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Castiel was lying on the ground, his eyes closed, resting after today's fight. He was thinking about anything and everything completely oblivious to the furious archangel storming towards him.

"WHAT WHERE YOU THINKING? I EXPLICITLY TOLD YOU THAT YOU COULDN'T FIGHT!!" Gabriel's voice broke through Castiel's thoughts, making him jump and sit up.

"G-Gabriel I-I-" Castiel was unable to get a sentence out, completely terrified of the towering archangel.

"YOU WHAT?! THOUGHT THAT YOU'D JUST COMPLETELY IGNORE ME!" Gabriel's fury began to slowly seep away as he looked at the terrified angel at his feet.

Gabriel sighed knowing that he couldn't stay mad at his little bundle of feathers.

"You could have gotten hurt Cassie, that was a dangerous thing to do." Gabriel calmed down and crouched down next to the trembling angel.

"I-I know, I'm really sorry Gabriel." Castiel whispered so quietly that Gabriel almost missed it.

Gabriel looked Castiel over checking for any injuries. Apart from the fact that he was still trembling from Gabriel's rampage he seemed to be okay.

"So you didn't bash your arm at all?" Gabriel cradled the angel to try and calm him down.

"N-no I was careful it's fine." Castiel assured him still looking a bit shaken up.

"Well okay then that's good." Gabriel sighed in relief.

All the others walked over, just having finished their game, and looked curiously at the archangel cradling a shivering Castiel.

"Is he okay? What happened?" Balthazar ran over and crouched next to Castiel.

"I may have gotten carried away, when I found out Cassie fought." Gabriel looked slightly guilty.

After his guilt subsided he looked at the rest of the angels sending them a silent question 'why didn't you stop him fighting!?!'

"Hey don't look at us it was those two who started fighting and distracted us!" Anna pointed at Balthazar and Uriel, who were giving her looks of utter betrayal.

"HEY! Don't blame us Cassie's the one who walked off in the first place!" Uriel protested refusing to take the blame for this.

"Well, whatever I guess nothing went wrong so no need to blame anyone." Gabriel sighed.

I mean come on, if someone has to break the rules something needs to go wrong so he can yell at them without feeling bad. Castiel clambered out of Gabriel's hold and sat down next to Balthazar.

"Right, Hester and Anna your fighting tomorrow, do you guys wanna spar together while these two rest?" The girls nodded and walked to the arena. "Uriel you practice with them and get your skill level up I'll give you some pointers."

This left Balthazar and Castiel to rest.

"Hey Cassie, why did you fight today. I mean your not really one to break the rules are you?" Balthazar looked over at his brother who was picking the grass next to his leg.

"You remember Bartholomew's comments on Gabriel right?" Balthazar nodded thinking back to that condescending prick.

"Well before I got to the arena, Michael's angels were talking about how they felt sorry for us because if our mentor. They think he is immature and just a generally bad teacher so I wanted to show that were just as good as them." Castiel remained staring at the ground.

"Well fair enough I have the mind to go and punch every one of them in the face myself!" Balthazar exclaimed, earning a half smile from Castiel.

Balthazar had made it his mission to make his introverted brother smile as often as possible. So far he had gotten a few half smiles but he had yet to get a full grin, all he needed to do was find out what made Castiel truly happy.

"Hey! Let's go to the garden!" Balthazar suddenly thought.

"Are we allowed?" Castiel asked worried, he probably thought he had annoyed Gabriel enough for one day.

"Oh sure! Gabriel won't mind, and worst comes to the worst I'll take the blame okay?" Balthazar yanked Castiel up before he could reply.

Castiel liked the garden Balthazar was sure of it. All of the plants and flowers and other pretty things seemed to calm Cassie down and in all fairness he has had a long day. He thought this was the best place for Cassie to relax and maybe smile a bit who knows.

Still dragging Cassie behind him Balthazar entered the garden of Eden. The first thing you see is the sacred tree, the one thing all angels are forbidden to touch. Finally Balthazar released Cassie from his hold and let him wander off and explore. Balthazar sat down and lent on a much lesser tree watching as his brother examine every plant and flower with genuine interest. A small smile graced his lips.

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