Final Round

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Get up, get up, get up, get uuuppp!!" Gabriel yelled.

His angels all rose from their slumber, staring at the ridiculous archangel.

"Gabriel could you not be insanely energetic this early?" Balthazar moaned rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Hey! Don't rain on my parade!" Gabriel pointed accusingly at Balthazar who just rolled his eyes.

"Come in it's the FINALS!! Aren't you a bit excited?" Gabriel was buzzing his angels were going to kick ass no doubt!

"Yeah, yeah how long have we got?" Balthazar remained indifferent to the entire convosation.

"About 40 minutes." Gabriel sighed in defeat.

"What's going to happen today, will we be fighting one another?" Anna piped up.

"Uhm yeah I think. It's you three and one angel from Michael's group. So two of you will fight one another in a semi final and in the final who knows." Gabriel hoped it would be two of his angels in the final.

"So most likely one of us will win." Anna grinned.

"Yup exactly! Now ground rules, you young sir must take it easy. If you don't feel up to it drop out!" Gabriel pointed at a sleepy looking Castiel.

He just nodded in return and rose to his feet. He looked better but when he stood up he did a sway precariously for a few seconds.

"So what do we do now?" Uriel asked.

"Well it is the finals so practice, practice, practice!" Gabriel shouted making all his angels jump.

Ignoring all the glares Gabriel continued.

"Right, Castiel and Anna get fighting and Balthazar work with Hester. Uriel you can watch and add your input." Gabriel ordered and all the angels nodded and got to work.

After forty minutes of training they all set off for the stadium. Even though it was the last day and there where only four angels left everyone had come to watch who would be crowned the victor. For this momentous occasion all four of the archangels stood before them and standing towards the side of them was the four semi-finalits. On the left stood Anna and Castiel they were next to Raphael and on the right stood Balthazar and Malachi (from Lucifers group) who were next to Gabriel. Michael and Lucifer stood in the middle, being the two eldest, and as usual Michael began to speak.

"Greetings angels. We are now in the final stages of this tournament. There will be two semi finals today to decide who will be in final fight and tomorrow we will crown the winner." Michael smiled warmly down at the audience.

Castiel was pretty terrified. Everyone had come out to watch and seeing as no one else would be fighting they would have their full attention. If he lost or fell or just did anything remotely humerous he would be embarrassed for the rest of the century. He was facing Anna in the semi-finals and honestly even if he was feeling a hundred percent Anna could still beat him.

"First up fighting is Anna and Castiel both from Gabriel's group and following that is Balthazar from Gabriel's group and Malachi from Lucifer's group. Anyone is welcome to watch these fights so enjoy the day." Michael concluded stepping back from the front of the stage.

Everyone dispersed finding themselves good seats for the fights. Anna and Castiel's fight was in one hour but neither of them felt like practising seeing as it was them fighting.

"Hey Cassie you sure you're okay to fight? You still look a bit rough." Balthazar whispered in his brothers ear.

"Yeah I'm okay I'm just nervous with this big crowd." He replied telling half the truth.

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