Day 10

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Trigger Warnings: Panic Attack

I sat down at our table in the cafeteria with the steam from my breakfast puffing in my face. I coughed a little bit, the smell of my over-easy eggs and oatmeal overtaking my senses. I fanned the steam away from me, catching my breath again. I lightly chuckled at myself and my stupidity. Looking up, I saw Logan giving his eggs a smirk; probably laughing at the same thing I was.

Roman landed in the seat next to me, completing our table. I began picking at my breakfast. It wasn't bad. Just the smell was starting to lower my interests in it. "So, wh-what do you g-guys want t-t-to do to-today?" I asked, deciding I've eaten enough. Patton glanced up from his food, locking eyes with me. He then turned to the others, trying to read what their expressions.

"I don't know, kiddo. The staff probably has something planned for us." Patton replied, going back to cutting his french toast. I raised my eyebrow. I don't know why, but that interaction seemed strange. Are the others meeting their parents again? Is someone having an off day? I wasn't sure, but I knew, they weren't telling me something.

"S-Something up?" I decided to ask, trying to be casual. Remus' eyes widened and his head sprung up. He looked at Damion and then at me. Remus' expression broke into an awkward laugh. I flinched back a little at his unsettling nature.

"Nothing's up. I-I-I mean, apart from the sky! Am I right, Logan!" Remus said, rather loudly. My face lowered as I got more and more annoyed.

"L-Logan, what is go-going on?" I asked, my tone getting serious.

"I'm sorry, Virgil. But that is of confidential matters." He stated, picking at his egg. I saw Damion pinch the bridge of his nose from the corner of my eye. I rolled my eyes, getting fed up with my friends. I grabbed my tray as I stood up. I threw the remainder of my food away, slapping the tray on top of the trash can. I stormed out of the cafeteria with my hands nestled in my pocket.

"Virgil! Wait!" I heard Damion call after me. I let out a sigh and waited, not looking back at him. He came up in front of me, lifting my chin to meet his beautiful face.

"W-What?" I asked sourly.

"I'm sorry they're acting like idiots. It's all my fault. Please, don't be mad at them!" He pleaded. I gave him a confused look, shaking his hand away from my chin as I pushed passed him and closer to The Healing Room.

"If it w-was your fa-fault, then w-why not s-say so-so back there?" I hollered at him. I heard his feet trail behind me. I tried to walk a little faster but he caught up to me. Damion stood in front of me, blocking the way with his body. I tried to pushed through him but he wasn't budging. I made one final effort to do so. I used my shoulder to ram into his stomach. He gasped in surprise as we both went tumbling to the floor, me laying on top of him.

I lifted my head and met his playful eyes. He was laughing. I rolled my eyes with a smirk, resting my elbows on his chest while using my hands to hold up my head. "W-What did you d-do?" I asked.

"Virgil, I know you've only been here a little over a week but, I don't care. Ever since we met, I couldn't shake the feeling I had towards you. You're super kind, funny, adorable, sweet, and everything in between. Virgil...what I mean is, I really, really like you." He spoke. My face went bright red and I could feel sweat drip down the back of my neck. He smiled at me, wrapping his arms around my back, pulling me closer.

"D-Damion, I...I do-don't know what t-to say." I replied.

"Then don't say a word." He whispered. Without another word, he pulled me into a kiss, breaking the space between us. I was so shocked, I hardly reacted. But I kissed back. How could I not? When he came apart, he was gasping for air, much like I was. "I guess, you like me too?" He asked sheepishly.

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