Chapter 15: Can't believe my eyes.

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"Myracle, were gonna be late!" My mom yelled from downstairs. "Hold on I'm almost ready!" I yelled back. Today, we going to go meet up with my sister, Melissa. The one I introduced in the beginning of the story. Well we haven't heard from her in about 6 months, and I don't really now how but someway my mom found and contacted her and we're going to go meet her. Last thing I remember was finding out she was pregnant and then she just left home. My sister, she's real fun but can have a nasty attitude. People judge her off of her attitude instead of giving her a chance. But if you really get to know her, she's sweet, caring and a whole lot more. She not usually the type to run away from home and that's what confused me. She just left us. There's a lot of things I need to ask her, and I'm ready to see my little niece or nephew. She's 6 years older than me, which means she 23, and I'm just ready to see her. I wore a blue crop top, capris, peach sandals, and my flower headband. I flat ironed my hair and then grabbed my mint blue purse and phone. I walked downstairs. "You ready?" My mom asked. "Yea."
"So where are we meeting her?" I asked "Um at an ice cream parlor." She replied. Within a few seconds we pulled up at a ice cream shop. "So your tellin me this whole time she only lived like 20 mins away from us?" I asked cause this Ice cream place was the same one we used to go to all the time. "Myracle, idk this is where she said she wanted us to meet, don't start jumping to conclusions Na' " she said. See, this where my sister gets her attitudes from, our mama. "Okay." I said lowly cause she was already aggravating me. Soon I saw a white Mercedes pull up beside us. So this how she livin? "You gone sit in the car? Girl get out!" My momma said. "Oh y-yea , duh. " I got out the closed the door. Just then my sister got out the car and smiled at us. "Hey!" She said walking to my mom hugging her. They hugged for like a minute straight, and then she came to me. My eyes started getting watery, considering this was the first time I've seen my sister in almost a year. "M-Melissa !" I cried. The she hugged me. "I Missed you so much. " I cried even more. she was crying too. " I know, I know. " The said rocking us side to side while we were still hugging. The stepped back at me and looked me up and down. "Gah look at you, looking all grown and stuff. " She said while wiping the tears from her eyes. I chuckled, while wiping some tears from my eyes too. I looked over to my mom who looked just as sad/happy as I did. "Look at my two babies. " My mom said looking at us. We got our self together and started talking. Just then I heard crying coming from her car. "OMG ." I said putting one hand over my mouth. "Your baby, I forgot all about it!" I said looking at her back seat. I saw a car seat but I couldn't see the baby. She smiled at me, then walked to her car. Then she came back with a beautiful baby girl wrapped in a blanket in her hands. " OMG Melissa she looks just like you!" I said standing up going over to the baby. My mom followed. "Let me see my grand baby ." my mom said walking over to her grabbing her out of her hands. "What's her name?" "JaMaiyah." "aww that's so cute. " I said. "Well, you wanna go in and get some ice cream?" She asked. "Yea. " We walked in and oredered us some chocolate ice cream. When we came back out , my mom was rocking JaMaiyah to sleep. "Aww, i can already see her babysitting. " Melissa said sitting down on the bench. I chucked quietly. "Child, you better get ya baby she getting heavy." my mom said. "Here hold this. " She said giving me her ice cream. She took her baby and but her back in the car seat. BTW the car was right I front of us and the window was rolled down slightly. She came back and sat down. "You know we have a lot to catch up on right? "I asked taking a lick from my Ice cream and handing her hers back. she sighed. "Yea I know. " "Well, get to talking. " My momma said. "Ok, what y'all wanna know?" She asked looking at both of us. "Well, for one. why did you leave?" I asked. she was silent for a second. "Yea why did you?" My mom asked with a attitude. "Ok, I got pregnant and I really didn't want to hear your mouth and you was probably gonna kick me ou-" my mom cut her off. "There you go, making assumptions, I'm your mother you could've talked this out and instead of just walking up and leaving. " I nodded my head, agreeing with what my mom was saying. "What if something happened to you, what if- " Melissa cut her off. "Nothing happend to me mama. " "Yea okay , how you take care of that child of yours? How you get that car you drivin? Huh? You got some thug out here paying bills for you ?" "Ma' are you serious ?" She asked. "What it look like?" I could tell by the expression on her face she was getting angry. "This is one of the reasons why I left. You see how you do? You never let me explain things. Let me tell you something, I took care of myself when I was living with you. I'm not 19 I have a job and a man. No, he's not no 'thug' he's a real man. And that car? I worked hard for it. " "Yea okay, and what if you call 'working hard' ?"my mom asked. "I call it having a job. " " Ok, and what is that job?" She was silent for a minute. "I-I s-" "say it!" "I'm a stripper. " My mouth and my moms mouth dropped. "What the fuck did you say?" My mom asked standing up. "I said, I'm a stripper." she repeated. I haven't said not one word, mainly because I'm shocked. " I raised you better than this, and what do you do? Go out her and be a peice of shit. Out of all the things in this world you want to be a stripper?! You gone be worthless just like yo' daddy! " "mama!" I yelled causing some people to look at us. "Don't mama Me, I can't beleive this I'm gone!" She said. "Wait how am I gonna get home?" I asked. "Idk tell your sister to drive you home in the car she made with the stripper making money she got !" She said. Then she stormed off to her car. "I can't beleive this. "Melissa said. I shook my head. "I know. " "You don't think be a stripper is bad do you?" She asked me. " I mean, if that's what you gotta do then that's what you gotta do. " I said. And she nodded. "Myracle, your my little sister and you know I love you, I'm sorry that I ever left. " She said. " Li Li, it's okay no matter what you do your still my big sister and I'll always love you. " She nodded her head.
We continued on with our conversation and I found out more about her and what's she been doing the past 6 or so months. I told her about school and then about the whole august and Marquez thing. I was debating in my head if I should tell my sister about the night when we snuck into moonlight cause for 1, my sisters a cool ass person and she's the #1 person I trust besides Yana , and I know she won't tell anybody. 2, now that I know she a stripper, I wonder of she was there when i was there. but I'm not gonna ask her, well atleast not now.
"Well I think we should get going, JaMaiyah will be hungry soon and I need to get you home. " "Oh yea ok but let's take a picture. " We got some person to take our picture , then we left.

This chapter took forever to write , but hopes you liked it. ☺️
The picture up there^ is the pic that person took for them.

August wifeyy😈💘💍

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