Chapter 5

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You once again woke up in Bruno's bed. You were thinking that this might become a regular thing since you had made friends with him. You got out of the bed, wincing a little bit because your back was still hurting. You noticed that you weren't in the clothes you had worn yesterday. You didn't exactly remember changing your clothes at all yesterday. Your face turned red. 'Did someone...' you started to think to yourself. 'No. I must have changed them, and forgot that I did so,' you thought, trying to save yourself from thinking about what might have happened while you were asleep. 

You walked out of Bruno's room, and down the stairs. Everyone smiled as soon as they saw you, and Narancia had an especially wide grin on his face as he saw you. "(Y/n)! You're awake!" he exclaimed, running over to you. He pulled you into a hug, and you decided not to fight it because well.. it's Narancia. You're face was still sort of red from earlier, and you gave him a smile as he pulled out of the hug. "How are you feeling?" Bruno asked you, also walking over to you. You nodded. "Yeah i-i'm fine.. Just a bit sore, t-that's all," you said. 

Bruno nodded. He studied you for a few seconds, and saw that your face was kind of red. "Are you okay, (Y/n)?" he asked, putting his hand up to your face, stroking your cheek with his thumb. You blushed even harder at the gesture, but shook your head. "I'm okay.. Just, wonder how I got these c-clothes on," you said, mumbling the last part. "Oh, that? I didn't want you to be uncomfortable while you slept, so I helped you put on some new clothes. I do hope that's okay," he said, a hint of worry in his tone.

"I-it's fine! I was just w-wondering, that's all," you said. Bruno nodded, and took his hand off of your face, which left a cold feeling on your cheek. You started to notice that something was off. You then noticed that the three of you were the only ones home. You raised an eyebrow. "W-where's everyone else?" you asked. "Oh, they just went out to get lunch for everybody. They'll be back soon," Narancia said. You nodded to show that you understood. "Wait.. What time is it exactly?" you asked. "I believe it's three in the afternoon," Bruno said. Your eyes went wide.

"W-what?! Three in the afternoon?! T-there's no way I-I could've slept for t-that long!" you exclaimed, putting your hands on your head. Bruno and Narancia chuckled. "It's okay, (Y/n). We all sleep in late sometimes," Narancia said. "Some more than others," Bruno added, fake coughing as he said that. Narancia rolled his eyes. You let out a quiet chuckle. "So.. What are we supposed to do now? I'm super bored!" Narancia said.

Bruno sighed. "I don't know, Narancia. We'll probably just have to wait for everyone to come back," he said. You nodded in agreement, and Narancia huffed. "Can we watch TV?" Narancia asked. Bruno nodded. "Yay! I'm gonna watch more baby Yoda!" he said, plopping himself down on the couch, and watching the Mandalorian. You sighed as you walked back up the stairs, and into Bruno's room. "I wonder if he left my stuff in here," you said to yourself, looking around the room. You eventually found your clothes neatly folded on a table, along with your other belongings. 

You grabbed your things, and thought that you might just take a quick look around this room before you went back to the shitty place you lived in. "(Y/n)? Ah, so this is where you were," a voice said from behind. You turned around to see Bruno standing in the doorway, smiling at you. You put your things down, and looked at Bruno. "O-oh! Yeah, I was j-just, uh, gathering my things," you said nervously. "Why is that?" Bruno asked. You sighed sadly. "I have to get back to m-my place," you said, wishing that you didn't. Bruno walked over to you, a sad look on his face, which worried you.

"(Y/n).. I don't want you to leave, and i'm sure that the others don't want you to either," he said. Your face turned red. 'He wants me to stay? But, this doesn't make any sense,' you thought to yourself. "Listen, I might have heard what that Ava person said about your apartment yesterday, and, if it's true, then.. I don't want you to go back. It's not fair for someone like you to have to live there," Bruno said. "B-but... I don't want you to feel like y-you have to take care if me, B-Bruno," you said. He looked at you thoughtfully. 

"I want you to stay. Besides, you still need help with your Stand, remember?" he asked, stroking your cheek with his thumb once again. 'Oh yeah. I need help with those Stand things,' you thought to yourself, looking at the ground. "I... I-I guess I could stay... if y-you don't mind, o-of course," you said. Bruno was still stroking your cheek as he chuckled. "I don't mind one bit. I'm sure everyone's going to love that you'll be staying with us," he said. "O-okay.. But are you sure? I-I just don't want there to be any c-complications or something," you said.

"Everything's going to be okay, don't worry," Bruno said, taking his hand off of your cheek. You nodded, and decided that you wouldn't be doing anything with your clothes now.. or, ever. "Now, since you're staying here, how abut we get you set up?" Bruno said, leading you out of his room"We have a spare bedroom at the end of this hallway, so we can make it into your room," he said, stopping at the final door of the hallway you were in. He opened the door, and the two of you walked into the room. The walls were all white, and there was a big bed decorated with gray covers and pillows all over it. There was also a small nightstand next to the bed, with a lamp on it.

There were two more doors in that room. You opened the first one to see a decently sized closet with nothing in it, so you closed that door. You opened the next door to see that there was a bathroom in it, which looked like it was in great condition. "So, do you like it?" Bruno asked. You were smiling brightly, and you turned around and nodded. He chuckled. "I'm glad," he said. "Well, now that that's done.. I guess it's time to get your things, huh?" he asked, starting to walk out of the room. Your smile quickly faded as he said this, and he noticed the change in your mood. 

"Hey.. C'mon. It won't take long. We'll come back right after," Bruno said, walking over to you and patting your shoulder. You sighed. "O-okay.. B-but you have to promise that you won't j-judge..," you said. "Of course I won't judge! I don't care as long as we get you out of that place you've been living in," Bruno said, leading you out of the room. "O-okay..," you replied. The two of you walked down the stairs, and you had made sure that you had your room key before leaving "Heeeey! Where are you guys going?" Narancia asked, not pausing the TV. 

"It's a secret. We'll be back later though," Bruno said. You saw Narancia raise an eyebrow, but he didn't protest. Instead, he went back to watching his show. "Okay then, let's go now," Bruno said, walking out of the front door. You followed him out, and the two of you started to head to your soon-to-be former apartment.

(Okay, I tried to make this chapter as epic as possible, so I hope it was. Basically, i'm saying that I hope you guys liked this chapter! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

Complications: A Bruno Bucciarati x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now