Chapter 8

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Ryan's POV
"But should we tell Sandy? About our powers?" Liam asked.

"She's my best friend. I know we can trust her. She won't tell anyone." Steven said and Liam nodded. Then we exited the room. Sandy was standing there, waiting for us.

"Guys, what happened? You just went through the wall and when I tried to go through, I couldn't." She said.

"Sandy, you have to promise to not tell anyone about what we're about to tell you." Becca started. Sandy nodded.

"I promise." She said. We all looked at each other. Then we showed her the crystals on our chests. "What is that?" She asked. "Can you take them off?"

"These are the elemental crystals that give us elemental powers. And we can't take them off." Steven explained.

"You have... powers?" Sandy asked, confused.

"Yeah." Liam said and made the the ground move. Sandy's jaw dropped in shock. Then Steven made wind in the cave and Becca took water from a nearby puddle and played with it.

"Wow. That's amazing." Sandy said, amazed. "And what about you, Ryan? Can you show me your powers? I'm guessing you have fire." She asked.

"I-I'd rather not use my powers. I can't really control them." I said truthfully. Then Becca accidentally slapped me with her water whip.

"I'm so sorry. It got out of hand." She said and helped me up. Then there was a very strong wind all of a sudden. Becca, Sandy and I were on the ground.

"I guess we also don't have perfect control of our powers yet." Steven said as he helped us up. "Liam, stop playing around before you do something. Your powers could trap us in here if you're not careful." Steven turned to Liam.

"Fine." Liam said as he stopped playing around.

"You can't tell anyone about this, Sandy. We fully trust you." Steven then turned to Sandy. She nodded.

"Okay. Your secret's safe with me." She spoke up. I then turned to face her when the rest was talking about their powers.

"Sandy?" I called her name and she hummed in response, her eyes locking with mine. "Y-You kissed me earlier. D-Did that mean anything to you? Or was it nothing?" I asked.

"Of course it meant something to me. I was scared that I wouldn't see you again. And I wanted you to know that I love you." She said. My cheeks were burning and I bet I was as red as a tomato.

"Can you... kiss me again?" I asked and her eyes lit up. She connected her lips with mine. I guess in the heat of the moment I forgot about self-control and I literally caught on fire. She pulled away quickly, falling to the ground. Her palms of her hands were burned. "Sandy, I'm sorry." I said as I put my hand out, willing to help her, but she kept backing away. I was literally on fire. There was fire coming from my body. I'm a monster. That's when I ran outside and into the woods. I was so upset and I didn't notice that everything I touched caught on fire. Soon I found a small space where there were no trees, I sat down on the ground and made a circle of fire around me. I hurt the one person I love. I don't deserve love or friends.
Becca's POV
As soon as Ryan ran away we jumped to help Sandy.

"What happened, babe?" Steven asked.

"I-It's Ryan. We kissed and I think he lost control of his power. He caught on fire and my hands were on his face. I burned myself on him. And then I pushed him away. It's my fault he ran away." Sandy said and broke down.

"Don't blame yourself for that. Let's go look for him." I said and helped her up. Her palms were completely burned.

"I can't feel my hands." She said.

"Oh no. Do you maybe wanna stay here and rest?" I asked. She shook her head.

"I need to go look for him." She said, confident.

"Okay, but stay by my side. I can protect you if there's danger." I said. She nodded. I really hope these people trust me. We got out of the cave and started looking around the forest.

"I'm really worried for him." I said to Sandy. "He has the most dangerous powers and I don't want him to hurt himself." I added and she nodded.

"Where would a person with fire powers hide?" Sandy wondered. Then I noticed a tree that's on fire. I pointed to it.

"A firebender can't hide in the woods." I said, grabbed Sandy's arm and followed the burnt trees. Soon we got to a little stone part. There was a circle of fire there and Ryan was sitting in the middle of it.

"Ryan?" Sandy called his name.

"Leave me alone. I already hurt you. I don't wanna hurt you or anyone else. I'm not going from here. Everyone is safe if I stay here." Ryan said. I looked around. There was a little waterfall nearby. I decided to take a bit of water and put out a little part of the fire out. Sandy quickly ran through the hole in the fire circle before fire spread again.

"Sandy, be careful!" I shouted out. She turned to me and shot a shy smile my way.

"Ryan?" She called his name. He looked at her and slowly backed away.

"Stay away from me. I'm a monster." He said. Sandy didn't back away. She crouched down next to him.

"You're not a monster, Ryan." She comforted, but still careful not to touch him because there were still flames coming out of him.

"But I hurt you." He fired back, a sad expression on his face. Then Liam and Steven showed up.

"What's going on?" Steven asked.

"Sandy is talking to Ryan. Don't interrupt." I answered his question.

"But I'm not mad a you for hurting me. It's not your fault." She kept comforting him.

"But it is. It's my fault I can't control myself." He said and she shook her head. Then he looked at her hands. "Look at what I did. It looks horrible. That's never going to fade." He added and she smiled at him.

"I'll wear those scars proudly for you." She said and I couldn't help, but feel warm inside at how cute it was. That seemed to calm Ryan down a bit. The flames on him disappeared and so did the big circle made of flames. Sandy opened her arms for him. He grabbed her in a tight hug.

"I'm sorry." He said, wrapped in Sandy's embrace.

"You don't have to apologize for anything." She said to him, kissing his forehead. "I still love you just the same. I believe in you." She comforted. Then she turned to us. "I believe in all of you. I know you'll be able to master these powers. And I'll be right next to you, helping you any way I can." She said and Steven hugged her and Ryan. Then Liam joined the group hug. I just stood there awkwardly.

"What are you waiting for?" Liam asked. "Come here."

"Really?" I questioned.

"Of course. You're part of our squad now." He said, grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a group hug. Now I really see why Liam likes these people. They're supportive of each other in every way possible. That's what I've been missing.

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