Chapter 15

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Ryan's POV
I was getting pretty angry at myself that I couldn't aim correctly with the fire. It always seemed to be going everywhere but the direction I wanted it to go in.

"Ryan, what's up?" Sandy asked as she approached me.

"I can't aim!" I got angry. She grabbed my arm.

"Calm down, baby. It's fine." She said and I shook my head.

"It's not! I need to learn to control my fire!" I kept shouting. Then water hit my free arm.

"Well, then you gotta meditate. You just caught on fire." Becca said. I calmed down.

"You're right. I'm sorry." I said. Then I stood straight, closed my eyes and focused on my fire. After a few minutes I could feel it going through my body. I soon started to lead the fire in me towards my skin. I felt the fire escape from inside of me. I knew I was on fire, but that's what I wanted to achieve. I need to be aware of when I catch on fire. That's the first step to self control. Then I opened my eyes and I was able to stop the fire. I can control it. Finally. Then I saw Liam and Steven arrive on the dock. They tied up the boat and Liam put his arm around Steven's waist. I stood up and walked towards them. "What's going on here?" I asked. They both smiled at me.

"Well, Liam and I might be together." Steven said with a wide smile on my face. Then he kissed Liam's cheek.

"Okay, lovebirds. You finally figured out that you read each other's signals completely wrong." Becca spoke up and the two boys awkwardly scratched their necks. Sandy just laughed at that.

"Yeah, yeah. Rub it in our faces." Liam said, annoyed. Becca laughed and then stood in the middle of them.

"Now you gotta work." Becca said and pushed them from the dock to the shore.

"Or we could try out our skills in battle." Steven suggested.

"Or we could do that." Becca said.

"Okay, so, Becca and I and Ryan and Steven." Liam said and we nodded. Becca and Liam went first.

"The first one to end up on the floor loses." Sandy explained. Then she whistled and the battle started. Liam was the first to attack. He took a stone and threw it at her, but she was quick to make shield and push the stone back to Liam. Liam managed to make a wall out of stone to block what was coming for him. Becca used that chance and made a big ball out of water and threw it at him. When Liam removed the wall he saw a ball of water coming towards him, but he managed to dodge it. Then he raised Becca high up in the air. She then made a lot of water rise and froze it. Then she slid down the slide out of ice. She then proceeded to throw ice spikes at Liam. He dodged all of them. Then he started running towards her. He stopped in front of her. Then he trapped her feet when he made stones rise from the earth.

"You're going down." He said. Then he took a stone from the ground and slowly made her go lower to the ground. Then she finally fell.

"Liam wins!" Sandy shouted out. He then freed her and helped her up.

"You were also good." He said.

"Thanks, but you're better." Becca said. He wrapped his arm around her neck and they walked towards Steven and I.

"Your turn." Liam said. I was terrified. What if I accidentally lose control and hurt Steven? Sandy the whistled and the game began. Steven was first to attack. He first used wind to blow me a bit further away from him. I managed to keep my balance. Then he attacked with an air whip. I created a shield from the fire to protect myself. I then used my free hand to attack him. I continuously shot fire at him, but he kept dodging everything. Then all of a sudden I couldn't come to my senses anymore. I felt that feeling when I was meditating and I couldn't stop it. I lost control. I got more aggressive and my attacks kept coming towards him. I knew he'd get tired soon. He also tried attacking a few times, but I managed to block. I knew that Becca, Liam and Sandy were talking, but I only heard muffles. I shut everything out. Then it happened. I hit Steven in the shoulder. He dropped to the ground and I used that chance to approach him. I towered over him. I created fire from my hand and I was ready to finish him.

"Ryan!" I heard Sandy's voice. I shook my head and came back to my senses. I quickly figured out what I was doing. I stopped my fire and backed away from Steven, who was laying on the ground, struggling.

"Oh my god, I did it again. I lost control. And I thought I could control it." I said. Sandy was trying to grab my hand, but I kept backing away. Soon I was on the dock, still backing away from Sandy. I didn't realize that I was getting closer to the edge of the dock. I soon fell in the water. I noticed Becca spring into action. She rose the water and I was soon back on the dock. Sandy jumped to my side and hugged me.

"Ryan, you can't expect to have full control of it in a day." Sandy said.

"But the rest can already control themselves. And I don't wanna hold us back." I said. Then the others came to us. I looked at Steven. "I'm so sorry, Steven." I apologized. He smiled at me.

"It's fine. I'm not hurt too bad." He said. His shoulder was a bit red. It wasn't burnt, but a bit red. "We're here for you." He said with a shy smile on his face.

"Thanks guys." I said. "But now I really have to get back to work. I at least wanna get my powers under control today." I said as I sat down on the ground and closed my eyes.

"You can't change him." Becca said.

"I heard that." I spoke up and they laughed.

"Maybe I wanted you to hear that." She added and laughed afterwards.

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