Day 19

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Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Abuse, Mentions of Bullying

I awoke with my tongue feeling like dead weight. Everything felt fuzzy, like I went through another round of Damion's beatings. I stretched my fingers out, trying to get circulation back in my joints. I can't remember anything from last night. But from the little bit I do recall, maybe it's best I don't remember.

Roman walked into my room, shooting me a smile as he saw my awake eyes. "Morning, love." He hummed. I chuckled, making grabby hands at him. He gave over and gave me a loving kiss, rubbing his hand on my head. "Sleep okay?"

"Y-Yeah, really we-well." I said, popping my back.

"Do you...remember anything from last night?" He proposed.

"Should I?" I remarked, sounding a little concerned.

"No no. I just ask because...well, you shouldn't." He said, placing himself in his chair. "Do you want me to tell you?" I shrugged apathetically, unsure if I really should know. "Well, you had a pretty bad night terror last night. The nurses had to knock you out with anesthesia to ensure you'd get some more sleep." He told me. I nodded along, his story checking out. "Do you remember your night terror at all?"

"Bits and p-pieces." I admitted.

"Do you want to talk about it?""

"Maybe la-later" I said, taking Roman's hand. The nurse came back into the room, removing the IV needle from my hand. I squirmed a little, but Roman made sure I felt safe.

"Good news: you're all good to go. You've healed well. We'll get you some cream for your cuts that you can apply very night though." She explained. I smiled, thankful to be released from here. She continued to disconnect me from machines and monitors. Roman helped me stand on my jelly legs. The nurse gave me a clean uniform to change in to. I went into the bathroom, showering before putting on the clothing.

I felt human again; being clean and in fresh clothes. Roman waited back in my room. When I came out, he blushed. "W-What?" I asked, growing self conscious.

"You're even more beautiful when you're not in a hospital bed." I laughed, taking his hand. We proceeded out of the room, heading to the cafeteria. I was actually excited to have some "real" food in my stomach. Better than just having crackers and toast.

Grabbing a tray, I piled my plate with a pancake, bacon, and fruit. I loaded almost everything with syrup, Roman distantly snickering at me. With that, Roman and I walked over to our table. Remus, Logan, and Patton weren't really paying attention to us. I sat my tray on my table, getting all of their eyes, "I-Is this se-seat taken?" I asked.

"Only by you, kiddo." Patton said. I sat down, Roman right by my side. I ate every single thing on my plate, earning a surprised look from everyone, even Remus. I laughed, following the others to The Healing Room.

We sat in a small circle in the corner, catching up. It felt like simple times, like nothing else mattered and nothing ever will. Roman had his arm around my shoulder, cuddling me close. "Then, Mr. Oxford handed me the baseball bat, and I swung it directly into his nuts!" Remus howled with laughter. Roman rolled his eyes while I chuckled along with Remus.

"Yeah, that's how we got sent back to the foster care center for the 3rd time." Roman chimed in, rolling his eyes.

"T-Third time? How many homes w-were you in?" I asked. Remus' expression died down as he started to stare off into the floor.

"A total of seven before finally being in the one we are now." Roman huffed. "It wasn't that we were bad kids or anything it's just...we had bad parents that didn't understand the first two steps to raising children; let alone brothers!"

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