Crowning Glory

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"Come on, come in its the big day! Move yourselves!" Gabriel was being his usual overexcited self this morning.

Thankfully, seeing as this was the day of the final, he wasn't the only one excited. Everyone got up instantly and began giving the two finalists some pep talks. Hester and Uriel went over to Anna and spoke to her softly.

"They're plotting against me I know it." Balthazar whispered to a sleepy Castiel.

Despite his fatigue Castiel managed a small laugh at his brothers paranoia. This small laugh surprised Balthazar who was not used to seeing this clear display of emotion from his younger brother.

"Aren't you going to plot against Anna?" Castiel knew that Balthazar would do something in preparation for this final.

"Ah yes, good point but either was it's rude." Balthazar continued to stare at the others, trying to hear what they were saying.

Castiel just rolled his eyes at his nonsensical brother and went over to Gabriel. Gabriel was standing at the edge watching over earth, it's a place where he can calm himself down and just relax. And seeing as his relaxation was going so well a tiny angel was able to approach unnoticed.

"Gabriel..." Castiel spoke quietly so he wouldn't scare the archangel.

However, he failed and Gabriel jumped visably.

"Cassie! Don't do that. You'll be the death of me I swear." Gabriel panted ruffling Castiel's hair.

Castiel smiled slightly and began to bat away Gabriel's hand.

"Sorry I was just wondering how much time we have. Balthazar is getting edgy waiting here." Castiel explained pointing over to Balthazar.

Gabriel looked over and saw that Balthazar was staring at the other three angels, not moving nor making a sound.

"Yeah that is a bit weird. Anyway we have about twenty minutes so find a way to distract him or something." Gabriel found the way Balthazar was staring to be creepy and he thought that the other angels would agree if they were to notice.

Castiel nodded and was about to leave.

"Oh, hey wait! I forgot to ask. Are you okay after yesterday's incident?" Gabriel felt stupid for forgetting a thing like that.

Castiel just nodded and bounded over to Balthazar ending his staring competition.

Castiel refused to let Balthazar resume his creepy staring thing and dragged him off to spar in the little arena. Hester had also dragged Anna off to spar in a open space leaving Uriel who decided he would go and help Balthazar.

"Woah, hey enemy spy!" Balthazar yelled, pointing his blade at Uriel.

"Take it easy. I am here to assist " Uriel put his hands up in surrender.

"Hmm... What do you think, can we trust him?" Balthazar turned to Castiel who had been watching the entire performance.

"Hmm... I don't know he may report back to Anna." Castiel went along with his brothers charade.

"What? You guys are being stupid!" Uriel wasn't sure what was going on buy he knew that they were messing with him.

"Stupid?! Please. We were clever enough to see through your act of deception!" Balthazar was really getting into this now loving the look on Uriel's face.

"Ugh... Whatever! You guys are morons!" Uriel stormed off, back to Anna and Hester.

"Hahaha, that was awesome did you see his face!?" Balthazar doubled over, his entire body shaking with laughter.

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