Day 8

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Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Suicide, Abuse, Bullying, & Depression

I woke up first the next morning. I could tell that it was pretty early, as everyone else was sound asleep. My back was stiff and my neck felt incredibly sore. When I started feeling my surrounding again, I could feel my back pressed against the floor while my neck was up against the wall. I rolled my neck, listening to it pop. I don't remember falling asleep in such a horrible position. In fact, the last thing I remember from last night was playing charades with the others before drifting off to sleep on Damion's shoulder.

Speaking of Damion, I looked down in my lap, seeing his head nestled gently on my crotch. My face flooded with a warm red glow as I slowly lifted his head, moving my lower body. I removed my jacket and clumped it on the floor, laying his head on the makeshift pillow. He snuggled into it. I waited until I heard a soft snore escape him before knowing I was in the clear. I pushed myself off the ground. The digital clock on the side of Logan's bed read, 2:09 am. I sighed, knowing I was too awake to go back to sleep.

I tip toed out of the room, passing over Roman who was leaning against Logan's bed. I lightly jumped over Remus who was sleeping in a ball like a dog. His position didn't surprise me. I opened the door into the medical wing. The hospital was quiet, which was odd considering the hustle and bustle of yesterday. I shivered, feeling the cold air hit me. I tied my hands to my hands, trying to warm myself.

My clammy feet smacked down against the floor as I walked around the medical wing. It was fairly decently sized, with fun wallpaper and large windows that looked out to a nearby highway. On the other hall were the other rooms. Many were vacant, which was a good thing. However, one room still had the lamp on. I peeked into the room through the little window on the door. My eyes watered as I saw Patton laying in his bed, starring at the ceiling.

I looked around, making sure no one was there before I opened the door slowly. Patton's head picked up, I could now see he didn't have his glasses on. "Who's there." He asked, squinting at me. His voice sounded super hoarse, like he hadn't used it in ages.

"O-O-Only m-me, Pa-Patton." I said, knowing he'd know it's me through my stutter. His eyes lit up with joy. He pushed himself up in his bed and grabbed his glasses, sliding them on his face.

"Virgil! It's so good to see you!" He said. I got closer to his bed, wrapping a gentle hug around him. He gave me one in return, releasing small sobs through his lips. I pulled apart and got a good look at him. He had bags under his eyes and his lips were cracked. He had a purple ring running around his neck with patches of dried blood in some places. He was hooked up to a heart monitor and had a HELP button on his nightstand, in case of an emergency. "What are you doing up so early, kiddo?" He asked me, scooting over so I could sit with him.

"No-Not t-t-t-tired." I said, feeling another shiver rack my body. Patton seemed to notice as he took the blanket next to him and wrapped it around my shoulders. I smiled and tightened it around me, feeling better. "W-What about yo-you?" I asked, watching his smile drop.

"I was just...thinking about...why and how I got here." He admitted. He plopped himself back into his mountain of pillows. His eyes were wandering the ceiling, searching for words to fit his thoughts. "I mean, I wasn't always so depressed and suicidal. In fact, I was never suicidal. But I guess after having that meeting with my parents the other day, I was reminded what I have to go home to and thought it wasn't worth it." He thought aloud. I grabbed his hand, placing it in my own.

"I-I-I th-thought your me-meeting went o-okay?" I questioned, trying to recall. Patton flattened his lips, shaking his head.

"They never spoke to me. I don't think they care whether I get better or not. They'll see me as a disgrace either way." He sighed, squeezing my hand a little tighter. "When I was younger, I was the highlight of their lives. They bought me a small backyard playground, which I played on all the time. We would go on family outings regularly. And were a genuinely happy family. However, all that changed when the doctors predicted I'd get clinical depression, as it ran in our family. After that, my parents turned their shoulder to me.

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