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Balthazar wasn't used to practising without Cassie to help him out, but now he was out of action he made do with Uriel. Uriel may not have had the best of luck with the tournement but he could still give some helpful pointers. After about half an hour of practising Balthazar called it quits and went to rest up before the fight. Right now Cassie would be sitting next to him giving him a pep talk or picking out the opponants weaknesses, Balthazar may lead the opporation but when it comes down to it he can't see squat. Balthazar shook his head 'come on snap out of it you have a fight to win' he scolded himself snapping out of his self pittying thoughts. Anna, Hester and Uriel made their way over not used to seeing Balthazar alone and quiet.

"You okay Bal?" Uriel sat himself next to his brother.

Anna and Hester sat on the other side giving him concerned looks.

"Yeah, I'm ready to kick some ass and get me into the final!" Balthazar smirked turning on his usual charm.

"Uh-huh. Sure you are. And the fact that Cassie has gone comatose doesn't concern you at all?" Anna raised her eyebrow not believing a word of it.

The mention of his brother's unconcious state made Balthazar wince slightly. No doubt his siblings saw and were now thinking that he had gone soft. Perfect.

"Look just leave it will you he will be fine. I know it." Balthazar said to reassure him moe than anyone else.

The others just nodded their heads and patted his back in comfort. Everyone hoped that Cassie would get better but after everything they weren't sure how much more the guy could take. Everyones thoughts about Cassie were broken when the bell sounded calling Balthazar to his fight. However, Balthazar was so wrapped up in his thoughts he didn't notice and Anna had to snap him back into reality.

"BALTHAZAR GET MOVING!" Anna yelled making Balthazar jump.

He stumbled to his feet and made his way to the arena. Malachi was already waiting impatiently in the centre. He stood up tall and confident, determination hard set in his eyes. Balthazar stood tall but was not as focused, it was clear that something was weighing on him and this was definitly going to affect the fight. The second bell sounded and Malachi was off like a shot. A partially distracted Balthazar had no chance and within the first ten seconds Malachi had scored a blow.

"COME ON BALTHAZAR! DO IT FOR CASSIE!!" Uriel's voice broke the silence and filled the arena.

This sudden outburst startled both of the fighting angels. However, this message made it's way to Balthazar and reached him. Slowly Balthazar's eyes hardened as determination sat in. Malachi was still looking over to where the voice came from and didn't realise his opponent had begun his attack. Balthazar lept in the air and and arced his blade down onto Malachi's shoulder. The blade sank into the flesh clearly hurting Malachi considerably, in this moment of weakness Balthazar managed to sneak another blow to his abdomen. The two seperated and returned to their original stances, Malachi was bretheing heavily and was red in the face. He seemed to be more embarrassed than hurt, clearly the thought of loosing was new to him and he didn't like it. Balthazar was not going to back down. It was as Uriel said he was doing this for Cassie, for all the help he had given, for all the times he had been calmed down by him, for all the times he had defended them against Michael's pompous angels and for keeping a brave face despite all he's been through. He was the first to attack aiming for a strike to the left. Malachi managed to block it with his blade, Balthazar swung out his leg and knockeyd Malachi to the floor. With one clean movement Balthazar struck Malachi's leg and the fight was over.

Balthazar swaggered out of the arena a smirk donning his lips, he spread out his arms and tilted his chin up he most definitely wanted to show this victory off. His siblings swallowed their victorious brother in a group hug and they stood there squealing and laughing for a good minute.

"Come on let's go tell Gabriel!" Anna squealed.

They bounded to the best everyone filled with joy ready to tell their mentor and their other brother the good news.

"GABRIEL WE'RE IN THE FINAL!" Balthazar yelled at the top of his lungs surprsing the two angels.

Once the surprise had died down the archangel broke into a huge grin and bear hugged the two finalists.

"Ha,ha I didn't doubt it way to go!" Gabriel beamed.

They all seperated and took a seat on the ground.

"So Anna vs Balthazar, place your bets people." Uriel smirked.

"Anna no doubt." Hester quipped, earning herself a betrayed look from Balthazar.

"I'd have to agree." Uriel agreed also getting a betrayed look.

"HEY! I got to the final on my own. She only got there cos her opponent was disqualified!" Balthazar retalliated.

"Yeah but I could have the beaten him we don't know!" Anna took Balthazar's comment to heart and was offended.

"Exactly we don't know so it could have gone either way." Balthazar raised his eyebrow in triumph.

"Yeah, yeah cut it out the pair of you!" Gabriel snapped silencing the bickering angels.

"Well whatever you guys. Cassie's on my side so meh" Balthazar stuck his tongue out at his siblings.

"Yeah but we can't actually ask him so it looks like you're outvoted." Uriel smirked.

Balthazar tried to think of a come back but came up with nothing. He opened and closed his mouth like a goldfish for a few seconds and then folded his arms across his chest.

"I hate all of you." Balthazar pouted.

"Hey what'd I do." A voice appeared behinde the group and everyone spun around.

"CASSIE! You're up!" Balthazar lept up and swallowed his brother in a hug.

"Oof! D'ya miss me Bal?" Castiel laughed hugging him back.

"Shut up will you!" Balthazar pulled back and punched him in the shoulder.

Castiel just smiled at his brother and sat down with the group. Everyone smiled, happy to see their brother up, and patted him on the back and gave him brief hugs.

"How ya doing kiddo?" Gabriel lent forward and looked the young angel up and down.

Castiel just shrugged not sure how to respond. He felt like crappy but less crappy so better maybe? But he was no where near okay so shrugging was the only way to cover it. Gabriel just looked at him and raised his eyebrow, he could clearly see it was deeper than a shrug.

"I don't know okay." Castiel whispered "It's complicated."

Gabriel just nodded understanding his brothers situation. He reclined back onto the ground and joined in with the angels convosation. Castiel was going to join aswell but noticed Balthazar sitting by himself not speaking to anyone.

"Hey what's wrong?" Castiel sat himself next to his brother and spoke softly.

"You just worried me today, that's all." Balthazar smiled, it was true all of this was turning him into a nervous wreck.

"I'm so sorry Balthazar. I didn't mean for any of this to effect you." Castiel felt terrible that this was all hindering his brothers mood.

"Hey, hey it's okay I know you didn't mean to and I'll be fine so don't worry." Great now Balthazar felt bad for loading guilt on his already drained brother.

"Hey guys time to rest!" Gabriel called from where the group was sitting.

"But it's so early. How come?" Balthazar usually complained about this but it really was very early.

"You guys need some R&R that's why." Gabriel responded.

"What's R&R? Castiel walked over.

"Rest," Gabriel pointed at Balthazar. "And recovery." Gabriel pointed at Castiel, "now go!" Gabriel ordered.

Too tired to argue Castiel walked over to rest, dragging Balthazar behind him.

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