Chapter 18

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Becca's POV
"Guys, I really don't wanna go home." I said, sad about the fact that we only have what's left of today and tomorrow and then we're going home.

"Girl, we're still gonna hang out when we get back home." Sandy said. "Unless you turn back into a bitch. Then we'll have to think about it." She added jokingly. I playfully rolled my eyes.

"I was always a bitch." I joked and she laughed.

"But for real, it's not the end of the world when we get back home. And we also still go to the same school." Sandy said with a serious tone.

"I know, but it's so beautiful here. And we've done so many things together. This is like my favorite place ever." I said truthfully.

"C'mon, don't get all touchy right now." Steven said and used his wind to push me in the water.

"Fuck you." I said before lifting myself with water. I shot water whips towards Steven. He got scared, but I froze them all right before it hit his face. Then I got back on the boat and Steven flipped his middle finger at me. "Sorry not sorry." I said jokingly and he rolled his eyes. "Don't mess with a waterbender on water." I added and he snorted.

"Fine. You win." He said and I smirked at him. The rest just laughed. In about two hours we decided to go back. It was already half past nine. When we got to the dock and tied the boat we parted ways. Sandy and I went to our cabin. It was kinda crowded because there was five of us sleeping in a cabin for four, but the rest of the girls started to like me and had nothing against me sleeping on the couch. We always just had to hope no teacher would find out. In about an hour we were all ready to sleep. The rest of the girls went to bed, but Sandy decided to stay with me in the living room a bit longer.

"I'm really glad I can count on you, Sandy." I said, sipping the tea that Sandy made for us.

"It's no problem, girl. As long as you have me you don't have to worry about gettin' killed by the crazy Kayla." She said and the thought made me sad. My former best friend wants to kill me. And she might not even be able to control that. I need to destroy that crystal ASAP and I need to save my best friend.

"I need to save her from that monster." I said and Sandy pouted.

"Yeah. That crystal is doing something bad to her." Sandy commented and I nodded. Then I touched my crystal through the shirt.

"For us it was a gift, but for her it's a curse. A neverending nightmare." I said and Sandy nodded. Then we talked and slowly drank our tea and at about 11 P.M. we went to bed. I couldn't sleep. At about midnight I decided to head out and clear my head. I went to the dock. I sat on the edge and played with water to pass the time. I couldn't stop thinking about Kayla. She must have such a hard time. Tomorrow is our last day here and we have to defeat that black magic and save Kayla. She isn't the villain. The crystal is. Then I kept throwing balls of water to see how far I can throw them.

"I knew I'd find you here." I heard a familiar voice. I immediately stopped played with water and turned my head to see Brandon standing in the distance.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked.

"Well, I was taking a walk and then I saw you." He explained.

"Oh, so you followed me?" I asked and he scratched his neck.

"Uh, yeah kinda. Sorry about that." He said, walking closer to me. "Can I sit here?" He asked. I hesitantly nodded and he sat down next to me. So he followed me, but still didn't see me literally make water float? That's amazing.

"So... why exactly did you come after me?" I asked and he awkwardly chuckled.

"I've been thinkin' 'bout you. You know, what you said." He said and looked at me, a sad look in his eyes. "About that secret? That you can't tell me anything about?" He added and my mouth formed and 'o' shape.

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