Chapter 26

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"I fell so tiny," you commented, looking around the place. There were toys everywhere that were about one-hundred times the size of their normal versions, but you understood why it was like this. It was supposed to create the feel of being a toy from the movie, and the effect was working on you so far. The line was pretty long, but thankfully, it was moving at a good pace. Up ahead you could see a giant Mr. Potatohead, looking down on everyone and saying things. "Oh my god! It's- it's Steve Harvey!" Mista yelled, pointing at Mr. Potatohead. You and Narancia chuckled before hearing Mr. Potatohead say "I heard that you lousy bum!" That was when the three of you lost it. "What happened?" Giorno was currently looking at the three of you dying. "Mi-Mista called Mr. Potatohead S-Steve Harvey, and then Potatohead said, 'I heard that you lousy bum!'" you answered, almost falling on the ground. Giorno couldn't help but laugh at that himself. 

"That's pretty funny," he stated, ceasing his laughter. "Guys, come grab these glasses thingies." Abbacchio called the f*ur of you over, giving you all the glasses as you got to where he was. You put them on, thinking that they might be sunglasses or something, but when you put them on, your vision went wacky. "(Y/n), these are three-D glasses," Bruno told you, taking the glasses off of your face. "Bruno! Bruno!" The two of you looked to see Fugo walking over to Bruno, a worried expression on his face. "Is something wrong?" Bruno questioned him, concerned. Fugo nodded before saying, "I think I need to wait outside, I'm not feeling too well." "Oh, well you can do that if you need to, it's fine," Bruno responded calmly. Fugo nodded again before walking past you two, and out of the line to go wait outside. "Where's Fugo going?" Narancia asked, looking in the direction where Fugo had gone. "He's waiting outside because he doesn't feel well," Bruno replied. Narancia shrugged and went back to whatever he was doing. 

"We should start figuring out seating arrangements...," you said to yourself, looking up at everyone else. "Guys! We need to figure out who's gonna sit with who!" you exclaimed, grabbing everyone's attention. "I'm sitting with Mista!" Narancia claimed his buddy the quickest. "I'll sit with (Y/n)," Bruno stated, placing a hand on your shoulder. When you looked up again, you saw that Abbacchio had a look of betrayal on his face. "WHAT?! Now I have to sit with him?!" he exclaimed, motioning to Giorno, who had a blank look on his face. "Oh, don't be like that Abbacchio. Who knows? The two of you might become friends," Narancia tried to reassure Abbacchio. The edgy man turned to Narancia, sending a death glare his way, causing the orangeboi to hide behind his buddy. "Fine! I'll sit with Giorno. But only to show him how much better I am than him at this," Abbacchio stated. "That reminds me..," you started, "Guys! There are some rules that we need to go over!"

Everyone gathered around you to hear what needed to be said. "Okay, rule number one, no using your Stands during this. That'll be considered cheating, and you'll be eliminated from the contest." You could hear groans come from most people ad they heard this rule. "Oh shush. Anyways, rule number two, and the final rule, no fighting." With that everyone nodded their heads, walking forward to go get in the ride. Everyone stood in a different line with their partner. After waiting for a bit, a few of the little things came by (I don't know what they call them okay?), and you all stepped into the ones you were assigned to. Mista and Narancia got to sit on the other side of you and Bruno, and Giorno and Abbacchio went in a separate one with some other people. You sat down, looking at the shooter thing in front of you. You grabbed hold of it, ready to get your game on. Bruno did the same thing, a determined smile on his face. "Are you ready to get beat?" you asked him, earning a "Tch" from him. 


The ride started without you being ready, so you jumped a bit whenever it started moving, but you quickly got back into position. The first mini game the ride came upon was a few targets that were moving around. You quickly got to work by pulling your string as fast as you could and hitting as many targets as possible. "Jeezum, slow down!" You laughed as you heard Bruno complain a bit, even though he was also going the same speed as you. The curtains for the game closed, and the ride started moving again. "Ha! I'm pretty sire i'm already winning!" you yelled confidently. "Oh we'll see about that," Bruno answered as the ride stopped at the next game. This time it was shooting a bunch of balls at a lot of different animals, who all had different numbers on them. You instantly did the same thing as last time, shooting as many as you could as you fought against Bruno, who was doing the same thing.

Giving another victorious laugh ad the ride went on, you had your hand on the string as it stopped at another game. The game you were at had a prehistoric setting, and you were shooting darts at balloons with different numbers. You and Bruno quickly got to work, pooping almost every single balloon in sight, getting as many points as possible. The volcano erupted, sending out a bunch of balloons that had big numbers on them. And as you knew, bigger numbers mean a bigger score for you. You shot as many as possible, leaving almost none for Bruno. The ride, unfortunately, moved on again, stopping at yet another game. At this game, you were shooting plates that had numbers on them. As you were shooting, you could hear Mista and Narancia yelling on the other side, causing you to laugh, which made you a bit weak. Bruno started shooting more than you, so you quickly regained your composure, and caught up with him as fast as possible.

You fist pumped the air as you hit a bunch of plates with purple numbers, knowing that those would boost your score a lot. The rode quickly moved on from that area, and you were awaiting the next little game that it had in store for you. This next game was a bit different. Instead of breaking something, you had to shoot some rings onto the little alien dudes. Luckily, this kind of thing was what you were good at, so you were able to get a lot of rings onto everything. Whenever you were expecting it, the ride moved on, and to another mini game.

~Okay done with ride explaining now, you're welcome~

After you had gone through more than ten games, the ride had finally ended, causing you to hiss as you went back into the light. "Man that was more fun than I expected." You turned to Bruno who had a wide smile on his face, which made you smile. "Yeah, that was pretty fun," you agreed. After the ride had officially stopped, you all got off, and immediately ran to the score board. Out of the six of you, Abbacchio was first with a whopping score of one million, nine hundred seventy six thousand, eight hundred forty nine. In second place was Mista with a score of nine hundred twenty thousand, two hundred eight. In third place was you with a score of nine hundred twenty thousand, one hundred eleven. In f*urth place was Narancia with a score of six hundred thousand, ten. In fifth place was Bruno with a score of four hundred twenty thousand, sixty nine. And in sixth place was Giorno with a score of three hundred thousand, nine hundred fifty four. 

Everyone except for Giorno seemed to be happy with their scores. "HA! I TOLD YOU I WAS BETTER THAN YOU!" Abbacchio bragged, pointing at Giorno, who simply just rolled his eyes. After you were all done looking at the scores, you all went outside to go meet up with Fugo, who was eating a churro. After that, you all went to go eat some lunch.

(Heyy Bucci Gang! Yeah yeah, I also wanna be on that ride right now, but can't because Disney World is closed 😔😭😤. So, I'm almost done with the cover art, but before I put it as the cover, I'll show it to ya'll to get some input on what you think of it. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

Complications: A Bruno Bucciarati x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now