Chapter 2

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Picture of Sandy

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Picture of Sandy

Steven's POV

Sandy (she's been my best friend since kindergarten) and I were joking around. Like always. Then I suddenly heard that Brandon dude talk about some kind of legend.

"Did you hear that?" Sandy asked after he finished. I nodded. I didn't really believe it. I think he might've made it up. You can't trust those assholes. Especially not Liam. I fucking hate him. And I never even spoke to him. That says something then.

"I don't really believe it to be completely honest." I said jokingly. Sandy smiled.

"Me neither." She replied. We both started laughing. When we stopped I put both of my earbuds in and Sandy leaned her head on my shoulder. I rested my head on hers and soon she fell asleep. I couldn't help but smile at how long we've been friends for. We never fought. And she didn't hate me even after I came out to her. I could almost feel tears building up while reminiscing about all of our time spent together. And I was really excited to go on this trip with her. I know we're gonna have an amazing time for this one week that we're here.

After some time I saw that none other than Liam was standing right behind me. He was talking to this one guy I didn't know. Then Liam sat down next to him. They were talking and I sneakily took one of my earbuds out. I couldn't hear everything, but I did hear most of their conversation. The other dude's name is Ryan and he apparently gets panic attacks. I guess he's shy and doesn't have that many friends. Maybe I should talk to him later. He's better off talking to me than that bastard Liam.

Then it came to the part where I could really tell how scared Ryan was of Liam. Liam was asking him about the rumors and it took Ryan a lot of courage to tell him everything. A big mistake. But if Liam dares to lay a finger on him I won't hesitate to get violent too. But what came out of Liam's mouth really shocked me. He said that all of those things were lies. And the worst part is that he seemed sincere. His voice didn't sound like he was lying. Was he really not that big of an asshole? Was he actually good? No, that can't be. He's a jock. Jocks are assholes. But it still fucked with my head that he seemed so sincere. But if they were all lies, who would be so evil and come up with such stories about him? Someone wanted to ruin his reputation and they were succeding without even Liam knowing it. Then he went to the back again.

"Kids, we still have 6 more hours to go, but we'll stop in half an hour." Mrs. Grimm said into the microphone. I wasn't really thinking straight anymore. Maybe because I wasn't, but also because of Liam. I don't know why I was thinking about what he said so much. I guess it just made me think about who could tell such lies if they really end up to be lies. Soon we stopped and I woke Sandy up.

"Sandy, hey, girl we pulled over. We took a break." I said lightly and she slowly raised her head from my shoulder, fixed her glasses and rubbed her eyes.

"What?" She asked, her voice still sleepy. I smiled at how ditzy she was.

"We pulled over, babe." I said teasingly. She pushed me away.

"Ew, you're gay." She joked and we burst out laughing. Then we finally stood up and got some fresh air. "We're in the middle of nowhere. Why did I agree to do this again?" She questioned as she turned to me. I laughed.

"You didn't agree. I forced you." I teased with an evil grin on my face. She lightly punched my shoulder. I pretended it hurt and she laughed at me. Then I saw him. Ryan. He was standing alone. "Come here." I said as I grabbed her wrist and started walking towards him. But then Liam showed up out of nowhere. "Uh, actually I forgot what I wanted." I lied. She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Are you hiding something?" She asked. I awkwardly scratched my neck. I really can't hide anything from her. She knows me too well.

"Yeah. So... you were sleeping and well, something happened." I started. She lightly sighed.

"I swear if it's another crush on a straight boy I'm going to kill you." She said. I immediately shook my head.

"It's not. I promise." Then I told her the whole story. She was in disbelief. She couldn't believe those things are lies.
Ryan's POV
I was just standing there on my own, like always. I was listening to 'Panic! At The Disco' when suddenly Liam approached me. Again. Twice today. I never thought he would know I existed, but he approached me twice in less than an hour.

"Hey. Am I annoying already?" He said as he came over to me.

"No. Actually the opposite. It's quite nice to talk to someone." I said truthfully. I still didn't know if I can fully trust him, but I was warming up to him.

"I can't stand my friends. They're loud and annoying and obnoxious. It just gets on my nerves. But I really like you. You're... different." He said and shot me a smile.

"Oh, really? I always thought I was forgettable. I never thought that I would ever make a single friend. Let alone a popular guy like you would talk to me." I said truthfully. Again. He awkwardly chuckled.

"But being popular isn't always nice. Sometimes I just want to be like you. Normal." He said. I wasn't expecting that answer from him. "There's the rumors that I found out about today. And then there's always eyes on you. You have to look and act your best all the time. It's exhausting. And that's why I'm glad I finally have someone to talk to that isn't popular." He said and only a second later realized what he had said. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I-"

"It's okay. I know I'm not popular. And I don't give a damn about someone's social status. I guess I just thought that all the popular kids are brats who think they're on top of the world." I said. He sighed.

"That's also another thing I hate about being popular. Everyone thinks we're all the same. We're all apparently assholes and bitches. But that isn't true. I mean, I don't know if I'm an asshole or not, but I'd like to think that I'm not." He said. I knew he was telling the truth. I could feel his pain.

"You're not an asshole. I promise you. I had my fair share of those in my life. Maybe that's why I'm so insecure." I said with a sigh. I saw his expression go from happy to sad. Did he really empathize with me? Liam empathized with me?

"Can I hug you? Or do you not like that? Or are you insecure about it looking gay or something?" He asked. I knew he meant it well and didn't want to sound offensive, but to be honest it kind of sounded offensive to the LGBT community.

"I honestly don't know how I feel about hugs. I was never really hugged." I said and he looked at me in disbelief.

"Not even by your parents?" He then asked. I shook my head as I remembered my horrible past. I felt my heart start pounding and I couldn't control my breathing. I the  started crying. I was having a panic attack. In front of Liam. How embarrassing. I was trying to hold back so he doesn't have to see me like that, but that only made it worse. Then he wrapped his arm around my neck and led me further from the group. He was thoughtful. I didn't expect that. I was expecting him to leave me there when he would see me in that horrible state. "Breathe, Ryan. You're fine." He said and I started to slowly stabilize my breathing. "I'm right here if you need help." He kept talking as my breathing was stabilizing. "You're doing amazing." He said and I felt so much better. When he noticed that I was breathing normally he used his sleeve to wipe away the tears on my cheeks and he smiled at me.

"Thank you, Liam." I said and hugged him without second thought. At first he was shocked, but then he hugged back.

"What the fuck is going on here?" I heard a girl's voice. I let go of Liam and saw none other than Becca.

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