Chapter 1

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(Alrighty, heeeeeeeeeeeeere we go)

"You're out of this house (Y/n). Pack your shit and leave," your dad said as you sobbed once again. "But dad.. mom.. What did I do wrong?" you asked, tears streaming down your face. Your mother sighed angrily as she rubbed her temple. "You haven't made any effort whatsoever to go out and find a place of your own!" your mother yelled. You started to get angry with your parents. "You know that's not true! I have a job and everything! I'm trying to save up to buy a goddamn house right now!" you exclaimed, throwing your hands up into the air. "It sure doesn't seem like it! From what I've heard, you've taken so many 'sick days' that you haven't even worked a full week!" you father said, crossing his arms.

You narrowed your eyes. "Who the hell said that?!" you asked. "Your friend Ava who works with you! She said that you been there so rarely, that she's even started to forget that you work wherever the hell you do!" your mom yelled. 'Of course Ava said that,' you thought to yourself. "She's lying! Can't you tell? Or are you just too blind to see that I've gotten up early every day to get ready for work!" you exclaimed. Your fathers eyes widened. "Don't you dare even think about talking to us like that ever again!" he said, pointing a finger at you. "It's the truth though!" you yelled. 

"She sent us a damn picture of your records at work (Y/n). It says that your attendance is just pure awful," you mother said. You got even angrier. Ava was going too far to try to ruin your life this time. "It can't be mine! I've been to work every day of the week! Just ask my boss!" you said, trying to defend yourself. "There's no need for that. We already have the record to prove everything. Now pack your things. You're leaving," your dad said, huffing. Your pupils dilated. "Y-... You can't do this to me! Do you even know what could happen to me out there?! In the real world?! All by myself?!" you asked, tears once again pouring out of your eyes. "That's how we had to learn it. You'll be fine as long as you're careful," your father said. "Now.. I'm not going to say it again. Pack your things! You're leaving!" he said, walking out of the room. Your mother followed after him, giving you an angry look before closing your door. 

The moment after she closed the door, you snapped. You fell on the ground, letting out all the tears you possibly could. You sobbed so much that almost got to the point of scream-crying. After you were finally done crying, you got up, and walked over to your suitcase. You grabbed all the belongings you thought you might need, and put them all in your suitcase. "Clothes.. Check.... Deodorant.. Check.. Toothpaste and a toothbrush.. Check," you said in between sniffles. You zipped up your suitcase, and started to walk out of the room that was once yours. Before opening your door, you took one last look around your room. You were going to miss your comfortable bed, your little TV, the pictures of you and your friends and parents, since you couldn't fit any of those in your suitcase. You finally opened your door and walked out of your room. 

"(Y/n), we know you're mad at us, but you need to learn that you can't just be lazy all the time," your mother said as she watched you walk out of the front door. You didn't say anything, you just clenched your fist together, and walked out the door. That was it. There was no turning back now. You took one last look at the house before heading out into "the big world". You pulled your phone out of your pocket, and went to your contacts. You decided to call your best friend. (F/n). You clicked the dial button, and put the phone up to your ear, listening to it it ring a couple of times. Finally, they picked up. "Hello? (Y/n)?" they asked. "Hey, (F/n)!" you said, trying to sound as cheerful as possible. "What's up?" they asked. "Well.. There's something I need to tell you," you said. "Oh no. I know that tone. What's wrong?" they asked, their voice sounding concerned. You started to tear up. "Well, y'know Ava right? That mean bitch- Uh anyway, she made my parents think that I was doing horrible at my job, and well, basically... Now i'm homeless," you said, gulping. You could hear your friend gasp from the other side of the phone. 

"Oh my god! (Y/n), are you gonna be okay?! Do you need a place to stay?!" they asked. You sighed. "I-i'll be fine. And I don't think I need a place to stay. I have enough money to rent an apartment," you said, sniffling. "Are you sure? I can always let you stay here!" your friend exclaimed, still worried. "I'm sure (F/n).. Anyways, I thought I just might tell you.. So, bye I guess," you said. "Okay.. But don't hesitate to call me if you need help, okay?" they asked. You let out a sad chuckle. "Okay," you said, hanging up the phone.

You sighed, looking at your surroundings. 'Where am I gonna stay?' you thought to yourself. You had money, but not enough to buy yourself a decent place to stay. You wandered around the streets a bit, until you came across an apartment complex. You cringed at the sight of it. It looked pretty rundown, the paint chipping off of he window panes, some of the bricks on the building looked like they might be crumbling apart, and some of the windows were even boarded up. 'It looks disgusting.. But maybe they don't charge much,' you thought. You decided to take a chance, and walk into the place. You looked around the lobby. It only looked about 1% better than the outside, which actually didn't help with anything. You went up to the front desk, and saw an old woman dressed in a yoga outfit sitting there, reading a magazine. She looked up, and rolled her eyes as she looked at you, as if you were the one person she didn't want to see today. "What do you want?" she asked coldly.

You frowned. "A-are there any extra rooms?" you asked shyly. You were never very social around new people. The woman sighed. She then opened a drawer and rummaged through it. She pulled out a silver key, and handed it to you. "Third floor, fifth door on the right," she said. You blinked a couple of times. You then looked at the key, then back up at her. "U-uh, if you don't m-mind me asking... How much do you charge?" you asked. The woman groaned loudly, and you almost jumped back in surprise. "We charge ten bucks a month. Does that answer your question?' she asked, narrowing her eyes at you. You nodded, then took yourself and your things up to the third floor. You followed the woman's instructions, and finally found your room. You put they key in the lock, and turned the key. The door opened with a loud creaking noise, which made you cringe because it had broken the silence. 

You sighed as you walked into the room. There was furniture lazy placed in spot around the apartment, and the walls were.. aging (?). You set your bag down, and looked for the bedroom. After you found it you frowned as you look at the bed. The mattress was thinner than average, and the sheets on the bed were a kind of yellowish color. The blanket on the bed was also pretty thin. You decided to try the bed out yourself. You regretted jumping onto the bed, because as soon as your body hit the mattress, the mattress flattened to where your body had hit the wood that was holding it up, sending a sharp pain down your side. You groaned in pain as you rubbed your side, trying to make the pain go away. After you had been rubbing your side for at least five minutes, the pain finally stopped. You looked around for an AC. There wasn't one to be found. You made an angry face as you regretted even trying to step into this place. 

"Well, I can't complain now," you said, walking out of your new bedroom. You picked up your suitcase, and set it on the couch. You sighed. "I'll unpack tomorrow.. Right now, I need to get some sleep," you said, stretching as you yawned. You trudged into your bedroom, and carefully lay down on the bed. After getting yourself situated, you tried falling asleep. Of course, that was hard, considering the kind of bed you were sleeping on right now. But eventually, you fell asleep, and somehow, you fell into a deep sleep.

(WhoOoOo, not bad for a first chapter, eh? Not exactly a happy start, but.. it was a start. It'll get better, promise! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

Complications: A Bruno Bucciarati x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now