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The second day of their break started with alot less enthusiasm.

"Come on guys, get up." Gabriel tried again for the third time now.

For whatever reason the angels just did not want to get up today, maybe it was because they knew that today was a training day. However, eventually his angels began to stir and sit up well all except Castiel who, as usual, just remained lying there staring at the sky, but today no one had the heart to wake him from his slumber.

"Do we have to train today?" Hester asked rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"Yep afraid so, if you wanna do well in the tournament you've gotta train." Gabriel smiled as the angels groaned.

"Aww deal with it, come on pair up were gonna do some drills!!" Gabriel yelled feigning excitement to annoy his little angels who began to shuffle into pairs.

Anna and Hester were together as per usual, and seeing as Castiel was both injured and still completely oblivious to the world around him, Balthazar and Uriel were stuck with one another. Gabriel would have to watch those two, Balthazar still felt bad for yesterday's incident even though Cassie insisted that it was all right and Gabriel guessed that he would have no patience to deal with any of Uriel's antics of snide comments.

"Okay everyone do some simple sparring to warm up, go, go, go!" Gabriel ordered wanting to get things started.

Gabriel watched as his angels went over the basics, Anna and Hester were getting on with no trouble, unfortunately the same can't be said for Balthazar and Uriel who had begun bickering. Gabriel decided to just leave them to it and hopefully they would just get it out of their systems. Gabriel's plan soon failed as Balthazar, who was particularly on edge today, lunged at Uriel sending them both flying backwards, making them both fall on top of Castiel, who was still lying on the floor.

"Cassie!! Are you okay? I'm so sorry!" Balthazar rambled pulling Castiel by his free arm.

"Geez Balthazar, if I didn't know any better I'd say this was all deliberate." Castiel smirked, but seeing Balthazar's eyes widen he continued, "it's okay I'm fine really." Castiel smiled at his brother putting a hand on his shoulder to reassure him.

"So anyway what did I miss?" Castiel asked, noticing that everyone else was up.

"Well were um, just training for tomorrow." Gabriel explained nervously not wanting Castiel to feel left out.

"Can we take a break now?" Uriel asked pushing himself off the floor.

Castiel walked over and helped Uriel up, brushing dirt off his clothes.

"A break?! All you've done is fight and fall on poor Cassie!" Gabriel was astounded at his brothers question.

"Aww come on Gabriel were gonna fighting all day tomorrow let's take it easy." Anna pleaded giving Gabriel the puppy dog eyes.

"Fine everyone relax." Gabriel just couldn't resist their pleas.

All the angels flopped onto the floor, Anna, Hester, Uriel, Balthazar, Castiel and Gabriel all sat in a circle under a tree.

"So does your arm hurt alot?" Hester asked looking at Castiel's bandaged arm.

"It hurts alot when I move my hand or fingers but it's okay the rest of the time." Castiel shrugged clearly not wanting to cause a fuss.

"Why aren't you allowed to heal it? I mean why would the other archangels even care?" Balthazar still wanted Gabriel to heal Castiel because he could see how much pain he was really in.

"They think that Cassie should learn how to deal with this as I won't always be there to heal him." Gabriel explained still feeling a bit bad about the situation.

"Why wouldn't you be there to heal us, are you going to leave?" Hester asked fear seeping into her voice.

Gabriel looked round and saw that all of his angels looked fearful at the prospect of him leaving.

"No of course I'm not leaving its just that when your all big and grown up you won't any help from me you'll want to be able to heal yourself." Gabriel lied.

The truth was to complex to explain to them now and it might make them even more afraid so he decided to tell them when they were older, he still had plenty of time with them. There was no point worrying them.

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