Day 16

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Trigger Warnings: Mention of Trauma & Manipulation

I was picking at my lunch sat upon my tray. I wasn't interested in any of the food they put out today, but I had to eat something so the nurses would stay off my case. I had a small serving of flavorless stuffing, some broiled carrots, a green salad and a half eaten roll. The salad was okay, but they give us no dressings and the roll was slightly hard but I smothered it in butter, giving it some sort of flavor.

I personally, felt bad for Logan. He currently had his roll stabbed onto his fork and was banging it on his plate like a hammer. Damion sat himself next to me, his plate filled with salad. He pecked me on the cheek before filling his stomach. Everyone was mostly quiet today. After the events with Remus the other day, hardly anyone was locking eyes with him. I kind of felt bad, but then again, I don't think he had noticed.

We finished our food in silence, trying not to break our jaws in the process. After everyone was fed, we threw our tray atop the trash can and headed for The Healing Room. Just as we were about to enter, Damion tugged on my sleeve. I looked over and saw him pointing to the open back door. "Anyone up for a little fresh air?" He suggested.

"Never hurt anyone!" Patton shrugged, cheerfully looping his arm around Logan's and skipping through the door.

"Of course fresh air wouldn't hurt anyone. We all need air to survive!" Logan protested.

"It's an expression, Lo." Roman joked. Logan rolled his eyes as the cool outside air took hold on our skin. We snagged the table underneath the awning, usually occupied by another group of patients.

Taking our seats, we started chatting to each other. Nothing big, some small talk. I could tell, we were all getting antsy. Remus was rolling his finger tips against the table while Logan was messing with the stitch line of his clothing. I decided to take initiative, poking Damion in the side. "Tag." I whispered. Everyone immediately looked up, seeing the playful smile covering my face.

"Oh, I get it now." Damion purred. He reached out to grab me but I jumped out of my seat, hitting my back on the ground. I turned around and darted to my feet, taking off like a marathon runner. Damion had given up on me and started chasing Roman and Patton. I took this as my chance to try and get some leverage.

I ran to the edge of the fence, my back pressed against it so no one could sneak attack me. Damion managed to tag Roman. He froze, almost feeling the power wash over him. Roman locked eyes with me, a scared smile coming to my lips. He ran at me, making me squeal. I ran, full force towards Logan who was just trying to hide in a bush.

I stopped right in front of Logan. He seemed confused, but I knew what I was doing. Roman caught up to me, touching my back. Before Logan could get out of his bush, my hand slid out, touching his leg. "Tag." I said. Logan huffed, climbing out of his bush.

I ran to the other side of the hospital, seeing Patton and Damion having the same idea. I snuggled against Damion, my chest huffing and puffing from all the running. We heard a wild scream erupt from the yard. There was no denying, that was Remus.

Suddenly, Remus slid out in front of us. We all screamed in fright as he lunged at us. We split, not wanting to get tagged by him. He went running after Damion like a dog. It was kind of funny to watch but terrifying for Damion, I'm sure.

Logan was shooing us all inside. I took his offer, running in the building and dashing towards The Healing Room. I took cover under the corner beanbag, hiding under it. I knew some of the others were rummaging around, looking for a spot to hide. They must've given up because suddenly, it went quiet. I heard stomping feet approach me. I already knew it was Remus.

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