Chapter 11

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Liam's POV
"Okay. Here goes." Becca said as she took a deep breath. I was still side-hugging her and I had a feeling something bad is coming our way, so I didn't let go. "M-My dad... physically abuses me. H-He hits me with his belt... and punches me... and-" She confessed, but was cut off when she broke down crying. She cried into my chest and I hugged her.

"Oh my god." Sandy said in shock. I couldn't believe it. I met her dad. He's so sweet. I actually like him. But if this is true some things have to change.

"Your dad? Your sweet dad?" I questioned and she nodded.

"H-He's only like that when we have g-guests over. When I'm alone with him, h-he beats me up. He says that I'm a failure and that I'm only gonna be able to become a... a stripper." She confessed and I got really mad. How can a father say that to his own daughter? She kept crying into my chest, making my shirt wet with her tears, but I didn't care. She needed the support. Soon everyone else joined the hug.

"We're here for you." Sandy said quietly and Becca sniffled.

"Thanks guys." She said. Then we stopped hugging. Becca calmed down.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked her. "I would've done something about it."

"Because I really liked you. I still do. I thought that if I tell you, you wouldn't wanna date me. But now I've realized that you wouldn't date me anyways. Regardless of what I do or say." She said with a sad expression on her face.

"I'm really sorry, Bec." I said, not having anything come to mind.

"It's okay. You can't be forced to like me, just because I like you." She said. "It's time to move on." She said with a light smile on her face.

"But just know that I do like you. As a friend. But my heart belongs to someone else." I said and gave her a shy smile.

"I know." She said. I was shocked.

"You do?" I asked. She nodded

"It's obvious, you dumbass." She said, making it obvious to me that she knew. I realized that she knew.

"Fine. But don't say anything. I'll throw you off this boat." I threatened her, but she just laughed.

"I have the power of water on my side. Are you sure that throwing me off the boat will be enough to get rid of me?" She asked jokingly.

"Fine, you win. But don't say." I said, a begging look in my eyes.

"I won't." She said and smiled. Then I turned to everyone else.

"Okay, so now that we're all confessing, I'd like to confess something." I said and everyone looked at me.

"Okay. Go ahead. You have nothing to fear." Steven said. I knew that he'd be the most supportive of this. But I trusted everyone else as well.

"I... I'm bisexual." I said and I saw everyone's eyes go wide.

"Y-You are?" Steven asked. I nodded.

"I did not expect you to be part of the LGBT." Sandy commented and I chuckled awkwardly. Then I turned to Ryan.

"Ryan, I told you how I've been in three relationships." I said and he nodded. "Well, I lied. I've been in four. The three that I told you about were true though. It was just three girls who didn't even love me. They just wanted fame through me. Even though I was really in love with one of them. And the fourth relationship was with a college boy. We were together for three months. Then he broke up with me. He found someone better than me. Someone who was in his college. I was so heartbroken I thought I would never fall in love again. That relationship left me in denial about my sexuality. I didn't know if I was gay or not. I thought I was for sure gay because I never really loved anyone as much as him. And he was the first guy. I was sure I was gay. But then I thought to myself that I still wanted girls and I still really liked girls. After that I never really liked anyone. Until recently." I confessed. Becca was quick to hug me.

"Who do you like?" Ryan asked. I looked at the ground and blushed.

"I-I don't really know if I wanna tell you." I said, disappointed in myself. But Steven said he doesn't like me, so I don't wanna tell him I like him. What if it makes him uncomfortable?

"But, we tell each other everything." Sandy said.

"I know, but I really can't tell you this." I said and saw how everyone got a sad look on their faces. "It's not that I don't trust you, because I do. I'd take a bullet for you guys. But I don't wanna make anyone uncomfortable by this." I added, intentionally looking at Steven. Did he get it? I don't know.
???'s POV
I just got back on the campsite and it was starting to get dark. I suddenly felt a pull towards the forest. I left my friends behind and followed the pull. In about ten minutes I found myself in front of the diamond cave. The pull was way stronger here than back at the campsite. I didn't even hesitate to go into the cave. I followed the pull until I found myself in front of a wall, but I knew there was someway to get through it. I tried putting my hand on the wall and I walked through it. That was easy. I found myself in a room with nothing but a pedestal with a black crystal in the middle. That's what was pulling me in. I slowly approached it. When I was standing in front of it I grabbed it. The crystal started floating around me and then it landed in my chest. I felt a dark force enter my body. Soon I was producing black magic out of my hands. I have amazing powers. Then as I was getting ready to leave a monster appeared.

"I'm here to help you find and destroy the elemental warriors. They got their powers earlier today. They are the same age as you and cannot control their powers yet. If you attack them while you're still here, you'll win for sure." He monster said.

"You'll help me?" I asked with an evil smirk on my face.

"Yes." It answered. "Is there any chance you know who they could be?" It asked me.

"I think I have a guess." I said. I feel really bad that I'm gonna have to kill my best friend, but their job is to destroy me, so I have to destroy them first.

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