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!WARNING abuse is in this story!

Do not copyright I own all rights to this book except for the pictures of the people!

Taylor (princess)~

"Brittney I'm going out today"

"Taylor you bet not be out there with them boys now you hear me!"

"Ok Brittney I hear you," I said sighing I knew where this was going

"And bring your Lil brother too"

"Oh my gosh," I said sighing loudly

"uhhhunn don't do that I gotta make sure I ain't having no fast daughters your only 15 act like it"

"I'm not your daughter," I said rolling my eyes "Not anymore," I said under my breath

"Don't give me that backtalk Taylor!" she slapped me

"Ok whatever," I said rolling my eyes and storming out the kitchen with tears forming in my eyes

"Myles come on we leaving," I said yelling for my brother to come downstairs

"ok coming"

"ok coming"

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"Hurry up Myles," I said

"Tay you know looking good takes awhile actually you don't that's why you ugly" he looked at my face

"She hit you" I looked down I changed the subject

"Boy shut up I bought that whole outfit you got on so hush" he smacked his teeth

"Where we going, Taylor"

"We going to the store real quick"

"You got some money?"

"Cause mom didn't give me no money"

"I gotchu boy now come on"  as we were walking a car pulled up to our house we turned around and saw my moms boyfriend we quickly ran before he saw us

"Hurry up Myles" I grabbed his hand and we made it to the store

"Wassup princess," the cashier said

"Hey Earnest how you doing today"

"Good how bout y'all how's ya mama"

"Brittney's high on drugs like always"

"Man stuff was so different when yo daddy was alive"

"Yea it was," Myles said

"Ok come on Myles whatchu want?"

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