Into Your Garrisons

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"CASSIE! COME ON WE NEED TO GET GOING!!" Balthazar had made his way straight to the garden once they were dismissed.

All the angels had been told to return to their nests and for further instruction. Everyone was a bit suspicious about this new arrangement but no one dared argue. If they didn't get back to their nest soon they would miss the instructions and get into more trouble.

"Balthazar." Castiel spoke emotionlessly and stared blankly forwards.

"Cassie there you are. Come on we need to go." Balthazar smiled and tugged on his brothers arm.

Eventually Castiel let out a small smile and teleported the two of them back home. Everyone was waiting under the tallest tree in the nest, all dressed in their standard white suits and the girls had tied their hair back in sensible ponytails. Tension filled the air as no one knew what was in store and they all hoped what was next would be kind on them.


"Has every angel been placed in their garrisons?" Raphael questioned.

"Yes. I have kept the angels in uh... Gabriel's nest together. They have been through much, they need one another." Michael faltered slightly at the mention of Gabriel's name.

"Very well we should inform the angels." Raphael flapped off back to his nest to take his angels to the stadium.

"Lucifer... Go back to your angels. Take them to the stadium." Michael ordered not looking at his younger brother.

Lucifer just nodded and went to his angels. Michael sighed heavily and went to Gabriel's nest to update the five abandoned angels.

"Hello angels your garrisons have been decided. You are to attend the stadium to be placed accordingly." Michael explained, and was about to leave.

"Michael wait! I'm uh... I'm sorry for my outburst earlier." Castiel spoke quietly and looked at the floor.

"It is okay. It's a difficult time for you I understand that." Michael smiled and ruffled the small angels hair.

And with that Michael returned to his nest.

"Right. Should we go?" Anna asked looking at the group.

"I guess. Let's go meet our new training buddies." Balthazar feigned enthusiasm.

"Will we be kept together?" Hester asked quietly.

"I-I'm sure we will." Anna tried to smile encouragingly but faltered.

No one would be able to stand it if they were separated. They had to stay together or who knows what they would do.

"It's simple. If we're separated we'll protest and run away." Uriel smiled at Hester raising her spirits slightly.

"Come on let's go, we're probably late." Anna rolled her eyes and dragged everyone to the stadium.

The stadium was packed as usual but this time everyone was more nervous at the thought of leaving their nests.

"Right angels time for you to be put into your garrisons. Your names will appear on the board in order of your ranks, the highest ranking angels will oversee training and such. You will not be fully in charge but any minor problems you can deal with. Some of you will be in charge of different areas and your duties will be explained to you." Michael spoke slowly to ensure no one was confused.

The board lit up listing names, locations and rank. Everyone shuffled around trying to get to the right place. It was a bit chaotic as everyone was still a bit confused. Eventually, everyone made it to where they needed to go and began to form their ranks. The angels in the higher ranking positions had been seperated and where talking about their duties. These were the angels that weren't going to do a lot of the fighting but would still run the show from behinde the scenes. The ones that were left were basically set up like a military, you had the soldiers who would go in to battle on their superiors orders. You had the angels who were still in the field but passed down any orders straight from the top and were to obeyed and respected. Above then were the angels who made frequent trips up and downstairs relaying messages and keeping everyone in check. These ranks have been decided by the archangels who had been observing and preparing for this since day one.

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