Day 2

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Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Eating Disorder & Substance Abuse, Panic Attack

I woke up the next day to a blaring noise, ringing close to my ear. I thought it was apart of my dream, the way it faded in and out of my mind. I stirred a little more, turning on my side, peeling my tired eyes open to see Damion's hand searching for the alarm to pound it off. Rubbing the pulling sleep from my eye lids, I swung my legs over the bed and turned off the alarm myself. Damion looked over, slight confusion in his dazed eyes. When he realized it was only me, he cleared his throat and sat up in his bed. "Morning," he slurred.

"Good M-Morning." I said in return. Our room was cold, making me shiver although Damion didn't seem to notice. My roommate leaned over to read the clock, seeing that it was the ungodly hour of 6:00 am.

"You should probably shower. You'll be meeting with the Warden today as part of your first day preparations." Damion explained.

"T-T-The Warden?" I asked, my hands shaking and lip quivering. I was mentally yelling at myself, I can't be having a panic attack first thing in the morning. What will Damion think of me? He'll think I'm insane!

"Hey, hey! It's okay. Warden Sanders is a really nice guy. And it's only protocol for new patients." Damion calmly told me. I nodded my head, trying to calm down. Remembering the breathing exercise Mother always went through with me. Take a breath for 4 seconds, hold it in for 7 seconds, and release it for 8 seconds. My heart stopped racing as rapidly, the intense feeling built up in my stomach started subsiding. Damion was watching me. While it made me nervous, I think he was just making sure I didn't pass out or something. "You good?" He asked.

"Y-Y-Yes, th-thanks." I replied. Rising from off my bed, I went over to my dresser, gathering my outfit in my arms. I also grabbed my bathroom bag and rushed into the bathroom. I shut the door quietly with my foot and set all my items on the counter. Now that I was in the bathroom, I could see that it wasn't as exciting as I thought it was. The shower took up the entire left wall while the sink and toilet were directly in front of the door with a mirror looming above the both of them. I saw Damion had laid something out on the counter so I did the same. Putting my deodorant and face cream in the opposite corner of his things, showing the obvious divide of personal space.

I tried to turn the shower to the hottest setting, however upon further investigation, I saw the shower only had one setting for water temperature. I know it seems crazy, but I love the feeling of the hot water vigorously tap against my back. Nonetheless, I turned the shower nob as far as it would go. As I undressed from my pajamas and let the cold air from the room surround me, I quickly lept into the shower. I let out a shocked gasp when I felt the cool water running down my body. I finished bathing as fast as I possibly could, washing my hair and body with a new found speed.

Hopping out and wrapping myself in a towel. I was shivering so much. I threw my clothes on, going through my normal bathroom routine while still slightly shivering. As I walked out of the bathroom, Damion sat on his bed, doodling in his sketchbook. When he heard me open the door, he slammed his book shut and looked back at me. A slow smirk rose onto his face as I passed his bed to my dresser to put my pajamas away. "Enjoy the iceberg that is our shower?" Damion teased.

"W-Why didn't y-y-y-you te-tell me?!" I asked angrily, a small laugh escaping his lips.

"It's not just our shower. All the showers are pretty cold to avoid other patients trying to burn themselves." Damion explained. I sort of shrugged my shoulders in understanding. A beep came from the roof. I frantically looked around, seeing our loud speaker slightly vibrating.

"Attention patients, please head to the cafeteria!" A voice rang out. I recognized the voice as Remy's. Damion sat up, brushing off his pants and heading towards the door. My feet followed behind him. I started to notice how hungry I was. Patton and Logan also popped out of their room. Patton greeted us with a peppy smile and wave. I blushed at the sudden attention and waved back shyly. The Prince siblings bounded up behind us, Remus wrapping Damion in a surprise hug from behind.

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