Hide and Seek

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After yesterday's flying lesson Gabriel thought the young angels needed a rest day, seeing as at this point they were still very young, so he wondered over to the five angels who were lying down on the grass not actually sleeping but resting.

"Mornin guys," he exclaimed with a cheery smile causing the angels to stir and sit up.

"Ahh we don't have another flying lesson today do we?" Uriel complained rubbing his eyes.

"Your only saying that cos you nearly fell last time." Balthazar teased.

Uriel scowled at Balthazar with a clear look of dislike in his eyes, Gabriel made a note to watch out for those two sensing that they could be trouble.

"No, no were not going to be flying today so we can do whatever you want, does anyone have any ideas?" He asked looking at each of the angels in turn.

Uriel was still glaring at Balthazar. Balthazar was sticking his tongue out at Uriel, Hester was giggling at the performance in front of her, Castiel seemed to be staring into space lost in his own thoughts. Anna, who seemed to be the only one paying attention, raised her hand,

"Anna do you have an idea?" Gabriel asked thankful that at least one of his angels was listening.

Anna nodded her head, her bright red hair bouncing off her shoulders.

"Let's play hide and seek!" She said with an excited smile plastered to her face which I have to say did make her look her adorable.

"Okay then hide and seek, what does everyone think?" Everyone nodded looking very excited, all except Castiel who was still staring at nothing.

"Hey! Castiel," Gabriel said snapping him back to reality "hide and seek what do you think?"


"Oh come on Cassie it'll be fun you can hide with me!" Balthazar pleaded giving 'Cassie' the puppy dog eyes.

"Okay then." He whispered a small smile playing on his lips.

"Right then I'll count and you guys hide."

He saw Balthazar grab Castiel's hand and whisper in his ear clearing discussing hiding places. Gabriel closed his eyes and began to count, he heard some shuffling as the young angels ran to find somewhere to hide.

Gabriel finished counting and slowly opened his eyes sure enough all the young angels had fled and were hiding near by. Slowly walking through the trees and bushes, looking out for any movement, Gabriel searched for his angels.

Suddenly a flash of brown caught Gabriel's eye, he looked over and saw Uriel crouching behind a bush. He slowly crept over and jumped out in front of the angel.

"BOO!" Gabriel yelled startling the young angel who was the first to be found.

The look of surprise turned into a scowl, clearly he was a sore loser but hey someone had to be first.

"Aww come on Uriel you can help me find the others." He smiled down at the young angel who eventually sighed, smiled and nodded setting off in search of the others.

Gabriel resumed his search tip-toeing around for a few minutes when he heard a small giggle, coming from a small cluster of bushes, followed by some hushes Gabriel peeked over the bushes and found Hester and Anna curled up together.

"Are we the first to be found?" Anna asked upon noticing Gabriel's arrival

"Nope Uriel was the first so that just leaves Balthazar and Castiel, any idea where they went?" Gabriel asked the two girls who shook their heads.

"Okay no problem let's go find them." Gabriel smiled helping the two angels from behind the bush.

An hour had past and they still hadn't found the two angels, it was beginning to get dark so Gabriel decided to call it a day. He walked back to where he had started counting, with the other angels following behind, and cupped his hands to his mouth.

"BALTHAZAR, CASTIEL GAMES OVER ITS TIME TO COME BACK!" He yelled loud enough for them to hear wherever they were hiding.

"Wow Gabriel no need to yell, do want to deafen us?" An amused voice asked.

Looking up Gabriel saw Balthazar and Castiel perching high up in a tree. Balthazar was grinning ear to ear at his victory whereas Castiel had his usual small smile.

"Okay then wise guys how do you plan to get down?" Uriel asked looking smug believing they were stuck.

Instead of an answer Castiel jumped out of the tree.

"CASTIEL!" Gabriel yelled in a worried voice preparing to catch that idiot of an angel.

Before he had the chance Castiel's wings shot open and he glided gently down landing softly on the ground. After landing Castiel folded his wings behind his back and looked up at the archangel in confusion.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked quietly tilting his head to the side

"What?" Gabriel, shocked at what had just happened, had no idea what the small angel was talking about.

"Y-you yelled, did I do something wrong?" He repeated his head was still cocked to one side.

"Oh no not at all I was just surprised to see you jump out of a tree!" Gabriel tried to sound annoyed but just couldn't keep it, Castiel just looked too adorable to be angry at and anyway it wasn't like anyone got hurt Castiel seemed to know exactly what he was doing.

"That was awesome Cassie we make a great team." Balthazar exclaimed gliding down patting his brother on the back and laughing at his brothers shy mumbles.

"Yeah when I taught you how to fly that's not quite what I thought you'd do with it." Gabriel laughed along with all the other angels.

"Come on its getting late go get some rest we've got some more training to do tomorrow " Gabriel ordered earning a groan from Balthazar who was rolling his eyes in disgust.

Gabriel just laughed at the young Angel who had run off to catch up 'Cassie'. That nickname Balthazar had christened Castiel with seemed to suite him he may start using it himself at the very least to annoy the little bundle of feathers. Gabriel continued walking with a smile on his face at the thought of teasing his younger sibling.

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