Accidents Happen

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With the first round of the tournament completed all of the angels had two days to rest and recover. Personally, Gabriel was ecstatic with the days off umpiring those matches had been so boring so today he was determined to do something fun with his angels. However, his young angels had another idea.

"What?? I don't want to get up I'm exhausted!" Balthazar complained when Gabriel tried to get him up.

Balthazar's complaints stirred the other angels who began to sit up begrudgingly.

"What's going on?" Hester yawned still looking tired.

"I wanna do something but you lot are being lazy that's what." Gabriel pouted.

"I want to do something!!" Anna jumped up grinning widely.

"Yeah, I'm bored come on you guys," Uriel added looking over at Balthazar.

"Ugh, fine." Balthazar groaned sitting up.

"Whooo!!" Anna and Uriel yelled hugging Balthazar.

"Haha, okay what do you want to do?" Gabriel laughed as Balthazar pushed his siblings off of him.

"Let's go flying!!" Anna suggested jumping up and down.

"Okay, what do you guys think?" Gabriel asked looking at each of the angels.

Seeing as all of them had now mastered flying the task had become more enjoyable and the angels now found the experience of flying fun. This meant that when flying was suggested all the angels nodded their heads leaping up off the floor. Well, all except Castiel who was still lying in the ground staring at the sky.

"Hey! Cassie have you heard a word we've been saying?" Uriel asked flicking his brothers head.

"Yes of course I have," he replied slapping Uriel's hand away, "flying sounds fun." He added sitting up and stretching his arms.

"Whoo let's go!" Balthazar jumped into the air and ran over to Castiel.

Balthazar grabbed Castiel's outstretched arm and yanked him to his feet. Due to the fact that Castiel was a)still tired from yesterday and b)not expecting his brother's sudden action meant that he lost balance and fell onto his front. Despite themselves, all of the other angels laughed at their brothers fall. However, after a few seconds, their laughter died down as Castiel was still on the floor clutching his arm.

"Cassie, what's wrong?" Gabriel asked rushing over, a concerned look on his face.

"I-I'm okay." Castiel lied not wanting to cause a fuss.

"Shut up, no your not you've gone pale. So what's wrong?" Gabriel repeated bending down to look at Castiel.

He really had gone pale, his skin had almost no colour and he had begun shaking slightly. The others had come over to see how he was, they all looked worried especially Balthazar who I guess felt guilty.

"M-my arm." Castiel uncovered him arm for Gabriel to look at.

Gabriel slowly rolled up Castiel's sleeve to reveal a bruised disfigured arm.

"What's wrong with it?" Balthazar asked looking slightly nauseous at was his actions had done.

Balthazar's sudden question made Gabriel jump slightly causing Castiel to wince and hiss in pain.

"Sorry but I think your arm is broken." Gabriel rolled Castiel's sleeve back down.

"Can you heal it?" Castiel asked the pain clearly shown in his eyes.

"Sur-" before he could finish Gabriel suddenly found himself in front of his three older brothers.

"What's going on?" Gabriel was anxious to get back to Castiel and his other angels who were undoubtedly worried about both their brother and their mentor.

"We have come to an agreement, you are not to heal Castiel he must heal naturally to prepare for the future." Michael informed him.

"But he's in pain, that's not fair and what about the tournament he won't be able to participate like this!" Gabriel protested.

"I'm sorry but these are our orders if you disobey your angels will be taken out of your care." That was the last thing Gabriel heard before he was zapped back to his angels.

"Gabriel! You disappeared what happened?" Anna ran over dragging Gabriel back over to Castiel who was still sitting on the floor.

"I had to speak to Michael and the other archangels, I'm sorry Cassie but I can't heal your arm." Gabriel expected Castiel to be angry or at least question why, but he just nodded remaining silent.

"What do you mean you can't heal it?!? He's in pain you have to heal it!" Balthazar erupted looking both concerned and angry.

"Balthazar calms down its okay I'm fine." Castiel said quietly stopping Balthazar from going into a full-blown rant.

Balthazar sighed and sat down next to Castiel.

"I'm really sorry Cassie I didn't mean for this to happen I promise." Balthazar clearly felt bad for what happened.

"I know, its okay accidents happen." Castiel responded by giving his brother a small smile.

"I'm sorry as well Cassie but I'm just not allowed to heal you I wish I could." Gabriel at this point disliked his brothers for not allowing him to help his angel.

"It's really okay I'll be fine, promise." Castiel was beginning to feel uncomfortable with all this attention.

"I may not be able to heal it but I can at least patch it up, come here." Gabriel walked over to Castiel and began to make a makeshift splint for his arm.

After a few minutes of tinkering Castiel's arm was secure and hurting a little less.

"Okay, Cassie that's the best I can do, try not to move your hand too much and do not bash your arm against anything because that might displace it and it will take even longer to heal, okay?" Castiel just nodded still looking pale but he had stopped shaking so that was something.

Everyone else had taken a seat on the floor, the thoughts of flying now long gone, as they tried to cheer up their injured brother. Unfortunately, Castiel was clearly in no mood for any of this as he remained silent and stared at the ground. Gabriel decided that Castiel needed to be left alone for a while.

"Okay, Cassie you need to get some rest, doctors orders." He commanded herding the others away to give him some peace.

Gabriel cast one last look at Castiel, trying to get comfortable with his undoubtedly painful arm, and his heart twinged in sympathy as he led the other angels away.

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