Day 4

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Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Abuse, Child Neglect, and Heavy Drinking

Breakfast was really quiet this morning at our table. Remus and Roman were hardly chatting amongst themselves, but Damion and Patton had hardly said a word. I thought maybe Patton was having an off day, but he finished every single scrap on his plate. As for Damion, he had woken up pretty quiet. I thought maybe he was just feeling bittersweet, seeing as most of the snow from yesterday had turned the grass into a water park.

As for Logan, he never showed up for breakfast. All of the weirdness started to get on my nerves. Making my anxiety spark and blast off like a rocket. "O-Okay!" I blurted, banging my fist lightly on the table. All four of the boys jumped, giving me shocked expressions. "W-W-What's go-going on t-tod-day? Why's e-everyone s-s-s-so qu-quiet?!" I asked frantically. Patton was the first to exchange a glance to Roman who shot a gaze to Remus who sent a gaze Damion's way.

I raised my eyebrow, not expecting such a struggle to tell me what was going on. Patton gently laid his hand atop mine, making me lightly jump. My nervous eyes locked with his almond shaped irises. "Sorry, kiddo. We're just a little on edge today." He said, still not giving me an answer.

"I g-get th-that b-but wh-y?" I spoke, growing slightly more irritated.

"We're all meeting with our parents today to discuss our progress." Damion spat out, his concentration focused on poking his food with his plastic fork. The others solemnly nodded.

"You see Virgil...we aren't exactly fond of our families." Remus began explaining. "Some of our parents were abusive," he said, gestering to Patton. "Others were neglectful," he pointed to Damion this time.

"And others just...weren't there." Roman finished. It all started to click together. They were all afraid of their parents. My heart started to hurt, I know what it's like to hate a parent, but to have the parent hate you for no particular reason.

"Kiddo, please don't cry!" Patton said suddenly, reaching out to wipe my tears with his thumb. I was bit shocked, I had realized I began to cry. Damion came around the table and wrapped me in a hug, Roman joining in.

"S-S-Sorry. I-I wis-wish you g-guys lu-ck to-today." I mumbled, wiping the remaining tears from my face. Damion smiled at me as he pulled apart.

"We should get going..."Roman said, glancing at the large wall clock. The others agreed, grabbing their trays and heading towards the door. I watched them throw away their trash and leave, feeling an odd emptiness fill my stomach. I looked down at my food, half eaten. I decided I was no longer hungry as I stood up and threw my stuff away.

Walking towards The Healing Room, I couldn't help but think about Mother. I really missed her and wondered how she was doing without me. I know she can get herself really caught up in her work. If it was me who was seeing her today, I'd make sure she's taking time for herself. She deserves it after having a shithead dead husband and a son like me.

I walked into The Healing Room, looking around, I saw Logan sitting in the corner at one of the chess boards. I absentmindedly walked over to join him. I seemed to catch him off guard as I sat down across from him. His focused face turned up to greet me. "Good morning, Virgil." He said, a small smile forming on his face.

"H-Hey..." I spoke shyly. I looked down at the chess board, noticing how Logan seemed to be trying to play the game by himself. "Y-You pl-play chess?" I asked.

"You say that like you're surprised." Logan scoffed.

"B-But...alo-alone?" I questioned. Logan sighed, folding his hands together on the table.

"I admit, it does look kind of silly. But nobody else knows how to play. Nor does anyone want to learn. So...I play by myself." Logan plainly said, moving a white pawn to advance a black pawn, knocking it out.

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