Chapter 20

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Steven's POV
"Okay, so this is the plan." I spoke up as we sat back down. "At about 3 Brandon will go get Kayla and lead her to us. I'm so glad you decided to join us right before this. It makes things so much easier." I explained, looking at him. He flashed me a smile. "Just say that you wanna go for a walk with her. Something like that. You'll come up with something you're a ladies man." I smirked at him.

"Back to the plan." Becca said, annoyed. I laughed at her comment.

"So... we'll wait in the diamond cave for Brandon to show up with Kayla. Sandy, you'll also be with us, but when Kayla shows up you'll have to hide. I just want you there to help if one of us gets injured." I looked at Sandy and she nodded. "We know that she'll fight back, so first we gotta weaken her and then when she's on the ground we can destroy the crystal." I finished explaining and everyone nodded. Then we stood up and group hugged.

"Let's do this." Liam said and I smiled at him. When we let go Sandy and Ryan were talking and so were Becca and Brandon. Then Liam turned to me and grabbed my hands. "Steven, I'm so glad that you came into my life. I-I really like you. One could even say I love you." He said with a shy smile on his face. I wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him.

"I love you too, Li." I said, pressing my forehead against his. Then I pecked his lips once again. "We're gonna do this. I know we will." I encouraged and the we looked at everyone else. They were also finishing up with their little converstions.

"It's 12. We have three more hours." Ryan spoke up and I lightly nodded.

"Guys, what do you think of the idea that we go chill to our favorite place for two hours?" Becca asked.

"The boat?" Sandy asked for confirmation and Becca nodded.

"Bec, you're a genius. Let's go." Liam said and we went to the dock. We untied the boat, got on it and Becca got us to the middle of the lake.

"Wow. This is absolutely amazing." Brandon said, his face filled with amazement. "You have magical powers. That's so awesome." He added and I laughed.

"I know. We're pretty awesome." I joked and Brandon chuckled.

"Can you... maybe show me your powers?" Brandon asked us boys.

"Uh, sure." I said and with the help of wind I made big waves in the water.

"Woah." Brandon said, amazed with everything he saw. Then Ryan stood up and shot fire out of his fist. Brandon still had that same look. Then Liam made a little stone platform come out from the bottom of the lake, that he destroyed soon after. "You guys are so amazing." He said, a big smile on his face.

"Yep." I simply said, playfully teasing. Soon it was 2 P.M. and we had to get ready. We got back to the dock and then we parted ways with Brandon. Becca kissed his cheek.

"Be careful around her. She's dangerous right now." Becca warned him and he nodded.

"I know. I'll be careful. We'll be there in about an hour." Brandon said and I nodded. Then we went to the forest and hid in the diamond cave.

"It's crazy that this is the place where it all started and our adventure in this camp will end here as well." Ryan said and I nodded.

"Yeah. It's been such an adventure. And I'm glad it was with you guys." I said and they smiled at me. We passed the time by talking about our time here. And then soon we heard Brandon's voice. "They're coming." I whispered and motioned for Sandy to hide. When Kayla was there we came out of the cave and she looked at Brandon.

"You bastard!" She shouted out. She tried shooting black magic at him, but Becca was smart enough to fill a bottle with water from the lake. She took a bit if that water and froze Kayla's hand.

"Honey, the show's here." Becca teased and Kayla looked at us. Her eyes were completely black. That definitely wasn't Kayla. Then I used my wind and try to blow her into a tree, but she managed to block with her free arm. Then Ryan went full fire mode, Becca turned her arms into water and Liam became a golem. I created a ball of air and sat on it. Kayla then destroyed the ice on her hand.

"You can't defeat me!" She said, but that wasn't her voice. It was deep and sounded like a demon's voice.

"Okay, you're going crazy girl." Becca commented. Ryan started repeatedly shooting fire at her. She kept dodging and then the worst possible things happened. He accidentally hit Brandon. Brandon fell to the ground and I rode on my ball of air to him.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He lightly nodded.

"I'll be fine." He said. I made a big ball of air and trapped Brandon inside.

"You'll be safe in there." I said and he nodded. Then I turned to Kayla. I noticed that her back was turned towards me, since she had to focus on the other three. I looked around and saw a stone wall that Liam created. I used my wind and blew her into that wall. Liam created two more walls around her and cornered her.

"You're done." Liam said.

"You think so?" She asked and then used a big shot and hit Becca in the stomach and she went flying backwards. She would've hit the wall of the cave, but I was quick to create a wall out of air and saved her. She fell to the ground and in a few seconds she was back where Kayla was. Then Ryan lit his arm on fire.

"Don't try anything. Understood?" He threatened and she looked to the ground. Then we all put our arms out and aimed towards Kayla's crystal. When we all hit it at the same time it went flying out of her chest and Kayla went unconcious. Becca jumped to her side and Liam went to the crystal. He stomped on it until it was in a million tiny pieces and then it disappeared into nothing.

"We did it." I told them. Ryan smiled at me. I released Brandon from the ball that I created and helped him up. Ryan ran to see how he was doing.

"Where did I hit you?" Ryan asked.

"My chest, but it isn't bad. I'm fine." Brandon reassured him. Sandy then walked out of the cave and we all went to where Becca was.

"Kayla? Kayla, please wake up." Becca cried, shaking Kayla. Then Kayla opened her eyes.

"W-What happened? Bec? Brandon?" Kayla asked.

"Do you remember anything?" Becca asked.

"I remember a monster. I had magic. And you too." Kayla explained. She knows then. Becca explained our powers to her and she explained what happened.

"But you have to keep our secret." I spoke up and Kayla nodded.

"I-I'm really sorry for attacking you." Kayla apologized.

"It's fine. That wasn't you." Becca reassured her. Then she helped Kayla up. And we led Kayla to her cabin. "I think you should calm down. Get back to your senses before we go back." Becca said and Kayla nodded. Then she went to her cabin. "I think we should go to the beach for the last few hours here." Becca suggested.

"Yeah. I've already packed anyways so I'm cool with it." Brandon said.

"Same." I spoke up.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Sandy asked. Then she grabbed Ryan's hand, Bec grabbed Brandon's and I grabbed Liam's hand and we walked to the beach. We went on the dock.

"Well, that concludes our adventure on this campsite." Liam said and I nodded.

"It was fun." I said.

"I made a bunch of new friends." Becca said and I smiled at her.

"Bring it in guys." Sandy said, opening her arms. We group hugged.

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