Chapter 18

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You flopped onto the bed, this particular day had been a very exhausting one. "Man today was fun, wasn't it" Mista sighed as he finally got to relax his aching feet by sitting on the nearest couch. Everyone nodded in agreement. "Where are we going tomorrow?" You could hear the excitement in Narancia's voice as he asked the question. You shrugged. "I don't know. Bruno, where are we going tomorrow?" you asked, turning your head towards your gentle friend. "Well, if I'm correct, then we're going to Hollywood Studios," he answered with a smile. You were as excited as ever to wake up tomorrow and get ready. It'd be the first time in almost years when you'd willingly get out of bed. "What time is it?" Abbacchio's monotone voice interrupted the conversation. "Uh, I think it's eight twenty p-m," Fugo replied.

The purple haired male sighed, sitting on the pullout bed. "Guys, we can't go to sleep yet!" Narancia exclaimed, almost in a whining tone. "Why not?" Giorno questioned, leaning onto the wall. Narancia crossed his arms, and rubbed his temples, making it seem as if the answer was supposed to be obvious. "It's one of those movie night thingies! Duh!" He threw his arms into the air, earning an agitated sigh from everyone else. "Do you even know what movie it is?" Abbacchio asked angrily. Narancia stayed silent before saying "No..." You sat up in the bed, looking at Narancia. "I guess I could go watch a movie," you stated happily, resting your head on your hand. OrangeBoi's face lit up with excitement, and he instantly pulled you out of the bed. "I wanna go too!" Mista exclaimed, getting up from his seat. 

"Great, now we all have to go because we can't leave those three un-monitored." Abbacchio huffed, getting up from where he was. The others did the same thing, and started to reluctantly walk out the door. You and your two idiotic friends followed the others with the energy of someone who had just had five cups of coffee. It was almost as if you were the kids, and the others were the caretakers. "Where are we even supposed to go for this movie thing?" Fugo queried, looking around the lobby of the place you were all staying in. "It's outside! You can't miss it!" You ran ahead of everyone else and showed them the way to the little 'theater.' You sat on the ground, and instantly realized that.... something was wrong. "We don't have b l a n k e t s!" Ah, that's right, there weren't any blankets to shield your butts from the itchy grass (don't you dare say that grass doesn't do that to you).

"Narancia's right! We need blankets!" Mista yelled in agreement. You heard someone sigh, and you turned to see that the noise was coming from Bruno. "I'll go get some blankets. Don't worry, I'll be quick." With that, he turned around and headed behind a wall, almost as if to make sure no one would see him. And just like he said, he was pretty quick. In fact, it didn't even take a full minute until he was back with seven blankets, one for each of you. He smiled warmly as he handed each of you a blanket, and everyone instantly wrapped themselves in the one they were given. Bruno chuckled as he sat next to you, wrapping his own blanket around himself loosely. "What movie do you think will play, (Y/n)?" Bruno asked, turning his head to you. You simply shrugged, not exactly knowing what was gonna play. "I want them to play Bolt. It's one of my favorites." You smiled as you said that sentence, remembering all the times you would watch it as a little kid.

"Well, I don't know if I've even seen it, but, I hope they play it too," Bruno responded, fixing his sitting position to being cross legged. You laughed a bit, nodding in agreement. Just then, a light started to flash on the screen. "Ooh! The movie's starting now!" you exclaimed, turning your attention back to the screen. You were actually very surprised whenever they started playing Bolt, just like you had wished they would. You didn't think about how it happened though, you just excitedly watched as the movie started, a huge grin on your face. As the movie continued, your expressions changed as different things happened. For example, if there were suspenseful moments, you would lean in closer, and watch intently. Or if there was a somewhat sad moment, you would have a sad but sympathetic look on your face. 

About half way through the movie, you felt a somewhat familiar warmth on your hand. You decided to sneak a quick glance to see that it was, as you had expected, Bruno's hand. You excepted it with happiness this time, you liked it whenever he held your hand. It made you feel special in some sort of way. You grasped your hand in his, and scooted just a bit closer to him, which made him a bit startled. But, he eventually relaxed, and even pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arm around you. And there the two of you were. He had his arm wrapped around your waist, you were wrapped up in a cozy blanket, resting your head on his shoulder, which led to him resting his head on yours. It was perfect in your eyes. You wished things would always be like this: Just the two of you, no worrying about anything else but each other. But of course, you knew it wouldn't last, so you had to savor the moment.

You carefully slipped one arm out of your blanket, and put it on Bruno's head, stroking his hair, which was surprisingly soft. He took your hand off of his head though, and stared at you, making you look back at him in confusion. His eyelids were half closed, but you knew he wasn't tired. He started to lean in, like he had done that day before this vacation, and your eyes started to go wide again. He got closer and closer, until finally..... He connected his lips with yours.

(Ayyyyy Bucci Gang! Did ya'll miss me? Probably not. That's okay! Anyways, enough about that, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

Complications: A Bruno Bucciarati x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now