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After the fighting incident Balthazar and Uriel had been acting more civil towards eachother which was a  start, even if they werent friends yet, it also appears that Uriel has become better friends with Castiel so it appears that little Castiel is the only thing stopping Balthazar and Uriel from attacking one another.

Minus all the tension training was coming on well, they had just started working with  angel blades. All the angels were sparring in pairs, Anna was with Hester, as usual, Castiel was with Balthazar and Uriel was stuck with Gabriel. Anna was quite skilled with a blade so spent most of her time helping out Hester who had some trouble, Castiel would knock the blade out of Balthazars hand within a minute due to his the tremendous power he possessed, his brute force dominating over his brother. Uriel was skilled enough and was advancing well, but Gabriel could beat him with a flick of his wrist if he wanted to.  

"Okay guys listen up," Gabriel waited until all four angels were looking at him "your blade work has been coming on great and good thing to because there is going to be a tournament held where you fight other angels your age to find who is the best." He beamed at the angels.

There reactions where mixed, Anna looked serious like she wanted to get this done with no slip ups, Balthazar gave his usual cocky smirk and looked excited at the prospect of fighting other angels, Uriel looked a bit nervous but also quietly confident, and finally Hester and Castiel both looked nervous at this news.

"Right then to get you ready for this I'm going to pair you guys up and I'm going to have a one on one session with each of you to give you some pointers. Castiel your with me first, Anna your with Balthazar and Uriel your with Hester." All the angels shuffled around getting into their partners and Castiel came trudging up to Gabriel looking at the ground as he did so.

"Okay then Cassie come at me with your best attack and we'll take it from there." The small angel sighed in trepidation but nodded.

They took their stances and Gabriel waited for Castiels attack. Castiel ran at him with great speed now seeing how he was only little he couldn't get any higher than Gabriel's leg so he presumed that's where he would be going for. Gabriel shifted his body defending his legs when suddenly Castiel jumped in the air and aimed for Gabriel's chest, it's safe to say that Gabriel was wasn't expecting such a tactical move from the young angel and his surprise ment he only just blocked the attack. Castiel landed on the floor just behind Gabriel and looked up at the archangel for advice.

"You know what kiddo fight like that on the tournament and you've got nothing to worry about." Gabriel stated looking down at the angel in wonder and for maybe the first time Castiel grinned a big toothy grin that streached his mouth and lit up his eyes.

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