Chapter 3

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Picture of Kayla

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Picture of Kayla

Becca's POV
We just got out of the bus because we're taking a break. I don't know why I wanted to do this. Oh, right. To get away from my dad.

"Bec, hey, are you listening?" Kayla asked as she tapped my shoulder. She's the only other cheerleader that decided to come along so the two of us are stuck with all of the jocks. But Liam's there so it isn't that bad. I looked at her.

"Sorry, I was daydreaming." I said. She grinned at me.

"Did you think about him again?" She lightly nudged my shoulder with her elbow. I rolled my eyes. I mean I did really like Liam, but he's not all I'm thinking about. I still have my own life.

"No, not this time." I said and he grin faded. She seemed disappointed. "Bitch, I can't think about him 24/7. He doesn't even like me." I said truthfully. Sometimes I just convince myself he's gay. That way I think he doesn't like me because I'm a girl. Not because I'm not his type.

"Yeah, it's sad. You'd be perfect together." Kayla said. I rolled my eyes.

"We would, but I'm not so sure I'd date a rapist." I said. It's true though. He's also very probably a playboy. When I looked around our group he wasn't there.

"Brandon, where's Liam?" I asked. He shrugged. "Does anyone else know?" I asked and all the boys shrugged as well. I was getting so annoyed. I decided to let it go for now. Just forget about Liam. My only crush ever. There's no way I'm gonna forget about him. Not even for a second. "Damnit. Where is he? Where did he go?" I got angry.

"Calm down, girl. He'll come back." Kayla tried to calm me down.

"Well, he's been acting off lately. And today he had to go away from us to cool out. He talked to some loser jerk. Is that loser really better than me?" I questioned angrily. I saw her roll her eyes. That really got me mad. "Don't roll your eyes at me, bitch." I said and ran to the restrooms. I don't know why but I just wanted to cry. I locked myself into a stall and started crying. Goddamn I'm such a dumbass. I'm crying over literally nothing. I suddenly got pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door of my stall.

"Is anyone in there?" A girl's voice asked. She sounded young. Like a student. I then accidentally loudly sobbed. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I said. I mean I was fine. I didn't even know why I was crying.

"Look, it doesn't matter what happened a good cry will make you feel a bit better. Crying always helps me. And if it's just because of a boy, then save your tears. He's not worth it. He's an ass and you should forget about him." This girl comforted me. Who is she? I don't even know her, yet she still comforts me. Soon she left. That's when I got out of the stall and calmed myself down. As soon as I exited the bathrooms and got outside where everyone was hanging out I noticed Liam. And he was hugging this one loser. What?!

"What the fuck is going on here?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. They let go of each other and looked at me. Liam had a look of shock on his face, while the other guy's expression was unreadable.

"What do you want, Becca?" Liam asked, annoyed. I chuckled.

"I want to ask you if you're gay. So, are you gay?" I asked. I wanted to know. "I don't have anything against gays, but really Liam? This guy?" I added and that's when he got angry.

"Okay, first of all, I am not gay. Did you think I'm gay just because I hugged another guy? So guys can't hug without being called gay?" He asked, obviously angry. I shrugged. He raised an eyebrow at me. Well, he ain't gay. That's what I learned.

"I don't know if that makes someone gay. I just don't see guys hug often." I said truthfully.

"And secondly, this guy has a name. His name is Ryan and honestly he's a better friend than all of my other friends. And that includes you." He said, getting even angrier. I was offended. He didn't even like me as a friend?

"So all the time you're hanging out with us, you're faking to like us?" I asked, my heart breaking at those words.

"I didn't say that. I'm saying that all of you can be annoying and I sometimes need a break from you guys. And honestly, I'm glad I met Ryan. I know he doesn't trust me because of all the shit that's been told about me. But those are all lies and I hope he can trust me someday." Liam confessed. Those were all lies? So he didn't rape anyone? And he never beat his mother up? I guess he isn't bad if those are all lies.

"I-I do trust you. I p-promise." Ryan said quietly. What's with him? Is he scared of me? I kind of started to feel bad for the poor guy.

"You two, leave the guy alone." A boy said. I turned around and saw it was that gay guy and his best friend coming towards us. Great. More people coming. That's what we needed.

"We ain't doing anything." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Two most popular students in school around him. Sure. Let me believe you." He said. I rolled my eyes again. He's so annoying.

"Okay kids, let's move on. We still got a long trip ahead of us." Mrs. Grimm said suddenly. Everyone started going back on the bus, but I wasn't satisfied.

"I'm sorry, Bec. But until you get rid of that horrible personality I don't think I can talk to you." Liam said and he walked away. He motioned for Ryan to follow him. Soon the gay guy and his friend left too. I was left there alone. Those words broke me apart.

"Bec, let's go." Kayla tapped my shoulder and snapped me out of my thoughts. We got on the bus and Liam was sitting next to Ryan. I sat back in my seat, feeling sad.

"Yo, Liam, don't you wanna sit with us?" Brandon asked. Liam stood up and looked at him. Then his eyes landed on me.

"I'm good here in the front." Liam said and sat back down. I couldn't help but feel responsible for him not wanting to sit with us.

"What's with him?" Kayla asked. I shrugged. I pretended not to know anything. I think for now it's better like that. But am I really that unbearable?

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