Chapter 19

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Becca's POV
I woke up when everyone else was already in the kitchen. I went into the kitchen and Sandy smiled at me.

"Ready for today?" She asked, asking it like a normal question, but I knew she meant the Kayla thing.

"Uh, yeah." I said, eventhough I wasn't ready at all.

"Get ready and then we'll go visit the boys." She said and I scratched my neck.

"Uh, you go on your own. I'll catch up with you later. I promised someone I'd meet them first thing in the morning." I said. I was gonna meet Brandon and then go meet the others with him.

"Oh, okay." She said, shocked. I knew she grew suspicious as to why I'm meeting someone mysterious on the day that I have to focus on defeating the evil. Soon she was ready to leave. "See you later, guys. And, uh, see you soon, Bec." She said and I waved. Then I got ready and went to meet Brandon. I knocked on the door of his cabin. John opened the door. He was shirtless and had a towel around his neck.

"Hey, Bec. I wasn't expecting you to show up here." He said with a smile on his face.

"Well, here I am. I actually came to see Brandon." I said and then looked at his body. "And... put a shirt on. You're sexy and all but I don't need to see your pecs right now." I joked and he laughed.

"Well, I like showing off." He said, still the same smile on his face. "Brandon! Bec's looking for you!" John shouted.

"I'll be out in a minute!" I heard Brandon yell from inside.

"I'll just wait here." I said and he winked at me. Then he went back inside. And soon Brandon was standing at the door. He planted a kiss on my cheek. Then he put out his hand and I grabbed it. He closed the door and we made our way to the boys' cabin.

"I'm nervous." He said. I shot him a big smile.

"I felt the same way when I found out about that hiking trip and that I'd have to spend the day with them. I was shitting myself." I said truthfully. "But look at me now. I'm best friends with them." I added and he pouted.

"Well, you are also connected to them by those powers you have. I'm not connected to them in any way." He said, a sad tone in his voice.

"I'm sure you'll do fine." I reassured him, squeezing his hand. Then we were in front of their door. I knocked on the door. In a few seconds Liam opened the door. His eyes went wide. Then he looked down where I was holding his hand.

"Bec, seriously? You decided to go with him anyways?" He said and then gave me a look that said 'did you forget about the secret'.

"Let us in. Then I'll explain." I said and he rolled his eyes. He hesitantly let Brandon and me inside. We went into the living room, where Ryan was sitting on the couch and Sandy's back was turned against his chest and he had his arms wrapped around her and Steven was sitting alone, but soon Liam awkwardly sat next to him. He didn't want to do anything to indicate that they're a couple in front of Brandon, but little did he know that Brandon was already aware that Liam's bisexual. Brandon sat down on the couch and I sat on his lap.

"Why is he here?" Steven asked.

"And, Bec, why are you sitting in his lap?" Sandy asked.

"We're... together." I said and smiled at Brandon. Everyone gave me those same looks that Liam did just a minute ago.

"And what about... you know." Ryan said.

"I-I know. About everything." Brandon spoke up. I mentally facepalmed. I thought I was doing the talking.

"You told him?!" Liam got mad.

"No! I mean, yeah, but he figured it out himself first." I said, ashamed.

"Bec, did you forget about being careful?" Liam asked, obviously angry at me. "Great, now he knows about our secret. So much for our supportive group." He added. Then Brandon spoke up again. "You know about that Steven's gay. And he's a homophobe. He might as well just shout out that the fag has superpowers to the world."

"I'm not a homophobe." He said.

"And what about all the offensive shit about gays that I heard you say when I was still hanging out with you?" Liam asked.

"I... I only said those things to fit in with you guys. I didn't fucking know that you're bi!" Brandon defended himself.

"Oh, so you told him that as well. Great. What happened to trust?" Liam got even angrier.

"Liam, I wanted to make sure that he isn't a homophobe so I told him about you two and he assumed you're gay so I corrected him." I said, ashamed. I've never felt this uncomfortable in my life.

"Guys! Back to the story." Sandy stopped the fight.

"Okay. I couldn't sleep last night and went out. He was also outside and well, he saw me playing with water on the dock. But he promised our secret's safe with him." I explained and Ryan spoke up.

"I hope so. This is a big thing and we can't let the whole world know." Ryan said.

"Well, how this is going Bec might just show the whole world by the end of next week." Liam said angrily.

"Li, babe, stop." Steven tried to calm Liam down, but I was done being quiet.

"What the hell did I do to you, Liam?! I told you that he promised not to say to anyone! Can't you chill?!" I got angry as well.

"I'm not mad because Brandon knows about our powers!" He shouted and I felt a bit better. "You wanna know why I'm mad?" He then asked. I nodded.

"Yes. I'd like to know that." I said.

"Because you outed me to someone else! That's messed up, Bec! It's not your place to tell someone about my sexuality!" He shouted out. I looked at the ground. I did mess up badly.

"Liam... I'm so sorry. I know you're insecure about your sexuality. I shouldn't have said anything to Brandon. Fuck!" I got angry at myself. I really did hate myself for that. I really hurt Liam. He was brave enough to tell us a few days ago and then I go and ruin everything. I stood up and was ready to leave.

"Bec, where are you going?" Brandon asked.

"I feel absolutely horrible. I want to be alone. And I'm sure Liam would be glad if he didn't have to see me." I said and looked at Liam. He frowned. Then he walked towards me and hugged me.

"Bec, I'm sorry for getting mad at you. You messed up, but I shouldn't have gotten that mad." He apologized.

"Don't apologize. I deserve it." I said and Liam gave me a dirty look.

"I wanna slap you just because you said that." He said. "You just know how to push all my buttons." He added and laughed. Then he turned to Brandon. "You promise to keep this a secret?" He asked. Brandon nodded.

"Just one question." Brandon spoke up and everyone looked at him. "Which powers does each of you have? Apart from Bec." He asked.

"I've got earth, Steven has air and Ryan fire. And Sandy knows because she was with us that day, but she didn't get any powers." Liam said and Brandon nodded.

"Yep, now I'm satisfied." He said. Then everyone else stood up.

"Okay guys, you gotta beat Kayla today." Sandy said. "I believe in you. You'll be able to do it. I know it." She added. "After everything I saw I just know that you'll do it. And Brandon and I will be there for you if you need help. Right, Brandon?" She looked at him and he nodded. "Great. Then we're set. Let's win this!" Sandy encouraged us and then pulled us into a group hug. Brandon stood there awkwardly at first, but then Steven and I pulled him into the hug as well.

"You're one of us now." Steven said to him. A wide smile built on Brandon's face. He got exactly what he wanted. He was one of us.

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