Lazy Day

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Gabriel towered over Balthazar wanting some answers.

"Well? Come on then Balthazar what do you have to say?" Gabriel asked in a harsh whisper so not to wake Castiel.

"Well, we were both excited about the new creatures and I wanted to see is Cassie could teleport me down with him." Balthazar remained calm and collected despite the glare from Gabriel.

"Is that so? Well your actions caused a lot of trouble up here and caused Cassie to become unwell, I hope you understand what you've done." Gabriel said sternly looking down at his angel.

Balthazar just nodded and looked at the ground in shame. Feeling he had put his point across Gabriel sighed and smiled at Balthazar.

"Your more trouble than your worth you know that?" Gabriel ruffled the small angels hair.

Balthazar smiled cockily and winked up at his older brother. However, his smile quickly faded as he looked at his unconscious brother.

"I-I didn't know that would happen, I didn't mean it. He'll be okay won't he?" Balthazar looked concerned for his younger brother, the guilt weighing on him heavily.

"Hey come on. This is Cassie he'll be fine. And you know he won't blame you" Gabriel smiled reassuringly at Balthazar.

Balthazar just nodded again, still staring at his brother.

"What do we do now?" Anna piped up, unsure what to do with herself.

"Well the tournament is tomorrow so that means training!!" Gabriel yelled and laughed when the angels groaned.

"Do we have to?" Uriel whinned.

"Yes. Come on it could be worse now pair up and spar." Gabriel ordered ignoring everones complaints.

Surprisingly, Hester and Anna where not working together today. For the sake of keeping the peace I guess, Uriel and Hester where a pair and Anna and Balthazar where a pair. At least this meant that there would be no arguements today. Gabriel watched as Anna, being the superior fighter, gave Balthazar a few pointers on his movements.

All the angels kept working with Gabriel watching over them for a good few hours before they began complaining again.

"Come on Gabriel we're tired we need a break." Balthazar repeated for the third time now.

"Ugh fine! You can have a break." Gabriel gave in unable to take the consistant nagging any longer.

All the angels cheered and flopped to the floor.

"You know everyone else will beat you if you don't train." Gabriel pointed out wanting to stem this lazy lot.

"Yeah but it's basically just us in the tournament now, tomorrow we may just be fighting eachother." Anna countered making herself comfortable on the ground.

Gabriel just sighed knowing hat he wouldn't win this. They all sat in a circle talking about the events of yesterday.

"So why were Michael and Lucifer fighting?" Hester asked in a small voice.

"Those two are just big kids. When they found out that Balthazar and Cassie had gone walk about they both overreacted and began fighting. They are siblings after all much like Uriel and Balthazar always fighting with one another." Gabriel explained.

"Hey we don't fight all the time." Balthazar protested, "just when he's being an idiot." He smirked at Uriel.

"Hey! Shut up." Uriel smirked back and playfully shoved Balthazar.

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