It's Time

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"So what was it like!?" Balthazar breathed heavily as he trained with his brother.

"Earth!? It's changed so much! You should have seen it was... Wondrous." Castiel lowered his blade and smiled at his brother.

"Haha, you sap!" Balthazar laughed and arched his blade downwards.

Castiel was able to block the blow and stuck out his tongue at Balthazar. This was one of those rare times that these two were able to just spar and talk without worrying about the archangels or their duties.

"Whatever, your just jealous because you haven't left heaven." Castiel snickered as they continued to spar.

"Shush up... You just... You just got... lucky... OKAY I YIELD!" Balthazar panted heavily and dropped his blade in defeat.

"Awww... Is Balthy tired?" Castiel teased.

I... Hate... You." Balthazar continued to pant.

Castiel just laughed and exited the arena. Balthazar followed having regained his breath.

"So what have you got now?" Balthazar caught up to his brother.

"Grace training." Castiel sighed.

"Oohh not fun. If it makes you feel any better I have my shift watching over earth." Balthazar sympathized.

"Ha, good luck with that." Castiel smiled.

"Yeah you too." Balthazar laughed.

They both went their seperate ways to fufill their duties. Grace training was run by one of the older angles and was basically going over the same exercises over and over until you had perfected them. It wasn't the worst thing to be stuck with but it was quite tiresome. However, Castiel seemed to be picking things up quickly.

By now everyone had been fully assimilated and was fulfilling their duties without question. Also any hope of finding Gabriel or getting Lucifer back had been merely forgotten and a paranoid Michael was continuing to train them for an unknown threat.

Castiel was going through some simple grace exercises when everything went dark. The clouds above had gone black and began to rumble with thunder. A superior angel appeared to inform everyone that there was to be a an announcement that everyone had to attend. Michael stood on the stage in front of all the angles who were waiting anxiously for the news.

"Angels. As you are aware we have been training you to counter any hostile threat that may be presented to heaven. Well now we have had reports that Lucifer has created a creature of his own. One of made of pure hatred and sin, he created them to kill and torture human souls. This is his revenge. This is what you will be defending heaven against. These creatures are impure, we must not let them tarnish heavens purity. This is your purpose, this is your duty, do not fail your home or your father." Michael spoke with no gap and every angel hung onto his words.

They all knew that I was just a matter of time before Lucifer made his move and now it had come they all had purpose. Everything was falling into place as foretold.

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