Day 25

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Trigger Warnings: Implied Sex, Transphobia

I sat down, putting my tray in front of me. I was still half-asleep, my eyes hanging low with pulling sleep. I was fighting to stay awake. After last night with Roman, I didn't get to sleep super easily. I was too caught up in my own head with an existential crisis about Roman and our life together after the hospital. Needless to say, getting up this morning was not a pretty feat.

Roman sat down next to me, two cups of hot chocolate in his hands. He gave one to me, setting the other one next to his tray. He kissed my temple before digging into his breakfast. Roman helped me through my crisis last night, so he's pretty tired too. Patton and Logan exchanged an odd look.

"Everything okay, kiddos?" Patton asked, worry in his tone.

"Oh...just tired, Patt." Roman assured him, rubbing his eyes. I took a sip of my hot chocolate, feeling it wash down my throat, signeing my tongue. I looked down to the other end of the of the table. The seats usually occupied by Damion and Remus were empty.

"Where are the other two?" I asked, blowing on my drink before taking another sip.

"We've haven't seen or heard from them at all this morning." Logan told us, growing a weary look as he realized what he just said.

"That's not good." Roman said, taking another bite of food.

"Well, they should together. They are roommates now, after all." Patton added. We sat in silence, trying to uncover the mystery in our heads. It didn't make a whole lot of sense. They should be here by now. A nurse would've forced them here or something.

I almost choked on my food as a new idea crossed my mind. I grabbed my hot beverage and took a sip, washing down the egg lodged uncomfortably in my throat. Roman pounded on my back as I continued, eventually feeling better. I swallowed, making sure I could breathe. "You alright, Love?" Roman asked. I turned him, fear and small tears coating my eyes.

"W-What if Damion is doing what he di-did to Remus?" I proposed. The others looked at each other. They seemed to realize how true that idea could be. We all sprung up from our seats and ran out of the cafeteria. We rushed over to The Sleeping Quarters.

I was falling behind, my shaking body not helping me run much faster. Patton and Logan lead the way as Roman slowed down for me. As we approached the corner to the rounded to The Sleeping Quarters. I couldn't shake the thought that we could see Remus, slumped against a wall, bleeding like I was.

Now facing the rooms, we could see no one was there. All of our postures straightened, shock placing itself on our faces. "What?" Logan absentmindedly spoke. We walked further down the hall, looking inside each of the rooms. The air was still, only moving because we were. I clung to Roman like a life source. I didn't know why I was still so afraid.

We got closer, I could see the name tag for the door: Remus Prince & Damion King. It was still shiny from being freshly printed. Patton poked their door with his foot, seeing he door effortlessly swing open. That was odd. The hospital always ensures that room doors are shut.

Roman was the first to move closer. He opened the door wider, allowing us to all see inside. I gasped, seeing the bed sheets astray, their curtains on the floor and things that were once a top their drawers, on the floor. "What the hell happened in here?" Logan said, asking what we were all thinking.

"Doesn't look how our room looked." I pointed out, taking out the beating option.

"Well if...if that didn't happen, what did?" Patton questioned. We all turned around as we heard the clicking of heels bound towards us. We all froze as the nurse came around the corner and saw us.

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