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It only took a few more flying sessions before the young angels were able to speed through any course and dodge any obstacle. Gabriel was very proud of his little angels and as time progressed he began to truly care for them.

The young angels clearly felt the same because they had started to treat each other like a family, Gabriel was obviously the farther figure giving them advice and guidance, Balthazar was the rowdy one who believed that it was his duty to make everyone else laugh, Anna's was like the big sister trying to keep everybody calm but eventually giving in and joining them in whatever they were doing, Uriel was like the younger brother who was constantly tormented by the older brother but couldn't really do much about it, Hester was like the younger sister she looked up to Anna for advice before doing almost anything and did as she was told and finally little Cassie (it is now official everyone calls him that) who was very much part of the family but was very shy even around Balthazar, who had made friends with Cassie and are now very close, has to do the majority of the talking when having a conversation, not that Balthazar had a problem with that he could talk by himself for hours.

"Uriel stop it, let him go!" Anna shouted, snapping Gabriel back into reality, he looked down to see that Uriel had gotten Balthazar into a head lock.

"HEY" Gabriel yelled making Uriel release Balthazar immediately.

"What's going on?!" Gabriel glared at the two angels who were still shooting glares at each other.

"Uriel just attacked me for no reason, I have no idea why." Balthazar stated shrugging his shoulders.

"THAT IS NOT WHAT HAPPENED YOU HAVEN'T STOPPED TEASING ME AND I'M SICK OF IT!!" Uriel was fuming rage plastered on his face.

"Hey, hey Uriel you need to cool down and take it easy it's just a joke no need to take it so seriously." Gabriel gave Uriel a smile but Uriel ignored and sat under a tree.

Gabriel turned to Balthazar to give him a scolding however when he looked down he saw that Balthazar had walked to the other side of the clearing with Castiel. Castiel seemed to be talking quietly to Balthazar who just stood there nodding, when he had finished Balthazar sighed and walked over to Uriel.

Uriel had remained under the tree and when Balthazar approached he seemed to be suspicious about his intentions, Balthazar just sat next to him and softly. Gabriel couldn't hear what they were saying but Uriel nodded at Balthazar and stood up to talk to Castiel. Balthazar walked back over to the other three angels who had been watching what was going on.

"So Balthazar you decided to apologize I take it." Gabriel looked down at the angel who merely shrugged.

"Yeah Cassie guilted me into it." Balthazar looked over at Castiel and Uriel who had begun to walk over.

"So Uriel are you and Balthazar going to play nice from now on?" Gabriel asked, giving the young angel a pointed look.

Uriel looked over at Balthazar who shrugged his shoulders, Uriel sighed and nodded finally allowing a smile to form on his lips. Gabriel had no idea what little Cassie had said to them but Gabriel desperately needed to find out if he wanted to keep the peace around here.

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