shirt and a (F/C) hoodie. You had to stay warm because it was Winter after all. "Now.. Should I unpack or.. what?" you asked yourself, not really wanting to unpack, but feeling the need to make the place feel more "home-ish" as well. You decided that you wouldn't unpack, just in case you might leave because of how bad this place is. You were seriously considering it, even though you hadn't even been here for an entire week.

"Maybe i'll go take a stroll.. Ooh! I'll go hangout with (F/n)!" you said, pulling out your phone. You scrolled through your contacts until you found the one for your friend. You pressed the dial button, and waited for them to answer. "Hey (Y/n)! What's up?" they asked through the phone. "Nothing much. I just wanted to see if maybe we could hangout today?" you said, hoping they would be able to hangout. "Yeah, I can hangout! When do you wanna get together?" they asked. "Hmm.. Well, it's eight thirty right now.. Wanna meet at our usual spot at ten?" you asked. "Sure! I'll see you there!" they replied. "Alrighty then. Bye (F/n)," you said, getting ready to hang up the phone. You pressed the "end call" button as soon as your friend said "See ya later (Y/n)," and waited for nine thirty to come by.


You were still waiting by playing games on your phone. You checked the time. "Oh! It's nine thirty! I gotta go!" you said, bolting up from your spot on the couch. You quickly ran out of your apartment, and down the stairs of the third floor. When you got to the first floor, you saw the same lady from yesterday sitting there, except this time there was a man with her, and it seemed as if she was trying to.. sweet talk him (?). You rolled your eyes and left the building, heading to you and your friend's usual hangout spot. The two of you always went to the local cafe, getting the same thing every time, just well.. hanging out. You left at the time you did so you could get a table for the two of you, and, you just liked being early. As soon as you got to the cafe, you ordered a table for two, sat down, and waited for your friend.

About twenty minutes later, you saw your friend walk in, and they rushed over to give you a hug. "Oh my god! Hey (Y/n)!" they said, acting as if they hadn't seen you in ten years. "Hey (F/n)!" you said. "Here, have a seat," you said, motioning towards the seat you weren't sitting in. Your friend sat down in their chair, and you sat down in yours. "So, hooooooow have you been?" they asked, looking at you worriedly. "Oh, I've been okay. The only problem is the goddamn mattress I have to sleep on, it hurts my back," you said, wincing as you remembered what the mattress felt like. "(Y/n), you're not staying in one of those crummy old apartments like they have in the movies, are you?" your friend asked. You nodded. "I am," you said, rubbing the back of your neck. Your conversation was interrupted by a waiter coming to your table. "Hello! Are you two ready to order?" the waiter asked. The two of you nodded. "I'll have (uh, you choose what you get)," you said. It was the same thing you always got. Your friend got the same thing that they usually got. The waiter nodded, then left to go give your orders to the chef. 

"So (Y/n), are you sure you don't wanna just stay with me? I have a guest room in my house," they said, putting a hand on yours to assure that it's be okay if you did stay with them. You shook your head. "I'm sure. I'll be able to manage by myself," you said, giving your friend a small smile. They returned the smile as they took their hand off of yours. "Alright. I guess there's no convincing you then," they said, laughing. You joined in with them, and soon, your laughter died down. "(Y/n), I have a question," your friend said. You raised an eyebrow. "Okay, what is it?" you asked. They smirked. "Do you have a booooooyfriend yet?" they asked, resting their head on one of their hands. You blushed. 'Well the mood changed pretty quickly, huh?' you thought to yourself. "W-what?! No I don't have a b-boyfriend!" you exclaimed, crossing your arms. 

Complications: A Bruno Bucciarati x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now