Chapter 21

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"That was really funny!" Fugo yelled happily as you all walked out of the Laugh Factory. "Yeah especially when Abbacchio just stared into the screen whenever Wazowski was talking to him!" you added, holding your stomach from laughing too much. "I was not about to tell that thing where I got my clothes. That's classified information," Abbacchio defended. Everyone burst out laughing at his statement. "But the expression on your face! Pffft- You looked dead!" Narancia almost fell on the floor because he was laughing so much, so you had to keep him steady. "Oh come on! It wasn't even that funny!" Abacchio scoffed, and turned his head away from everyone else. After a few minutes, the laughing finally died down, because you all noticed that you were getting concerned looks from people. "Okay, okay. What are we gonna do now?" Mista asked, looking around. "I personally think that we should go eat. It's already that time of day," Giorno suggested, earning mutters of agreement from everyone else.

"There's a place not too far from here. I saw it while we were walking over to here," Fugo pointed out. Everyone nodded, and started to follow Fugo to the restaurant. "(Y/n)!" someone called from behind. You stopped and turned around, smiling as you watched Bruno catch up to you. "What's up?" You greeted him with a chuckle. "Nothing, I just wanted to be next to you," he replied, smiling. You blushed a bit at his words, but let out another laugh. "That was so corny!" "Oh, be quiet! I'm trying to be a romantic boyfriend!" he exclaimed kind of loudly, but the two of you were still the only ones who heard it. You almost stopped walking whenever you heard the word 'boyfriend.' Bruno noticed this, and instantly became nervous. "Wait, I- I didn't mean- Gosh, I'm sorry (Y/n)!" He was apologizing to you as if something was wrong. But, in reality, you liked that he referred to himself as your boyfriend. You snapped out of your thoughts and smiled.

"It's okay Bruno. Don't apologize," you reassured him, which made him calm down. "Okay... But... Now that I'm thinking about it.. What are we, (Y/n)?" Bruno looked into your eyes as he asked this, and you honestly didn't know how to respond. "I guess... It's complicated," you responded, unsure of your answer. "That makes sense. Love is full of complications," Bruno said out of nowhere. Silence fell upon the two of you for a moment, and then you decided that it would be best if it wasn't silent. "I-" "Guys! We're here!" Narancia interrupted your conversation with Bruno as he dragged you into the restaurant. You sighed as you followed Narancia into the place, Bruno not far behind. Mista, Giorno, Fugo, and Abbacchio were already at the reservation spot, trying to get tables. The three of you waled over to them. "Well guys, it seems that there isn't a table that can fit all of us!" Mista exclaimed in a strange tone. "So we'll have to use two tables!" You looked around the restaurant, and,found a table with exactly seven seats.

"Uh, Mista? There's a table right there that we can-" "Me, Giorno, Abbacchio, Fugo, and Mista'll share a table! And you and Bruno follow the Lady to your table!" Narancia yelled quickly before he and the rest of the gang, besides Bruno, followed their waiter to their table. "Excuse me, but I'll be showing you your table, so please follow me," your waiter said with a smile. You and Bruno filled the waitress to your table and sat down. She gave each of you your own menu, and walked away after saying that she'd be back shortly. "Well that was.... strange," Bruno stated, breaking the tension. You nodded in agreement. "Yeah, what's up with those guys?" you asked nobody in particular. "I don't know what it is, but I do know that they're planning something, and it most likely isn't good," Bruno answered nervously. "Definitely. But, we'll find out sooner or later. Hopefully sooner," you told him, genuinely hoping that the rest of the boys weren't trying to do anything bad to the two of you.

"Well, at least we get to spend more time together," Bruno stated, trying to lighten up the mood as he smiled. You smiled too, and nodded. "Yeah, and that's a good thing," you replied, putting your hand on the table. Bruno took this as a sign, so he lifted up his own hand, and intertwined his fingers with yours. The waitress walked over to both of you, and the two of you let go of one another's hands. "Hi guys! I'm Brooke, I'll be your server today. Is there anything you two want to drink to get started?" Brooke asked, holding her tiny notebook and pen. You nodded. "I'll have a coke, please." (Idc care if you don't like coke, you do today.) "I'll have a sweet tea, please," Bruno stated with a kind smile. Brooke nodded as she walked away, going to get your drinks.

~NANI?! A different P.O.V.?! Yes, it is~

"Okay, so here's the plan," Narancia started, looking around the table to make sure everyone was listening, which thankfully, they were. "First, we all go to dinner or whatever at... whatever time we're going to dinner. Then, we start to leave, and then me and Mista will say that we forgot something inside, and then we'll make the rest of you guys come with us. After that, we'll just stay in there and lounge around for about twenty minutes And then, we just walk out and say that it turns out we didn't lose anything. The trick is, is that we'll all be secretly watching from the windows to see what they're doing!" Narancia's plan actually sounded pretty good, and everyone else decided that they didn't have any better plan, so they went with the one that was just explained. "Okay, perfect! Now, we just have to make ourselves as un-suspicious as possible until we leave them," Fugo said aloud, causing the rest of the people at the table to look at him.

"I'm pretty sure that none of us thought about that pat," Abbacchio stated blandly, fiddling with his napkin. "Well, Abbacchio! It'll be easy for you to do it! You're always acting like an entire mood!" Mista exclaimed, crossing his arms. Abacchoi sighed, and kept on playing with his napkin. "Shit... I hope this plan works," Narancia said nervously, putting a hand on his head.

(Heyy Bucci Gang! I know, I know. I haven't been here in a while, and this chapter sucks because of that. Well. I'm here to tell you that you are correct, but, there's more to it. The other reason this chapter sucks is because I'm tired! "Well, why?" you might not be asking. Well, it's because, a few days ago, I watch ed that movie, 'The Ring.' Y'know that one? Where that person watched a video and died. Yeah... That movie is from the same people who made Shrek, smh 😤😤... Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it was bad! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

Complications: A Bruno Bucciarati x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now