Family Dispute

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A crash of thunder rolled trough heaven causing every angel to wake. Gabriel instantly rushed over to his angels making sure everyone was okay.

"Is everyone alright?!" Gabriel ran round in a flurry checking everyone for injuries.

"We're fine Gabriel. We're all fine." Anna tried her best to calm a panicking archangel.

Gabriel nodded and started to relax when a shot of lightening struck the ground right next to Castiel.

"Cassie! You okay?!" Gabriel ran over and started panicking again.

"Gabriel! I. Am. Fine. It missed." Castiel really was okay and just wanted the archangel out of his face.

"Oh it missed that's great. What the heck is happening up there?!" Gabriel looked up to the looming black clouds like he wanted to punch them in the face.

"Is it Michael and Lucifer fighting again?" Balthazar walked over to Cassie to make sure he was okay then looked to Gabriel.

"Yeah I think so. What are those morons fighting about now?! I had better see what's going on. Anna, you're in charge any one tries to leave slap em and slap em hard." Gabriel looked at Anna sternly and she nodded back taking on the responsibility.

Gabriel waved at his angels and disappeared to look for his older brothers. This left the five angels alone in their nest still not entirely sure of what was happening.

"Okay listen if you two disappear or fly off or do anything even remotely questionable I will kick your asses clear?" Anna glared at Castiel and Balthazar.

"Yes ma'am!" Balthazar saluted not giving Anna any confidence.

"Hey Cassie you wanna see what's going on?" Balthazar lent over and whispered into his brothers ear.

"Seriously?! Did you not hear what Anna just said?" Castiel whispered back.

"Yes course I did! Oh but come on aren't you curious? Well I'm going no matter what so you might as well give me a lift." Balthazar smirked knowing his brother would give in.

"I hate you, you know that?" Castiel sighed and rolled his eyes.

Balthazar just laughed and grabbed his brothers arm. In an instant they had left the nest and appeared in the higher clouds, these clouds were where the archangels met and were usually pure white but were now a filthy grey. They both knew that they would get into alot of trouble if they were seen so they both ducked behinde a ridge in the cloud line. Sure enough it was Michael and Lucifer who were fighting again. They had their blades drawn and were attacking one another with violent bursts of grace to accompany.

"What are they fighting about?" Castiel whispered more to himself than anyone else.

"I don't know but shouldn't Gabriel and Raphael be trying to stop them?" Balthazar pointed to where the other two archangels were standing on the side just watching the events unfold.

"Gabriel got so worked up about it and now he's not doing anything." Castiel didn't understand any of this, they were family none of this made sense.

"Do you think we should go back?" Castiel was even more confused than when he had left.

"What!? We don't even know why they're fighting! If they don't want us to know they can quit making the sky rumble!" Balthazar was sick of these two fighting and scaring everybody and then acting like nothing had happened!

"Okay, okay but it's not really our business." Castiel saw that his brother was getting annoyed and didn't want him storming up to all four of the archangels.

The fight raged on and the neither one seemed to want to relent. Eventually, Michael managed to disarm his younger brother and the two of them stood face to face with Michael's blade in between them.

"You need to stop this brother. It isn't fair." Michael looked down at his brother with pleading eyes, wanting to end this entire charade.

"Fair? What our father did wasn't fair. You know this Michael. Men are poison I am just looking out for our family." Lucifer begged his brother to understand that he was only remaining loyal to the ones he loved.

"We have our orders now get back to your angels, all of you." Michael looked at all of the archangels then vanished back to his nest.

Castiel grabbed Balthazar's shoulder and took them back home. Anna stormed over to them looking murderous.


"Hey! Don't look at me Cassie was the one who teleported us!" Balthazar defended earning a betrayed look from his brother.

"Oh please! We all know the only reason he went was so you didn't yourself killed." Uriel scoffed.

Balthazar was about to respond but had Gabriel appeared not looking too great.

"Gabriel. Are you okay?" Hester approached cautiously, concerned for her mentor.

"Yeah, just a long day is all. I think it's time everyone got some rest okay?" Gabriel tried to put on a smile but it faltered.

Everyone just nodded, even Balthazar, and went over to rest. All except Castiel who hung back.

"Gabriel? It'll be okay they're brothers they'll work it out. You'll see." Castiel patted his mentor on the knee and joined his siblings.

Gabriel just sat there with his head in his hands. He really wished he could believe his brothers words, he really did.

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