Wing Span

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This is my first ever story so I apologize if it's rubbish.

I don't own any of these characters or the artwork on the cover.

Michael, Lucifer, Raphael and Gabriel. The four archangels, who served their father without question, we're now tasked with looking after the Lord's newest creation. A brand new generation of angels had been created.

Michael already knew what it was to care for someone younger as he had always taken it upon himself to look after his fellow archangels. He looked down at these new creations and knew that he would care for them the same. Lucifer had not experienced the same responsibility that would be required to look after these young angels but he saw that they were made in the image of their father and he knew he would love them as much as he was able. The younger archangels were the most apprehensive in the face of this task. Raphael viewed himself as a warrior who lacked the ability to care and nurture. Whereas, Gabriel could not understand why anyone would trust him with such an important task. Both feared that they would disappoint their father due to their lack of ability yet they all took their assigned fledglings to begin training.

Gabriel looked down at his assigned fledglings, he had Anna, Uriel, Balthazar, Hester and Castiel. He decided that it was time to get things started so he stood in front of them and introduced him self.

"Right okay then my names Gabriel and I'm the one who's going to train you and teach you everything you need to know " he smiled down at the younger angels who were all sitting in front of him staring not saying anything.

"Ummm... Okay then," He said trying to fill the silence "first things first we need to work on your flying so everyone pair up and we'll get started." The younger angels started to shuffle around finding a partner while he started planning a small course for them to try in his head. He had started to get an idea of what he was going to do when he felt a light tap on his leg, he looked down to see, a black haired blue eyed, Castiel staring up at him.

"I um d-don't have a partner." He whispered in a low voice.

Gabriel laughed at the other angels shyness

"No problem you'll just have to go with me." He gave the Angel a wink which earned him a small smile in return.

"Right okay everyone before we start flying high up were just going to fly a few feet in the air, now in your pair one will fly and the other will remain on the ground so if the other one falls you can catch them so no one will get hurt." He gave a reassuring smile to the group who were beginning to look nervous.

"So the basics of flying just do as I say and you'll be flying in no time. Okay so first stretch out you wings as big as you can." Instructed Gabriel stretching his own wings to show them how it's done.

Before now the young angels had their wings tucked away so this was the first time Gabriel had seen them.

Balthazar had golden brown wings that practically glowed in the sunlight, Uriel had deep brown wings that reminded Gabriel of chocolate, although that might just be his sweet tooth talking, Anna's wings a deep shade of red almost like blood, Hester had bright wight wings that were almost painful to look at because of their brightness and finally Castiel had pitch black wings that stretched farther than all the others like they were too big for his body.

All of their wings were beautiful and Gabriel just stood there for a few seconds admiring them before snapping back into reality.

"Right good job so now, with out leaving the ground, I want you to flap both your wings at the same time to show that you have good co-ordination." The young angels nodded and begun flapping their wings. Now seeing as they hadn't really used their wings before it took them a while to get their wings synchronised but they soon got the hang of it and were ready to take to the air.

"Okay are we ready? Now remember angels on the ground look out for your partner in case they fall and angels in the air just take it easy and keep your wings moving if anyone is having any trouble just let me know." All the angels nodded and prepared for the exercise. Gabriel turned his attention to his partner Castiel who was staring at the ground and shuffling his feet.

"Hey relax you'll be fine I'm going to be right here so you have nothing to worry about just remember what I taught you." He smiled at the Angel who just nodded at the him without looking up.

Castiel gave a small sigh of trepidation and began beating his wings. Slowly he began to rise off the ground and fly up past Gabriel, who smiling encouragingly up at him, where he remained beating his wings rhythmically for a few moments before making an attempt at landing which resulted in him lowering a few centimetres and falling the rest of the way.

"That was great Castiel we just need to work on your landing and you'll be perfect." Despite himself Gabriel felt proud that his young Angel had grasped flying so quickly.

Gabriel turned to the rest of the group to see how they had gotten on.

"So how did everyone do? Anyone fall out of the sky?" Gabriel asked getting the groups attention.

"Uriel almost fell but he caught himself however the look on his face was priceless he looked like he was going to wet himself." Balthazar exclaimed blatantly ignoring the glare he was receiving from the embarrassed looking Uriel.

"Hey, hey be nice flying can be tricky," Gabriel scolded trying to stop a smirk from creeping onto his face, "what about you girls how did you get on?" He turned to Anna and Hester who were giggling slightly at Balthazar's story.

"Uhmm neither of us fell but I had some trouble landing so I came down a bit wonky." Anna stated, clearly she was quite confident because next to her Hester was just staring at her hands not saying a word.

"Well you did some great work today guys I'm very impressed with your flying so go get some rest and we'll practise some more tomorrow." The angels all nodded looking tired from today's work and they walked towards the rest area talked quietly amongst themselves until they became too tired and had to rest.

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