Heaven on Earth

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This a random little filler chapter because I am brain dead so apologies.

- raddishkat333 xXx


Everyone was up nice and early this morning. In fact they were all up before Gabriel for the first time in forever. Not wanting to wake their mentor up the five angels just perched on the edge of heaven and watched the humans. Now time in heaven passes differently than on earth so even though it was only a few days for the angels the humans had been evolving for centuries and had now invented the wheel, built buildings and developed hundreds and hundreds of religions. At a guess the young angels thought that it was the year 1857BC though they may be a few years out.

Everyone was looking at different parts of the world, some were good were bad. Uriel saw a funeral as a family honoured the life and death of a loved one, Anna saw a group of friends talking and laughing together, Hester saw a wedding filled with happy faces and cheers, Balthazar saw a couple 'consummate' their relationship and Castiel saw a child playing in a field the vision of innocence. They all watched in complete fascination as the humans continued to grow and evolve before their eyes.

"Hey guys anything good?" Gabriel had woken to see his angels up already and was rather surprised.

The five angels turned around and stepped away from the edge.

"Mornin Gabriel what's the plan for today?" Balthazar asked stepping further from the edge.

"That is a good question. I have no idea." He shrugged he hadn't really planned anything.

"Right so we're doing nothing then." Uriel scowled.

"Well what do you want to do?" Gabriel wasn't going to be toldd off for not being able to read minds.

The five angels looked at eachother and huddled up. They stayed like this for a few minutes discussing activity ideas. Finally, they broke apart having made a decision.

"So what's the verdict?" Gabriel felt a bit left out but didn't say so.

"We would very much like to play in the garden." Balthazar proposed trying to sound official.

"You do know we're not technically allowed in the garden right?" Gabriel must have told them this.

"What? Joshua has never complained." Balthazar had been to the garden before and Joshua had always welcomed them.

"Yeah but every time you've gone Cassie's been with you and Joshua has a soft spot for him." Gabriel had talked to Joshua and he liked the way Cassie was genuinely interested in the plants.

"Oh okay that means me and Cassie can go!" Balthazar beamed and grabbed Cassie's arm.

He whispered into his brothers ear and with a sigh Castiel teleported them both. The garden was the same as usual but had a few newer plants that were planted by Joshua.

"Hello boys. Back for another visit?" Joshua spoke behind the two boys startling them slightly.

"Hello Joshua." They both chourused.

"Castiel how is your grace developing." Joshua remembered the last time the boys visit and looked over to the tree that still looked a bit scorched.

"It's uh okay I guess." He shrugged.

Joshua chuckled and patted the small angels head. A whoosh sound grabbed Joshua's attention, he turned around to face Gabriel and three small angels.

"Joshua appoligies for these two just barging in like that but my angels are dead set on exploring the garden if that is okay with you of course." Gabriel shot a quick glare at the two boys before smiling back at Joshua.

"These two are always welcome and of course your angels can explore." Joshua smiled and spread his arms opening the garden for them to explore.

Everyone ran off in seperate directions in order to cover more ground. Gabriel smiled at his small angels as they ran about the place.

"It must be hard to plant your flowers with all these angels stopping by." Gabriel walked over to where Joshua was also watching the small angels.

"Actually those two boys are the only ones who show up frequently and it is nice to have some company." He smiled again as his eyes followed Castiel who was watching the leaves fall from a tree.

"Well little Cassie loves it here so expect to see them alot more." Gabriel laughed.

Castiel reached up above his head and tried to catch a leaf before it the ground. The leaf spun and twisted as it spiralled downwards, he twisted his body round a bit too far and fell to the ground. As he flopped down a flurry of leaves shot into the air. He layed down on the grass as the leaves floated softly down from the sky. In this moment of tranquillity Castiel had never felt happier and he wished he could stay in the garden forever. Unfortunately, as time progressed the darkness fell and Gabriel called everyone over.

"It's time to go guys make sure to thank Joshua for his hospitality." Gabriel instructed.

"Thank you Joshua." They all choursed before Gabriel teleported them back.

That just left Castiel and Balthazar, seeing as Castiel could teleport himself, to once again thank Joshua.

"Castiel before you go I have a gift and a mission for you." Joshua smiled down at the angel.

Castiel just gave him a side ways look unsure what to say.

"I want you to take this seed and plant it on earth, that way there can be a small peice of heaven on earth it is my gift to mankind." Joshua handed the small angel a seed that would one day grow into a mighty tree.

"Thank you Joshua I will plant this." Castiel slipped the seed into his pocket and returned home with Balthazar.

When they got back everyone was getting ready to rest. As usual Balthazar groaned not wanting to rest. However, Gabriel wasn't having any of it and ordered him to bed.

"Psst... Hey Cassie. You awake?" Balthazar whispered still wide awake.

"Balthazar what is it?" Castiel, unlike his brother, actually wanted to rest.

"I'm booored. I'm not even tired."

"Well I am so shush!" Castiel did that yell whisper thing to try and shut his brother up.

"Eugh... You're no fun Cassie." Balthazar pouted and stared at the sky.

"What do you want to do exactly?" Castiel sighed giving in to his brothers pestering.

"Hmm... Let's go flying!" Balthazar exclaimed sitting up.

"Shh you'll wake the others. Fine let's go flying." Castiel gave in and got to his feet.

They both unfurled their wings and shot into the air. The night air was cool and sharp and the world below was lit up with fire and lamps. Above them the stars broke through the sky shining down on the earth below. They saw the humans sleeping in their homes and huddling together for warmth. Off in the distance they saw the sun peak over the horizon.

"Hey! We'd better get back!" Castiel yelled over the wind.

Balthazar nodded and they both changed direction heading up to heaven. They reached their nest and settled down with the others, no one had even noticed they were gone.

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