Chapter 25

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"Get up." You felt someone harshly nudge your side, and you groaned, slapping the hand away. The person did it again, and you opened your eyes to face them. "What is i- Oh. Hi Abbacchio," you greeted him, rubbing your eyes tiredly. He rolled his eyes. "Save the 'good morning's for later, we're all waiting for you to get up," he stated in his usual tone. You sat up in bed, your eyes suddenly going wide. "W-what time is it?" you asked anxiously. "All I know is that you've been asleep long enough for a million other people to be waiting in line for those rides that we're supposed to be on right now," Abbacchio responded, sounding a bit irritated. With that, you quickly jumped out of bed, grabbed some clothes, and changed in the bathroom. Once you we are done, you went to the room next door, where everyone was sitting down, watching TV. 

"Hey guys... Sorry that I overslept," you said in an apologetic tone. "Overslept? What time do you think it is?" Narancia had a brow raised as he talked to you. Your expression could only be read as dumbfounded. "But, Abbacchio said that it was really late, and that you were all waiting on me!" you exclaimed, obviously confused. "You're so gullible sometimes." Abbacchio had appeared behind you, smiling a bit, before he sat down with everyone else. You glared at him for a moment before you went into the kitchen, grabbing something to eat. "Abbacchio, don't be like that to (Y/n), she never checks the time when she wakes up!" Mista stated, most likely hinting at the fact that you would come down the stairs at one p-m whenever you were at home. "Hey! I do check the time!..... Occasionally." Your voice lowered on that last part, but you decided not to carry on with the subject.

"So, where are we going today?" Giorno asked, turning to Bruno. "We're going to Hollywood Studios," Bruno responded. Giorno nodded, looking in a different direction. "When are we leaving?" Narancia questioned, sprawling himself out on the pull out bed. "In a few minutes," Fugo answered. "But you said that ten minutes ago!" Narancia whined. "Well this time I mean it!" Fugo stated, getting aggravated. "You said that the first time!" Narancia reminded him. Fugo turned to Narancia, balling his hands into fists, a look on his face that were to say, "I want to strangle you right now." "Guys, let's not argue right now, we're suppo-" Giorno was cut off by Fugo yelling, "You're pushing my limits!" "Oh, I'm sorry! It's just that I don't think I can believe you at times!" Narancia argued. "Oh be quiet! You're just super impatient!" Fugo retorted.

Their argument basically went like this:

"SHUT UP! BOTH OF YOU!" The two boys shut their mouths as Abbacchio yelled with anger in his voice. He pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Are we leaving now or what?" It was obvious that he just wanted to get out of the hotel, not wanting to hear anyone argue. "Ah, yes, I think it's time that we leave now," Bruno stated, getting up from where he was once sitting. Everyone followed him out of the room, and to the lobby, where you started the normal journey to get to the next park. As usual, you got on the monorail, and you sat by the window, looking at everything as you passed by. The monorail stopped at your destination, and you quickly got off, excited that you were at this park. "Well, someone seems excited," Mista stated, walking beside you. "It's just that there's a lot of fun things here!" you defended, looking around. You could hear a chuckle come from your friend before Narancia joined the two of you. 

"(Y/n), what kinds of stuff do they have here?" he asked eagerly. "They have so many cool things here! But my favorite ride in this park is Toy Story Mania!" you replied happily. "Ooh, what's that?" the two boys seemed equally interested in the ride you were talking about. "Well, it's interactive! It's like a competition, for me at least. You get on the ride, and there's a thing in front of you with another thing that you pull. It's kind of like a pull string gun thingy. Anyways, there's different things that you go into during the ride, and for each one, you have to shoot as many things as you can before you move on to the next part. If you are having a competition, then the person with the most points at the end, wins!" By the time you were done with your somewhat long explanation, Mista and Narancia were both ecstatic about the fact that they'd get to go on the ride today.

"That sounds so fuuuun! I'll beat everyone! Haha!" Narancia exclaimed. "Nuh-uh! That's gonna be me!" Mista 'corrected.' "Guys, I think you're forgetting who has the most experience out of the three of us," you stated, pointing to yourself. "So? I'll still dominate over you guys!" Narancia exclaimed once again. "We'll see about that!" you and Mista said in unison. You all soon decided to talk about something different, secretly planning your strategies out in your heads. "So (Y/n), is it true that you're dating Bruno?" Mista questioned, turning to you. You looked at him, raising a brow. "Did you not seethe picture at Splash Mountain?" "Yeah, I did, but I just wanted to know!" Mista replied. "The answer is yes," you said ending that topic of conversation. "Guys, we're all deciding on what ride we should go on first!" Fugo ran over to the three of you, interrupting your conversation about whatever. 

The three of you looked at each other with a knowing look, all deciding on the same thing without any words. "Toy Story Mania!" you all exclaimed in unison. "Okay.. There votes for that one," Fugo told himself, walking over to Bruno to tell him what you had decided on. After checking with everyone else, it seemed like they were all okay with the idea that the three of you had. You guys started cheering, excited that you'd be going on it first. Everyone started to make their way to the ride, which you ended up having to explain again. Once you were in line, you were thinking of how to beat everyone else.

(Heyy Bucci Gang! Next chapter, you'll be seeing Mr. Potatohead, aka Steve Harvey. Another thing, I'm working on the cover art for this story, which will hopefully turn out well. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

Complications: A Bruno Bucciarati x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now