Day 11

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Trigger Warnings: Anaphylactic Shock & Needles

I woke up with a groggy moan, my brain felt extremely fuzzy from yesterday. I felt the dream I had last night fade from memory as everything started to flow back to me. The warmth from my body started to fade, I noticed how close to the wall I was. Wasn't Damion sleeping next to me? As soon as I finished my thought, I heard a loud snore radiate off the walls. Turning over, I leaned over the bed. I half knew what to expect to be on the ground, but I wasn't prepared for how cute it'd be.

Damion was curled up on the floor. The complimentary scratchy blanket that Remy gave me was in his arms. Damion was cuddling it. He still had his uniform on and his light makeup had yet to be wiped off. He must've been just as tired as I was.

I held in giggles as I swung my legs around Damion and onto the floor. Pushing myself up, I tiptoed to my closet and grabbed a change of clothes, along with my bathroom basket. Moving over to the bathroom, I quietly shut the door. Turning on the water, I stripped my old clothing off and waited for the water to get slightly above freezing.

Once in the shower, I quickly washed myself. Not wanting to spend excess time in the cold water, I hopped out. I put a towel around myself and put on my makeup. I didn't do much, applying a pale coat of foundation, some black eye shadow to hide the dark bags under my oak eyes. Along with brushing my bangs in front of my eyes, I considered my face bearable.

I put my clean uniform on and walked out of the bathroom. I stepped back into the room to see Damion pulling himself off the floor. He gave me a playful smile which I returned whilst putting my stuff back where it belongs. Just as I was going to turn around, Damion scooped me up by my torso. I yelped in surprise, kicking my feet while he spun me around.

"D-Damion!" I laughed. He put me back down, both of us joyfully laughing our asses off. After that, I took his hand in my own and we proceeded out of the room. For the first time in a long time, I was beaming. Actually smiling ear to ear. Damion made me so happy, I couldn't even explain it.

We walked in silence to the cafeteria, catching up with the others in line. Patton gave a perky smile, his hand shyly wrapped in Logan's. I grabbed a tray and examined the food presented in front of me. It seemed that today was some sort of omelette day. Inside each of the hot pans were different types of the eggy wraps. As I made my way further down the line, grabbing a Denver omelette, I noticed they were still serving stuff from last night.

Last night's dinner was rough to say the least. There must've been a new person in the kitchen because, nothing tasted like it usually does. But of course, there stood Remus in front of the old food, slopping vast amounts onto his tray. I don't know if I expected anything less. Remus is an anomaly. Someone I'll never understand.

Damion tugged on my arm, pulling my eyes away from our crazed friend. We walked over to our table, everyone peacefully eating. Roman had moved to where Damion used to sit so me and Damion could sit together. I don't know if Damion directly asked him to do that, but it was a nice offer nonetheless.

When I was about a third way through my breakfast is when Remus hopped back over to our table. He had an absolute mountain of mashed potatoes sitting in one corner of his tray. Out of everything from last night, the mashed potatoes were the worst. They were like glue, sticking the roof of your mouth to your tongue after a couple bites. And if you didn't spit it out in time, hopefully your stomach wouldn't be stuck to your liver or something.

We all exchanged Remus a weird look, watching as he'd take spoonfuls of the potatoes and fling them at the wall next to him. Roman rolled his eyes, letting a small smirk graze his lips. We all let Remus be, seeing as Roman wasn't panicked, this was just Remus being Remus.

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