Big Plans

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Michael, Lucifer and Raphael stood before him. None of them looked too pleased to have been called here.

"Gabriel I do not wish to leave my fledglings alone for too long, what is the matter?" Lucifer stepped forward looking concerned.

"My apologies, one of my angels is having trouble with their grace. Is this happening with anyone else?" Gabriel hoped that he wasn't the only one with this issue.

"Wait their grace is developing already? That's not supposed to happen for another few years at least which angel is it?" Michael looked worried which wasn't good news for Gabriel or Castiel.

"Uhm, my youngest Castiel. His grace began to surface earlier, he's managed to get a hold of it but he's going to have some trouble in the future." Gabriel was worried about his angel, no one's grace had ever started to surface this early.

"The angel with the broken arm? How is important in Gods plan?" Raphael questioned in his regular monotone voice.

"We cannot begin to guess our Father's plan but it is clear that Castiel is being tested for the future, you must keep an eye on him Gabriel he must have an important part to play." Michael looked at Gabriel with stern eyes it was clear that if he did not do as commanded there would be consequences.

"Of course, I thank you for seeing me. I think we should all be getting back to our fledglings now, I will keep you posted." And with that he returned to his nest to see his young angels resting next to one another.

He looked at Castiel, lying awkwardly due to his arm, and thought about what Michael said. He seemed to think little Cassie would have one heck of a mission down on earth. He continued to stare and to think for longer than he thought. He was only brought back into reality by a small hand waving up and down in front of his face. Gabriel jerked his head back to see a concerned looking Hester looking at him.

"Hey Hester, sorry I was just thinking." He smiled assuredly at her and she nodded in return running off to Anna.

"Mornin Gabriel!" Balthazar lept passed him grinning like his usual self.

"Mornin, rested up are we?" Gabriel laughed at the other angels childishness.

"Yup, I could take on anyone, name them and I'll beat em no problem!" He boasted.

Just behind him Castiel began to stir sitting up very suddenly.

"Castiel?" Gabriel looked over worried.

"Okay maybe I couldn't beat him, but still I am good!" Gabriel just looked at him and shook his head.

Pointing to where Castiel was sitting and rubbing his head, Balthazar finally understood what Gabriel meant.

"Is he gonna be okay?" Balthazar looked over at his younger brother the worry suddenly appearing in his eyes.

"Hey don't worry! He's gonna have some rough nights and a few accidents every now and then. Come on this Cassie were talking about what can't he handle?" Balthazar smiled at that the worry melting away as he ran over to see his brother.

Gabriel decided not to worry about the future for now. First things first they had a tournament to win.

"So girls how you feeling?" Gabriel looked over to Hester and Anna who were having a little spar.

"Feeling good I think I've got a good chance with whoever I'm up against." Anna smiled brimming with confidence.

Hester just shrugged looking a little nervous but she wasn't as confident as her big sister.

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