Chapter 10

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Steven's POV
We got to the camp. Then we split up.

"So we meet at the beach at sundown?" Liam asked. The girls nodded. Then him and Ryan started going to our cabin.

"Babe, you sure you'll be able to deal with the burn on your own?" I asked Sandy. She smiled at me.

"I won't be alone. Becca said she's coming with me." She said and I looked at Becca.

"Oh. You're going with her?" I asked for confirmation. She nodded.

"We're the first ones back anyways. We're alone on the whole campsite." Becca spoke up. I smiled. Then I hugged them both and met up with the boys.

"So, now we got this book. We're gonna make good use of it." Liam said, looking at the book.

"Yeah. We need it. We need to learn about our powers." I said.

"But mostly I have to learn quickly. I can't control my powers." Ryan spoke up. I patted his back.

"Don't pressure yourself. We'll get through it together." I comforted him. "Anyways, are you now together? With Sandy?" I asked him, a devilish smirk on my face.

"Uh, we're not official. I'd like us to be, but I don't know if she's ready for commitment." He said. I winked at him.

"Believe me, she is. I saw the way she was looking at you ever since you met. She's my best friend. I know her best. I mean, we both got a crush on someone at about the same time. So yeah." I said. That's when I noticed Liam look away from the book and look at me. He had a smirk on his face.

"Who's the lucky guy?" He asked while playfully punching my shoulder.

"Like I would ever tell you." I joked. Get the hint and kiss me, asshole.

"I thought you said that we're cursed to be best friends for life." He teased. I looked at the ground, trying to hide my face. He lightly chuckled. "We're here, Idiot." Liam said in a joking manner. I finally looked up and got in the cabin.

"Should I cook something, guys?" Ryan asked.

"Sure, but be careful. You know, 'cause of the whole firebending situation." Liam said. Then I walked in the kitchen.

"I'll help you. Just to be here if things get out of hand." I said with a smile on my face.

"Well, then I'll help as well." Liam chimed in.

"O-Okay. What do you wanna make?" Ryan asked.

"Uh, what do we have?" I asked and Ryan looked in the fridge.

"We have... eggs." Ryan said with a disappointed tone.

"Oh, that's fine. We'll just have eggs." I said. I walked over to the stove. I wanted to turn it on, but Ryan grabbed my hand and pulled it away.

"Let me try lighting it." He said. He wanted to try his powers out. I backed away and grabbed Liam's wrist, pulling him away as well. He smiled at me as I made contact with him.

"What are you smiling at?" I asked, annoyed. He was so confusing.

"Nothing in perticular. I'm just happy." He said. What does that mean? Then I focused on watching that Ryan doesn't hurt himself. He was concentrating right now. Then he put his hand out. I hope he doesn't hurt himself.

"Find... my inner passion." He said to himself. Then he produced fire out of his hand. He was able to produce enough to light the stove and then he stopped.

"Oh my god, that was awesome. You were able to stop yourself." Liam said happily and we hugged.

"Maybe this won't be so hard. I think I can get used to having a fire power. It's good for pranking people." He joked and we laughed.

"But we can't use our powers in public yet. They're too unstable and people would easily see us using them if they get out off hand." I got serious. The boys nodded. Then we ate our eggs and soon the evening came around. We went outside to the beach and in about ten minutes the girls showed up.

"Hey guys. Did you miss us?" Becca asked.

"Not at all actually." Liam joked. I snorted at that and the girls gave him dirty looks. "At least you found it funny." He said and winked at me. Just kiss me, goddamnit.

"The other girls weren't excited when they came home and saw Becca in their cabin." Sandy spoke up. Understandable. No one actually trusts her. Then I looked at Sandy's hands. They're wrapped up.

"You wrapped your hands up." I commented.

"Yeah, just to make sure I don't get an infection." Sandy said. Then Ryan walked up to her and grabbed her hands. He rubbed his fingers over them.

"I'm so fucking sorry. I really lost control." Ryan apologized once again.

"Hey, Ryan. It's fine. I'd die for you." She said and kissed him. I'm so happy they're happy. I can't say the same though. I'm in love with a boy that's probably straight, but somehow keeps giving me signs without his knowledge. Or does he do that on purpose? If he does he's a real asshole.

"Okay, the boat's ready. Let's go." Liam then said and we all got on the boat. When we made it to the middle of the lake we stopped. Becca decided to work on her waterbending.

"Bec, just watch out that you don't hit us." Liam said and Becca nodded. "And we gotta watch out that no one sees her waterbending." He added and we nodded. I turned to Sandy and Ryan.

"So, are you official?" I asked, giving Sandy a signaling look.

"Uh, Ryan? Would you like to be my boyfriend?" She asked him and a wide smile crept onto my face.

"Yes, I would." Ryan answered with a smile on his face. Then he kissed her.

"Aww, guys. That's so cute." Becca spoke up as she was making a ball of water. Then she shot it at a tree. "This isn't so hard. Guys, we got this." Becca said and we all nodded. "I think I have to be the fastest. I need to learn healing so I can help Sandy." She added.

"Don't feel pressured by me. Give yourself time. My hands will heal." Sandy said.

"Are you sure you don't want my help with that?" Becca asked.

"Don't pressure yourself. I don't know what you guys are going through, but I know that it most definitely isn't easy." Sandy said. She was an amazing support to us all.

"You know what's funny?" Becca spoke up again after a few minutes of silence. We all looked at her. "Before this trip I thought that a person like Ryan or Steven could never be friends with a person like Liam or myself. I thought we were just too good for you guys. But now we're connected by something so big and it's just so beautiful. This is friendship. This is what I never thought I'd have. And I can be myself with you guys. That's why I love you all." Becca said as she sat down in the boat.

"Stop. I'm gonna cry." Sandy said, her voice kinda cracking.

"I liked bitchy Becca more. She didn't make me feel all warm inside." Liam joked, but then side hugged her.

"Guys, can I trust you with something?" Becca asked.

"I mean, we're keeping your biggest secret. I think you can." I made a joke out of it.

"Okay. Here goes."

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